If you know someone who buys McDonalds, Gatorade, Skittles, M&Ms, Oreos, Fanta, or Froot Loops - show them this video. Vani Hari


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So then how do we fix this? The easy part is listing these ingredients, this shyt is on the side of the packaging!

The minute you have a politician(s) that will hold corporations accountable, they'll be labeled as socialists, who hates freedom, will be a man with a gay wife, that says Israel shouldn't defend itself. How long do think that career will last? Hell, you got black people selling us for political gains.

McDonalds raises their pricing but not their wages and it's ALL YOUR FAULT. Now the next political cycle your opponent that person is out and it's back to the status quo. Is the public ready to do the hard work for future gains? Climate Change has entered the chat! Climate Change: No!


Thinkn with My 3rd Eye!
Platinum Member
So then how do we fix this? The easy part is listing these ingredients, this shyt is on the side of the packaging
How I feel u cant.. pockets ain't deep enough!! I don't care how much awareness u bring that shit ain't gonna stop no show!! Americans attention span ain't that long to give a fuck...ijs


Rising Star

That's some good info and I just their petition. Somedays I been thinking about moving to other Continents that don't allow the chemicals we do but I then quickly remember I hate honkeys so Europe out the mix and don't fuck with Asians so that continent is out the mix. South America is littered with gang problems so fuck that just gotta clean the mess here and avoid harmful foods here.