I see we're back to talk about the American Civil War again. Let me break this down for you, I've watched a few of them unfold over the past decade.
A Civil War in the United States would look nothing like the Civil War from between April 1861 and April 1865. Dominantly because the lines aren't geographic for the strife in the country right now, but also because war has fundamentally changed.
The first thing you need to realize is that a vast portion of both the current Active and Reserve U.S. Military would defect or abstain from fighting on U.S. Soil over the current political issues. Large portions would also stay on-board however, and utilize those systems to fight in favor of whichever government is currently in control of that system.
This would happen dominantly because the U.S. Military is one of the most diverse institutions anywhere in the world with members coming from all 50 states in the Union. We saw a precedent set for this within the Free Syrian Army, where tens of thousands of Soldiers defected to fight for the defense of their home towns against units they were formerly a part of. Even with that, tens of thousands of more stayed on station to fight for the regime.
There are videos from early on in that conflict where FSA troops parlay with the Syrian Arab Army because members of the FSA used to be in the SAA unit prior to the start of the conflict. These guys were homies before the war started, and the politics and optics didn't change that, even though they were fighting against one another.
Second, you're not going to see organized military units acting in concert with one another like you did when the Civil War was between the Union and the Confederates. Instead, you'll see dozens of small localized groups fighting actively against occupational forces, and occasionally against one another.
We've seen this play out in Myanmar with the creation of dozens of different PDF units that are centrally located and operating independently of one another, and in Syria where dozens of different factions form up what is known as the "FSA," but who will occasionally clash with one another when their objectives don't align perfectly.
Roughly 2% of the American population was killed between 1861 and 1865. That comes out to around 620,000 and 750,000 people based on the population of the country at the time. Today, conservatively, that number would look like 7,400,000 dead Americans, or one in every 50 Americans alive today. That's not taking into account American's current reliance on modern amenities like the JIT logistics system or electricity.
If you're standing on a platform of any size right now demanding a Civil War because politicians and people with a different opinion hurt your feelings, I suggest heading over to Funker530 and searching the key terms "Myanmar" and "Syria" for a preview of what you are asking for, which is decades of internal strife and the complete collapse of the world you live in today.
You won't need to worry about your Twitter engagement or YouTube following in a Second American Civil War. There's a roughly 1/50 chance that you'll die to the kinetic actions of your opposition, and that's if you don't starve and die of dehydration and our foreign adversaries on the world stage don't step up and start annexing large portions of the country.
Keep in mind, all of this fighting will have zero impact on the Global Elites, who will simply pickup their operation and move themselves and their families to New Zealand or Oahu/Maui where they can't be impacted.