I Wonder Which Candidate Will Tackle ADOC... Slavery!


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BGOL Investor
The voters in the state should handle it, but the problem is many of them don’t vote.


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor

How many did she send to jail?

How many were sent to diversion programs?

And how many were allowed to plead to lesser charges?

Let's talk facts, not talking points.
"With the swipe of my pen..."



BGOL Investor
It would take 90% of black americans leaving both parties and becoming Independent and demanding it NOT ASKING, also taking our claims to the international court.
It would help if expats in africa and brazil stand with us but this is wishful thinking ( vote blue no matter who )


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It would take 90% of black americans leaving both parties and becoming Independent and demanding it NOT ASKING, also taking our claims to the international court.
It would help if expats in africa and brazil stand with us but this is wishful thinking ( vote blue no matter who )

I've advocated similar on here and been excoriated for it.

Dudes on here are comfortable enough to only want to operate within the existing structure. Begging the establishment to abdicate power because it's the right thing to do. Yeah right.

What you stated is exactly what's needed. I would add that people of similar status should join together but ya know what that makes you.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

How many did she send to jail?

How many were sent to diversion programs?

And how many were allowed to plead to lesser charges?

Let's talk facts, not talking points.
have u gotten any facts based response that deals directly with ur questions or not?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
"With the swipe of my pen..."

So you take a clip of an incomplete quote and think that it supports your cause?

If you're gonna tell it, tell it true

We found that rather than bragging about her prosecutorial power, Harris was discussing the importance of leaders using power responsibly because of the potential for harm if power is misused. She said that it was something she realized early in her 20s when she started work as a prosecutor.

In her 2019 speech, Harris sought to describe then-President Donald Trump as using his power irresponsibly. The viral clip ends before a crucial part of her speech.

"And I was just a lowly deputy DA," she went on to say to laughter from the audience. "Yet we have a person in the White House who holds the office of president of the United States, who does not fully, or even partially, understand what it means to have power," she said of Trump. "When you truly understand what it means to be powerful, you understand that the greatest measure of your strength is not who you beat down, it is who you lift up."

Harris had used the "swipe of my pen" rhetoric before. In 2010, she described prosecutorial power in similar terms while running to become California’s attorney general, at an event organized by Google. At the time, she was San Francisco's district attorney.

After talking about her pen swipe’s power, she added: "It is an incredible amount of power, and you want to make sure that the people who have this kind of power are taking seriously, the responsibility, in terms of understanding as much as anything the impact on the people who will be affected by that."

PolitiFact has previously fact-checked claims about Harris’ record as a prosecutor.

We rate the claim that this video shows Harris describing ruining lives with her pen False.


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
So you take a clip of an incomplete quote and think that it supports your cause?

If you're gonna tell it, tell it true

We found that rather than bragging about her prosecutorial power, Harris was discussing the importance of leaders using power responsibly because of the potential for harm if power is misused. She said that it was something she realized early in her 20s when she started work as a prosecutor.

In her 2019 speech, Harris sought to describe then-President Donald Trump as using his power irresponsibly. The viral clip ends before a crucial part of her speech.

"And I was just a lowly deputy DA," she went on to say to laughter from the audience. "Yet we have a person in the White House who holds the office of president of the United States, who does not fully, or even partially, understand what it means to have power," she said of Trump. "When you truly understand what it means to be powerful, you understand that the greatest measure of your strength is not who you beat down, it is who you lift up."

Harris had used the "swipe of my pen" rhetoric before. In 2010, she described prosecutorial power in similar terms while running to become California’s attorney general, at an event organized by Google. At the time, she was San Francisco's district attorney.

After talking about her pen swipe’s power, she added: "It is an incredible amount of power, and you want to make sure that the people who have this kind of power are taking seriously, the responsibility, in terms of understanding as much as anything the impact on the people who will be affected by that."

PolitiFact has previously fact-checked claims about Harris’ record as a prosecutor.

We rate the claim that this video shows Harris describing ruining lives with her pen False.
Taken out of context? LOLOLOL. Did she say the shit or not? Did they use A.I. for her voice and picture?

But my bad, I keep forgetting that here on BGOL, critical thinkers are not allowed to criticize our political leaders, especially if they're part of the Democratic party. You're allowed to dump on a Trumper, here. But you damn well better not look at a Demoncrat side wides.

Both parties are leading us to the slaughter. But hey, y'all can follow them blindly if you want to. But both parties can kiss my ass if they think that I'm going to follow the masses blindly.

I'm sticking by my statement: A crook and a jailer are running for the highest office in the land. Will either one address this modern slavery bullshit? Will they address this Sonya Massey (and many many others) killing with meaningful nationwide legislation?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Taken out of context? LOLOLOL. Did she say the shit or not? Did they use A.I. for her voice and picture?

But my bad, I keep forgetting that here on BGOL, critical thinkers are not allowed to criticize our political leaders, especially if they're part of the Democratic party. You're allowed to dump on a Trumper, here. But you damn well better not look at a Demoncrat side wides.

Both parties are leading us to the slaughter. But hey, y'all can follow them blindly if you want to. But both parties can kiss my ass if they think that I'm going to follow the masses blindly.

I'm sticking by my statement: A crook and a jailer are running for the highest office in the land. Will either one address this modern slavery bullshit? Will they address this Sonya Massey (and many many others) killing with meaningful nationwide legislation?


I posted the full paragraph that that clip/incomplete statement came from. In the full paragraph and full context of the statement it is clear that she understands/ understood the power she held and did not take it lightly.....

She was not boasting or bragging

I agree both parties are two sides of the same coin, however I can't sit by and let misinformation, on either side, go without correction.....

There's more context to the statement and thats important


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor

I posted the full paragraph that that clip/incomplete statement came from. In the full paragraph and full context of the statement it is clear that she understands/ understood the power she held and did not take it lightly.....

She was not boasting or bragging

I agree both parties are two sides of the same coin, however I can't sit by and let misinformation, on either side, go without correction.....

There's more context to the statement and thats important
Brother, all I asked was if any candidate would address the modern slavery issue. I said that one was a crook, and the other was a jailer. If she could have you jailed, then she's a jailer.

All of this - bring me facts stuff - was moot from the jump. She was California's Attorney General, Bro. Which to me means that she was "The Top Jailer" here in my state. I know cops who new her personally. I know convicts who she had jailed, and some she set free. But again, that doesn't answer my question: Which one of them will address modern day slavery in the prison system?

It seems that we can't even have a discussion without someone being offended, or someone taken something personal.

We don't have to agree on anything. I asked for an opinion... that was it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Brother, all I asked was if any candidate would address the modern slavery issue. I said that one was a crook, and the other was a jailer. If she could have you jailed, then she's a jailer.

All of this - bring me facts stuff - was moot from the jump. She was California's Attorney General, Bro. Which to me means that she was "The Top Jailer" here in my state. I know cops who new her personally. I know convicts who she had jailed, and some she set free. But again, that doesn't answer my question: Which one of them will address modern day slavery in the prison system?

It seems that we can't even have a discussion without someone being offended, or someone taken something personal.

We don't have to agree on anything. I asked for an opinion... that was it.

I'm not taking anything personally or getting offended.......

In the full statement of hers that I posted, she says she understands the amount of power she held (as top "jailer,") and she took that responsibility seriously.

Does she outright say she's going to address "modern day slavery?" No, but she sure as hell sounds more like an adult that understands that certain particular charges could mean devastation and ruin for people vs the other candidate that wants to give police full immunity and wants people locked up for exercising their 1st amendment right to assemble or protest issues he doesn't like


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
I'm not taking anything personally or getting offended.......

In the full statement of hers that I posted, she says she understands the amount of power she held (as top "jailer,") and she took that responsibility seriously.

Does she outright say she's going to address "modern day slavery?" No, but she sure as hell sounds more like an adult that understands that certain particular charges could mean devastation and ruin for people vs the other candidate that wants to give police full immunity and wants people locked up for exercising their 1st amendment right to assemble or protest issues he doesn't like
In the big scheme of things, Brother... I'm hoping that one of them "will" deal with these issues. Because as of today, Clinton didn't, the Bushes didn't, Obama (and Eric Holder) didn't, Trump didn't, and Biden didn't!

At some point, institutions have to be stopped from preying on the people.