If not Obama, who?


BGOL Investor
This question is for all you Obama hating BITCHES.

If you don't think he deserved to win.. who should have won the 2009 Nobel Prize for Peace? Post your reasons why they should have won over Obama.



Morgan Tsvangirai, Prime Minister of Zimbabwe. Obama wasn't getting beat down trying to bring fair government elections to the people. :hmm:


BGOL Investor
So Tsvangirai should have won the Nobel Prize for getting beat up to bring fair elections to one country? :hmm:

Anyone else have any people that should have won over Obama?

Morgan Tsvangirai, Prime Minister of Zimbabwe. Obama wasn't getting beat down trying to bring fair government elections to the people. :hmm:


So Tsvangirai should have won the Nobel Prize for getting beat up to bring fair elections to one country? :hmm:

Anyone else have any people that should have won over Obama?

go read the whole saga and the point is he ACCOMPLISHED something. As in, EARNED..which Obama has yet to do. All he has done is talk. The results have yet to be reaped for they have barely been sewn.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The only person I could think of is Michelle Obama!!!

great choice if you ask me..

he got that award, for remaing so peaceful and organized, while the demons are running afoul trying to get him to fall.... the insiders know what he is up against, and they are in awe, the glenn beck mentality crowd, they are the ones thats having problems, you know the tea baggin birther supporting regurgitators...

He is the epitome of a true leader.... total opposite of bush!!!


wannabe star
This question is for all you Obama hating BITCHES.

If you don't think he deserved to win.. who should have won the 2009 Nobel Prize for Peace? Post your reasons why they should have won over Obama.


honestly this shit has me mad as hell...While many of you may not think of this as a race issue, the vast majority of those opposed to Obama receiving this award do. People have gone as far as to say that "affirmative action" played a role in his winning. While absurd, this is just an example of the mindset of these angry, delusional and bitter people. As a black man, regardless of whether or not I think that there are others who could have potentially won the award, I have a hard time criticizing the president for something that he didn't seek out but, instead, was conferred upon him. By no means am I saying that Obama is close to being perfect, but compared to Bush a whole host of other recent presidents, he is in a league of his own.