If you really want to understand the last 8 days, you need to..


BGOL Investor
Read any "guide to the alt-right" like this: http://www.dailystormer.com/a-normies-guide-to-the-alt-right/

Take the time to read it. You'll quickly realize Bannon is a bigger problem than Trump and you'll see his fingerprints all over the last 8 days (and really all of Trump's campaign).

Dude now is the defacto president.. I peeped that clown already

And the fact he has a seat on the national security counsel and trump removing the DNI and a joint chief says a lot

I'm hearing trump wants to get Bannon a security clearance and it's looking like congress nor the senate will not approve it.. a good majority of the GOP don't like Bannon ..

Don't be surprised he ends up dead real talk

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
for those who dont like to click links

A Normie’s Guide to the Alt-Right
Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 31, 2016

Following condemnations by Hillary Clinton, everyone in the world is now trying to define exactly what the Alt-Right is. Most of them are getting it wrong.

The short story is that although the term could refer to a lot of different people saying a lot of different things, the people that it is being used to refer to by the media – Trump-supporting White racial advocates who engage in trolling an other activism on the internet – are the core of the movement, with any other groups and figures being peripheral.

The core concept of the movement, upon which all else is based, is that Whites are undergoing an extermination, via mass immigration into White countries which was enabled by a corrosive liberal ideology of White self-hatred, and that the Jews are at the center of this agenda.

The Alt-Right is a “mass movement” in the truest possible sense of the term, a type of mass-movement that could only exist on the internet, where everyone’s voice is as loud as they are able to make it. In the world of the internet, top-down hierarchy can only be based on the value, or perceived value, of someone’s ideas. The Alt-Right is an online mob of disinfranchised and mostly anonymous, mostly young White men. This collective of dissidents argued with itself until it reached a consensus (consensus is yet to reach 100%, but it is damn close). We have now moved from arguments and debates and become a new political collective, a type of hive mind.

The mob is the movement.

Some of the ways the movement presents itself can be confusing to the mainstream, given the level of irony involved. The amount of humor and vulgarity confuses people. The true nature of the movement, however, is serious and idealistic. We have in this new millennium an extremely nihilistic culture. From the point when I first became active in what has become the Alt-Right movement, it was my contention that in an age of nihilism, absolute idealism must be couched in irony in order to be taken seriously. This is because anyone who attempts to present himself as serious will immediately be viewed as the opposite through the jaded lens of our post-modern milieu.

Now, on to the long story.

I will first lay out what the movement actually is and where it came from, and then layout what it appears to be to the mainstream media, and why I believe these narratives differ so drastically, and conclude with some loose predictions of where I see all of this going in the future.

An Accurate History of the Alt-Right
Roughly four years ago, a new type of White nationalist movement began to form on the internet. This was mostly made-up of young people who were formulating ideas with minimal influence from prior White nationalist movements.

It was a situation of different online subcultures (some of which were influenced by older offline movements) coming together. These groups collided, based on their having reached common conclusions, and the result is what is now called the Alt-Right.

I am going to layout here these various factions, and what ultimately led them toward this center-point where we have all met. The campaign of Donald Trump is effectively the nexus of that centerpoint.

Note that there is quite a bit of overlap between these various communities, with many people – myself included – having traveled through more than one. Breaking them down into specific categories just makes it easier to grasp the overall development of the different threads of thought.

Note: I will list associated sites and people for each sub-group, though these sites will not necessarily be Alt-Right in nature. They are merely to let people know what is associated with the various factions.

Troll Culture

In my view, the core identity of the current Alt-Right originates from the highly intellectual meme and trolling culture which was birthed on 4chan in the 00’s.

The birth of the internet age marked the first time in history that unlimited amounts of information were available at people’s fingertips, and courageous men began to sort through it and discuss it wherever they were allowed to.

It was on 4chan’s /pol/ that most of the core concepts of what is now the Alt-Right were figured out. Many of the key “anons” (anonymous imageboard posters) from this group were people who had previously been involved in 4chan’s /b/, which is where modern internet trolling techniques originated.

The anonymous nature of 4chan allowed for all different sorts of people to get together and discuss all sorts of ideas, without having those ideas attached to an identity of any kind (not even an internet pseudonym). Anti-Semitic and racist jokes had been a key feature of /b/, but on /pol/ the sentiments behind the jokes slowly became serious, as people realized they were based on fact. /pol/ became a haven for virulent anti-Semites and aggressive racists, and tone of the Alt-Right is drawn directly from these roots on 4chan.

On 4chan, the Jewish problem was analyzed by news junkies and history buffs, feminism was deconstructred by sexually frustrated young men, and race was considered based on the actual data on the issue. The rehabilitation of Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP largely took place on 4chan.

This newly formulated Nazi ideology was then combined with the established troll culture, based on memes, hilarious images designed to transmit cultural concepts, and “lulz,” a term coined by the troll Jameth which defines the type of malicious humor associated with trolling.

Culture-jamming and various other forms of conscious social-engineering were first applied to online activism here. This made promoting the right-wing agenda not only meaningful, but also extremely fun. The Alt-Right carries with it that spirit of fun.

Sites and People:

  • /pol/ – Effectively ground zero of the Alt-Right, in that this is where the aesthetic and basic ideology of the Alt-Right originated.
  • weev – Troll zero, weev was the key non-anon originator of what we now understand as troll culture.
  • Daily Stormer – A neo-Nazi website which rips-off memes from 4chan and refuses to give them credit.
  • The Right Stuff – An edgy website for trolls, which features a wide array of podcasts, some of which are professionally produced. Originator of the echoes meme.
  • My Posting Career – It doesn’t really go in this category, but has to be put somewhere, as it has been an extremely influential site. Originator of the term “cuckservative.”
  • Ricky Vaughn – A Twitter personality.
  • Paul Town – Another Twitter personality.
  • GotNews.com – Another one that doesn’t exactly go here, but the site’s proprieter, Chuck Johnson, has been confirmed to have Internet Troll Personality Disorder (ITPD).

  • Trolling
  • Memes
  • lulz
  • Non-ironic Nazism masquerading as ironic Nazism
  • Anime Nazism
Conspiracy Theorism

Throughout the 00’s, conspiracy theorism was a key dissident movement on the internet. The movement was an extension of old anti-communist propaganda which had aired on shortwave radio, supercharged by the internet and a generally high level of confusion in society which led people to consider alternate explanations for events.

The movement gained traction initially with theories surrounding the 9/11 attacks having been orchestrated by intelligence agencies, rather than random Moslems. This was attached to anti-globalist concepts and the term “New World Order,” as well as more obscure theories regarding Freemasonry and global satanism.

At the turn of the decade, however, the movement began to lose steam, as the conspiracy theories being promoted by the people who promote such theories had become increasingly bizarre/insane.

The people from the conspiracy scene then began becoming increasingly focused on the Jewish problem. Even those who currently do not focus on the Jewish issue have moved closer to Alt-Right type ideas regarding race and culture.

Sites and People:

  • Infowars – The world’s foremost conspiracy website, run by a large man named Alex Jones. The site has, over the last year, become increasingly aligned with Alt-Right ideas, though without talking about the Jews. They have dumped a lot of the hardline kookery of the 00’s conspiracy movement.
  • Rense – The world’s secondmost conspiracy website, run by Jeff Rense. It is just a link site, but it has influenced the narrative of the conspiracy movement in the way it chooses links. If you browse it now, a lot of the content is Alt-Rightish.
  • Red Ice – Heinrich Palmgren’s radio program started with a focus on conspiracies, but he has since moved into the Alt-Right. He has also expanded into other media.
  • Paul Joseph Watson – Lead agent of Infowars, Watson made a huge pivot from promoting chemtrails-tier kookery to anti-SJW materials last year. He has claimed that Jews do not control the media.
  • Veteran’s Today – The commentary website of Jewish conspiracy theorist Gordon Duff. The site is the last remaining bastion of hardline “tinfoil hat” type conspiracy theories. Duff has admitted to purposefully publishing disinformation.
  • David Icke – A British person who believes the world is controlled by lizard people from another dimension (all of whom happen to be Jewish).

  • A willingness to look critically at mainstream narratives

Though there is technically a difference between Libertarianism and paleoconservatism, the most notable figures could be identified using either of these terms. This was a counter-culture movement popular in the 00’s, fueled largely by Ron Paul’s ’08 and ’12 Presidential campaigns. Its roots went back to the campaigns of Pat Buchanan.

In the early 2010’s, we saw many in the libertarian community becoming seriously disillusioned with their own movement. Ron Paul had failed miserably to gain traction in his 2012 Presidential bid, and much of the basic doctrine of the movement was beginning to look stale as other ways of looking at society were beginning to be presented – in particular, Fascism and National Socialism were introduced as competing alternatives to the current system of materialism, consumerism and corrupt crony capitalism.

At the same time, discussion of economics appeared to be becoming increasingly irrelevant, partially due to the immediate nature of social and cultural problems, and partially due to the development of technology making the old economic models obsolete.

Sites and People:

  • TakiMag – A politically incorrect paleoconservative blog published by Taki Theodoracopulos.
  • Stefan Molyneux – A Libertarian YouTuber who has progressively moved away from hardline Libertarian cult doctrine and toward social criticism. He still doesn’t talk about the Jews.
  • Pat Buchanan – A former Presidential candidate and current columnist and commentator, he is one of the only modern mainstream politicians to criticize Jews.
  • Joe Sobran – Anti-Semitic Catholic columnist, now deceased.
  • Ron Paul – Failed presidential candidate.
  • Council of Conservative Citizens – An paleoconservative and pro-White organization founded in the 80’s. Recently accused of brainwashing Dylann Roof.
  • American Free Press – A newspaper and website which promotes Libertarian-conservative politics and anti-Semitism.

  • Early anti-political correctness and criticism of Jewish influence
The Manosphere

At the same time that 4chan was discovering Adolf Hitler, the pick-up artist community was in the process of transforming into what is now called the Manosphere. These are groups of men disillusioned with feminism in society.

Having used the starting point of feminism to look at the ills of our modern society, many of these men began to look at the Jews (who happened to have invented feminism) as playing a destructive role in the development of modern Western culture. Already outside of the bounds of what is socially acceptable, these guys did not have a problem entering into new realms of political incorrectness.

Sites and People:

  • Return of Kings – The blog of Roosh V, originally a purely Manosphere-oriented site which now covers a variety of political and social issues.
  • Chateau Heartiste – A pick-up artist and anti-feminist blog which has moved progressively into politics.
  • Davis Aurini – A Manosphere figure who has become more political.
  • Matt Forney – A Manosphere blogger who now writes various right-wing materials.

  • Anti-Feminism
  • Anti-Homosexuality
  • Men’s Rights

The Gamergate provided a direct entry-point to what is now called the Alt-Right, as it was made-up of young White men who realized they were being disenfranchised by feminism and political correctness when aggressive SJWs began invading their space and making demands of them, and ended up digging into the “dark corners of the internet” to try and figure out what was happening.

Gamergate is notable in that they had some very serious successes in fighting off attempts to maintain their hobby as a White male affair (though Daily Stormer is the only site which has actually gotten a feminist fired from a video game company).

After Gamergate was banned from 4chan (a weird decision by moot, the site’s owner, when he was courting a Jewish girl who writes for Gawker), the movement transfered its base to 8chan, and was largely responsible for initially populating that site (it has also become popular among the Alt-Right, generally). Mingling there with Alt-Righters, many people involved became active in other aspects of the right-wing movement.

Sites and People:

  • 8ch.net/v/ – The de facto home of the movement.
  • /r/KokatuInAction – The other de facto home of the movement.
  • Vox Day – A blogger, science fiction writer and various other things.

  • Drawing battlelines for the culture war
  • Making video games White and male again
The Old White Nationalist Movement

Finally, these various groups were combined, to various extents, with the older White Nationalist movements, which had existed since the fifties.

Some of those involved in the older movements dislike the Alt-Right because they don’t understand the humor involved, they think it is too hardcore, or because it rejects certain aspects of liberalism which they hold dear, such as feminism.

Sites and People:

  • Stormfront – The original WN spot on the internet.
  • David Duke – The grandfather of the White Nationalist movement.
  • VDARE – Edited and run by Peter Brimelow, VDARE is mainly focused on the immigration issue. They have some great writers, including James Kirkpatrick.
  • The Occidental Observer – Run by Dr. Kevin MacDonald, TOO publishes long essays on Jews, some of which are pretty good.
  • Traditionalist Youth Network – The home of Matt Heimbach’s Traditonalist Workers Party.
  • VNN – Alex Linder’s forum, VNN is a classic WN site.
  • American Renaissance – Jared Taylor’s organization, which is also the name of his news website.
  • Occidental Dissent – The blog of the League of the South’s Hunter Wallace.

  • IQ statistics
  • Various ideas and concepts
Identitarian Movements

Like the standard WN movements, identitarian movements developed separate from the core of the Alt-Right and combined/mingled with it to an extent over the last couple of years.

Identitarianism is an attempt at Americanizing certain themes of European nationalism which were seen to be lacking in the White Nationalist movement in America.

The exact differences between “Identitarianism” and “White Nationalism” have never been entirely clear to me, but those who fall under the former label tend to be more socially liberal than other factions of the Alt-Right, endorsing homosexuality and taking a softer stance on the need for pure White nations.

Sites and people:

  • Counter-Currents – Greg Johnson’s blog, publishes a lot of highly excellent essays. They also publish books.
  • Radix Journal – Richard Spencer’s blog.

  • The term “Alt-Right”
  • A bunch of books and essays
A Reboot of the White Nationalist Movement
The movement is, at this point, entirely leaderless. The people involved in contributing to and/or consuming the content are on different Alt-Right sites and forums, many are on Twitter, reddit, 4chan, etc.

There are minor “leaders,” people who others listen to, but because there is yet to be an officially codified doctrine, no actual leader exists. The mob is the movement.

It is also important to understand that though older people are involved, this is fundamentally a youth movement, mainly made up of millennials. People in their thirties and beyond tend not to change their opinions very easily, so those older people who are involved mostly come from the older White Nationalist scene.

The reason that all of these various movements came together and developed the same basic values is not that they were built on something else. For the most part, it was people honestly searching for conclusions as to what was going on in the world in the information age. The reason these different groups ended up coming to the same conclusions about the Jews, race, feminism and the rest of it was that they had unlimited access to information, and open minds, so they all happened upon the objective truth.

That is the probably most fitting definition of the Alt-Right from the perspective of those involved in the movement: a confluence of various groups of White men who reached the same objective truths through different avenues.

The Alt-Right can be viewed as a reboot of the White Nationalist movement. This is a simplification, but one which is basically accurate. People went out seeking the truth, found it, but instead of joining an existing movement which had a mostly similar ideology (the above mentioned old White Nationalist movement), they formulated a new movement.

Many of the memes of the old WN movement have been adopted by the Alt-Right, and are used with varying levels of irony.

That said, there is nothing fundamentally different about the Alt-Right and the old White Nationalist movement. They have the same basic goals but simply use different methods in their attempts to achieve them.

Creating a Counter Culture Which Eventually Becomes the Dominant Culture
The end goal of the Alt-Right is to first solidify a stable and self-sustaining counter-culture, and then eventually push this into becoming the dominant culture, in the same way that the Jewish-led revolutionary counter-culture of the 1960s has now become the dominant culture of the West.

I have personally been very conscious of this goal, and formulated strategies through which to accomplish it. I have studied in some detail the methodology used by the Jewish revolutionaries of the 1960’s, and done my best to adapt this methodology to the digital age.

Of particular importance to me was the book “Rules for Radicals” by the Jew Saul Alinsky, given that he codified the strategy used by the Jews to tear down the entire ancient body of European traditions and social norms and replace it with something the Jews felt more comfortable with.

Given the all-encompassing nature of the current ruling system, our only real advantage is that we are outsiders. When the Jewish bandit-king David killed Goliath, he did so with a dirty trick, which bypassed the established rules, thus winning a battle he could never have won fairly. The Jews did the same thing in the 60’s. We are doing it now.

In the interest of understanding the relationship between the Alt-Right and the old White Nationalist movement, it is worth noting that most tension which exists between the two groups is based on the latter failing to grasp the methodology of the former. In a recent interview on the Grace and Steel podcast, American Renaissance Chairman Jared Taylor denounced the Alt-Right for its vulgarity, and I was left asking myself: “is victory less important than upholding a social decorum?”

Of course, in my opinion, it absolutely is not.

This is about survival. We must win by any means necessary, or we will cease to exist.

The Ideology and Values of the Alt-Right
The ideology and values of the Alt-Right are reactionary, formed in opposition to the modern Jewish norms. This effectively becomes a “traditionalist” perspective on society.

I will give a list of what I understand the mob to believe, on the whole. Of course, this will not necessarily include all of the people who currently identify as Alt-Right (and certainly will not include all of the websites I linked to above, many of which do not even identify as Alt-Right, though there is a lot of overlap).

Note: I will not include “opposition to political correctness,” as Milo has done, and will instead break down all aspects of political correctness and why the Alt-Right opposes them.


The defining value of the movement and the foundation of its ideology is that the Jews are fundamentally opposed to the White race and Western civilization and so must be confronted and ultimately removed from White societies completely.

Jews are behind all of the things which we are against, the diametric opposite of everything that we stand for. In a very real sense, defeating and physically removing the Jews will solve every other problem. None of this would be happening if it were not for the Jews.

It is now fully-documented that Jews are behind mass-immigration, feminism, the news media and Hollywood, pornography, the global banking system, global communism, the homosexual political agenda, the wars in the Middle East and virtually everything else the Alt-Right is opposed to. This is, to a shocking extent, simply admitted by the Jews themselves.

As such, the only way to end these problems is to strike the root and remove the Jews from our societies.

White Countries for White People

The end goal of the movement is to establish pure White racial states in all formerly White countries.

The current trend of non-White immigration into White countries will lead to a complete destruction of White culture, the White social order and ultimately an extermination of the White race.

We believe in mass deportations of all non-White immigrants, regardless of whether or not they were born here. This would include, in America, a repatriation to Africa of the descendants of slaves (or an allocation of autonomous territory for them within our current borders).

Scientific Racism

The Alt-Right does not accept the pseudo-scientific claims that “all races are equal,” and instead looks to the real science of race which shows that they have vastly different abilities, drives and intelligence levels.

Additionally, the Alt-Right views the Jews as a separate race, with biological drives and behavior patterns which come into direct conflict with the goals and values of the White race. Dr. Kevin MacDonald’s work examining the racial nature of Jews is considered crucial to understanding what the Alt-Right is about.

Opposition to Feminism and “Gender Equality,” Support for Traditional Families

As with the claim that “all races are equal,” the claim that “men and women are equal” is looked at as entirely ridiculous by the Alt-Right. We believe in abolishing feminism and reestablishing traditional gender roles in society, a process which would involve sending women back to the home to produce and raise children, largely removing them from the workplace.

The Alt-Right is opposed to homosexuality, as well as the emasculation of men through denying them their traditional role in society.

Endorsement of White History

The Alt-Right celebrates the greatness of our ancestors and the glory of our historical achievements. Rejecting revisionist arguments by modern social scientists which portray Whites as having wrought evil on the planet, we view Whites as the creators and maintainers of Western civilization.

We pride ourselves in doing the best we can to pick-up the ball that the baby boomers dropped when they sold-out the entire history of our people for feel-good nonsense.

Cultural Normalization

Beyond simply restoring the family, the Alt-Right seeks to restore balance to society more broadly. This includes using authoritarian measures to deal with addictive drugs, pornography, crime and other degenerate social ills.

Common Sense Economics

Though the focus of the Alt-Right is almost entirely on social and cultural issues, presumably due to the fact that technological developments have made economic issues much less relevant, we do believe that economics should follow basic common sense.

If we were to physically remove Jews, however, this would probably fall into place naturally.

Right now, scarcity of resources is nigh entirely artificial, brought on by the crony capitalist system which has created the massive wealth gap, allowing a tiny minority to hoard wealth. Along with this, the trade deals which have allowed for our industry to be exported to the third world are opposed.

Most in the movement would support a type of free market socialism.

The White Struggle as a Global Battle

The Alt-Right views the struggle for the continued existence of the White race as a global battle between Whites and the Jews. The internet has allowed for us to connect globally with as much ease as we can connect to someone down the street or in the next room, and this has fostered a sense of worldwide unity of cause for White people.

Our problems are all nearly identical, the only difference being that we are dealing with different groups of non-Whites. There is a sense that either we are all going to win, or we’re all going to lose, and this creates a powerful sense of camaraderie across nations and continents.

Our Memes
As has been clumsily discussed at some length by the media, memes are a big part of the Alt-Right culture. These images and slogans comprise not only an attempt, but a successful attempt, to formulate a new culture for ourselves, separate from the mainstream culture, which is largely the result of Jewish social imperialism.

For the purpose of trying to give a better understanding of the nature of this new culture the movement has produced, I will give a list of examples of memes which, far from exhaustive, should allow those unfamiliar with the Alt-Right to get a basic idea of the headspace people in the movement inhabit. It is a place where irony and vulgarity meet conscious idealism, futurism and a deep reverence for objective, scientific data.

Many or most of these originated on 4chan, some of them having not been initially associated with anything necessarily political.


Pepe is by far the most covered meme in this media storm which has taken place around the Alt-Right. He is a cartoon frog, who has served as the movement’s mascot.

Pepe became the mascot (he wasn’t “chosen” by anyone, except the meme-mob, which is everyone) because he embodies the goal of couching idealism within irony. A movement which meets all of the SPLC’s definitions of Neo-Nazi White Supremacism using a cartoon frog to represent itself takes on a subversive power to bypass historical stereotypes of such movements, and thus present the ideas themselves in a fun way without the baggage of Schindler’s List and American History X.


Bane is the villain from the film The Dark Knight Rises, the final installment of Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy.

The film, while aesthetically beautiful, was written by a Jew, with the villain Bane in many ways embodying the Jewish nightmare of fascism. The Alt-Right has adopted this character as a secondary mascot because of his character as a strongman, taking down an oppressive liberal-democratic system and attempting to establish an authoritarian-populist social order.

Other villains from popular Jewish-produced culture are also sometimes used within the Alt-Right meme culture for the same reason.


“Normie” is a term used to refer to individuals who have not yet joined the Alt-Right, remaining trapped in the mental-prison of the Jewish system. These people are viewed as being incapable of objectively processing information, and will instead revert to programmed slogans whenever they are presented with ideas that conflict with their synthetic value system.

Dindu Nuffin

When arrested, Black people will often use the phrase “I didn’t do nothing” when exclaiming their professed innocence. The term is used to mock the assertion by both Blacks themselves and the Jewish-dominated media that Black people are not responsible for their own behavior, as well as the failure of Blacks to use standard English.


The term “shitlord” was allegedly used initially by SJWs as an insult to racists and misogynists. I don’t personally remember it as an insult, however, given that it was so quickly taken on by the Alt-Right and used as a term of endearment and pride. This is an example of Alinsky’s instruction to own insults and thus remove their power (another example would be what happened when the Clinton campaign tried to popularize the #DangerousDonald meme).


Another meme that the media has paid attention to, “Cuck” is short for “cuckold,” which is a man whose wife is cheating on him or a sexual fetish (and porn genre) involving a White man who enjoys seeing his wife have sex with Black men.

“Cuck” (or “Cuckservative,” if one is referring to a cuck who identifies as “conservative”) is applied to Whites who relish in giving away the resources of their people to foreigners. The term applies to Whites who support mass immigration, support Black Lives Matter or support Israel.

White Genocide

“White Genocide” refers to the idea, often supported by the UN’s Genocide Convention, that flooding White nations with non-Whites amounts to a form of calculated genocide against a racial group.

The Daily Stormer poster WhiteGenocideTM, who was cited in Hillary Clinton’s Alt-Right speech, was retweeted by Donald Trump, thus propelling the term into popular consciousness. Regrettably, there seems to be some confusion as to what the term means, with some (Clinton included, apparently) seemingly believing it is a call for Whites to commit a genocide(s), rather than drawing attention to the fact a genocide is being committed against us.

We wuz Kangz

“We wuz Kangz” is a mockery of the Afrocentric anthropological claim that Blacks are the descendants ancient Egyptian kings. The phrase is used to mock the ineptitude of Blacks, and their continued claims that all of their endless failures are the result of White people oppressing them out of hatred for the color of their skin, rather than an innate biological incapacity to compete in White society.

Le Happy Merchant

Le Happy Merchant is a Jewish caricature used to represent all Jews. It is used for the purpose of dehumanizing the Jew as a type of evil monster, rather than a human being, while also being very funny in its offensiveness. The character is used in a series of DIY comic strips as a diabolical villain tricking and abusing a good natured but obese and dimwitted American (Le American Bear), as well as a whole lot of other memes. It has proven to be extremely effective in portraying Jews as an alien other, in the way the much more serious NSDAP anti-Semitic propaganda did in the 1930’s.


“1488” is an old skinhead and White Nationalist battlecry. “14” refers to the 14 words coined by David Lane (“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children“), with 88 being an 88 word paragraph from Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, volume 1, chapter 8 (“What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of the fatherland, so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted it by the creator of the universe. Every thought and every idea, every doctrine and all knowledge, must serve this purpose. And everything must be examined from this point of view and used or rejected according to its utility.”).

“88” can also mean “Heil Hitler,” as “H” is the 8th letter of the alphabet.

The Alt-Right certainly believes in these principles, but also uses the number ironically – it is a bit of self-depreciating humor, comparing ourselves to previous incarnations of the White Nationalist movement which are potentially viewed as low-brow.


The Jewish Holocaust is viewed as the foundation upon which the modern system of White guilt was built, used by the Jewish-dominated establishment as a club to beat in the skulls of anyone who dares stand-up and claim that Whites have a right to their own countries.

The absurd assertion – either plainly stated or directly implied – is that whenever Whites organize for their own interests, they begin exterminating people. As such, the Jewish declaration of “Never Again” is taken to imply that there will never again be a White country.

The only way to subvert the Jewish obsession with bringing up the Holocaust whenever any White person claims they have a right to exist is to viciously mock the story, in large part by pointing out that they have yet to produce any physical evidence that it actually happened. Beyond laughing about the fact that Jews are such chronic liars that they invented a story about millions of people being gassed in fake shower rooms and made into furniture and cleaning products, the Alt-Right also asserts that if it had happened, it would have been justified due to the collective behavior of the Jews.

The mockery of the Holocaust fits into the theory that you cannot win by apologizing, as apologizing is the realm of losers.


A couple years ago, The Right Stuff began using a foot-pedal on their podcast to cause the names of Jews to echo. This was accompanied by the triple parentheses around the names of Jewish people or organizations. A Chrome app was created which would add the parentheses around the names of these Jewish people and organizations.

Earlier this year, the symbol was finally recognized by the Jews themselves, and they attempted to “own it” by voluntarily adding the parentheses to their names on Twitter. It was bizarre.


Kek is the apotheosis of Pepe, who at some point in the future will travel back in time to become an Egyptian god of trolling. I am not going to elaborate much on it here, as the subject is too complex and esoteric, but the Alt-Right is in the process of forming an actual religious doctrine around the god Kek, who is believed to be the spiritual root of meme magick.

Nirvana Fallacy

In February of 2015, this writer criticized the YouTuber Sargon of Akkad for blaming political correctness, rather than race, for the Pakistani rape gangs which operated for decades with impunity in Rotherham, England. Akkad responded to the criticism, with a video attacking me and defending Pakistani immigration to the UK. In it, he cited several fallacies found on Wikipedia, including the “Nirvana Fallacy,” saying that this particular fallacy meant that if these girls had not been drugged, gang-raped and trafficked by Pakistani men, “White British men” would have done it (it was implied that it would have happened in the exact same way, to the same girls, by Whites, making it appear as though he was presenting some type of metaphysical concept relating to divine predestination).

Since then, this writer and others have jokingly reminded people whenever a terrorist attack, gang-rape, mass sex attack, or plain old brutal murder is committed by an immigrant or a Black that if they hadn’t done it, White British men would have.

For example: “If a North African Moslem wouldn’t have run over those people in Nice for Allah, a White British man would have” or “if a gang of Blacks hadn’t kidnapped that that 17-year-old White girl in Myrtle Beach and gang-raped her for days before shooting her and feeding her to alligators, White British men would have.”

The meme is designed to mock the ridiculousness of the liberal/progressive/SJW/Jew assertion that all races are exactly the same.

Sam Hyde

Sam Hyde is a comedian, who has dedicated his life to viciously mocking the Alt-Right and other right-wing groups.

At some point, someone on Twitter got the idea of posting the image of “White Supremacist Sam Hyde” as an announcement of a shooter’s identity during a mass shooting or terrorist event. The concept was to mock the Jewish media’s assumption that whenever a killing happens, the culprit is White, despite the fact that this is almost never true. The rule proved true, as repeatedly, the media would retweet and even publish reports based on the tweets.

During the Black Lives Matter protests at Mizzou, this writer managed to convince tens of thousands of Black people that Sam Hyde was a KKK leader on campus lynching Blacks. This writer was permanently banned from Twitter for this particular stunt.


“GTKRWN” stands for “gas the kikes – race war now!”

It is used ironically to mock the idea that anyone who supports White interests is a genocidal maniac.

Vibrant Diversity

“Vibrant diversity” and “cultural enrichment” are terms which have been used with a straightface by the Jewish establishment to refer to mass non-White immigration into White countries. The terms have been adopted by the Alt-Right to refer to rapes, mass-murders, terrorist attacks, etc. committed by non-Whites in White countries.

This is a means to point out that there is literally no tangible benefit, whatsoever, to bringing primitive third-world people into White countries, as well as the utterly unfathomable levels of dishonesty used in the promotion of the immigration agenda.


Anime images are widely used as a part of the aesthetic of the Alt-Right. This is in part due to the fact that many people within the Alt-Right genuinely enjoy watching Anime, as it is viewed as a form of video entertainment which exists outside of the corrosive cultural norms created and promoted by the Jews who dominate the Western entertainment media.

It is also used ironically by many who may not necessarily watch much Anime, because it is funny to associate hardcore racism and a love for Adolf Hitler with cute cartoons. This serves to take the edge off the portrayal of anyone who questions the ethnic cleansing of Whites as evil.

It is also notable that Japan is generally viewed very positively as a nation and a people throughout the Alt-Right, due to their relatively high culture and their passion for defending it.


RetroWave (also known as Synthwave) has become the preferred music choice of many members of the Alt-Right. It is electronic music with a 1980’s aesthetic, with influences mainly drawn from the soundtracks of films of that time.

The 80’s is when most of the members of the Alt-Right were born, and we have a fondness for the optimism that embodied that era. It is often pointed out that the visions of the future given to the people through the media of that era have been abandoned in favor of a policy of third-worldizing the first world through mass third-world immigration. This makes it impossible that the high-technology utopia we were promised by 80’s entertainment culture could ever be realized.

RetroFuturism fits very well with the “we want our future back” theme of the Alt-Right.

The genre is small at present, mostly associated with the NewRetroWave YouTube channel. The Synthwave artist ~ C Y B E R N Δ Z I ~ is currently producing original White Identity-oriented music, and I predict that this will become more and more of a trend in the future, as this genre becomes to the Alt-Right what punk was to the skinhead movement.

Current Year

Another meme that the media has taken note of, “it’s current year” makes a mockery of the SJW catchphrase going something like “I can’t believe that we still have [insert something] – it’s [current year].”

The idea behind these statements when made by SJWs is that certain ideas cannot be accepted due to the level of social development we’ve allegedly undergone over the past decades. They often use the statement, however, to promote policies which are viewed by the Alt-Right as the opposite of social progress, such as mass Islamic immigration or allowing Black people to attack cops.

“Leaders” of the Alt-Right and the Media’s Fake Narrative
The concept of the movement having “leaders” is a very recent invention of the media. In order to support this, they have invented an alternate history of the movement, which focuses on people who are only peripheral to the Alt-Right, and may in fact be opposed to its core narrative.

None of these men is the leader. And yes, that includes the guy in the middle.

This presumably represents both a desire on the part of the establishment to define the movement on their own terms, as well as a fundamental incapacity to understand what is actually going on, believing that political movements must have leaders and a direct line of “thinkers” which can be traced back to various people influencing various other people who promoted various specific ideas.

Milo’s Breitbart piece, “Establishment Conservative’s Guide to the Alt-Right” (co-written with Allum Bokhari), being the first “guide” to the movement written, is serving as a basis for the narrative being presented by the media. This combines with the opinions of “hate experts” from the SPLC and the ADL to form a contrived and largely nonsensical forced “history of the Alt-Right,” complete with forced leaders who had little or nothing to do with the ideological and spiritual journeys of most people who make up the movement.

Much of this confusion is built on the term “Alt-Right” itself, which was allegedly coined by the Jew Paul Gottfried in 2008 and then used as the name of Richard Spencer’s new-defunct blog.

Paul Gottfried, the Jew who supposedly coined the term “Alternative Right”

The term “Alt-Right” came into wide, common use to describe the confluence of dissidents very recently, and has virtually nothing whatsoever to do with the Jew who allegedly coined the term, and much more to do with the way it sounds and the way the internet works. That is to say, people thought the term fit the movement, and when people began using the term on Twitter with the #altright hashtag, and then in blogs, it caught on, with people accepting that the term was being used to define what they believe. This happened less than a year ago, while the movement itself has been forming for several years.

The term “Alt-Right” itself is what the Jewish media is manipulating to use to redefine the movement along terms that it understands. They are tracing the origin of the term, and equating this to the origins of the movement. Which would mean that the movement was founded by a Jew, something which the media is probably comfortable with.

The media has been promoting Jared Taylor, Richard Spencer and Milo himself as the “leaders” of the movement.

The Daily Caller recently labeled Jared Taylor “the intellectual godfather of the Alt-Right.”

The first two individuals have both done great work contributing to the struggle of the White race, I just don’t personally see as though they’ve had overly much direct influence on the mob, which is the heart of the Alt-Right. That having been said, I am not opposed to having either of these men represent the Alt-Right in the media, necessarily, but I do fear that they will serve to remove focus from the Jewish problem. I absolutely believe that unrepentant anti-Semitism needs to remain at the core of the movement, just as it has been from the beginning.

There is also the problem that neither of these men has attempted to assert leadership by forming an organization with a clear political platform. Jared Taylor has mainly focused on statistical data regarding race; I’m not familiar with any political material Taylor has written. I was also deeply concerned to see a recent interview with Taylor in the Jewish Daily Forward where he was presented as a leader of the Alt-Right and claiming that the movement is not against Jews and is actually reaching out to them and inviting them to join up. I believe virtually every single member of the movement would take very serious issue with.

Though I am not as familiar with the work of Richard Spencer, he doesn’t appear to have any specific political positions. Looking into him after he has received all of this media attention recently, I watched a 25 minute video he made entitled “What is the Alt-Right?” and I was left without any understanding whatsoever of how he defines the term, let alone any political positions he holds. I am also extremely uncomfortable with Spencer’s apparent support for radical homosexual movements – one of the few positions which I have heard him be very straightforward about – and do not see this as jiving at all with the basic culture and values of the Alt-Right.

Richard Spencer has invited Jack Donovan to his conferences and publicly defended him. Donovan is a radical homosexual who has written on the internet about “fucking men like they were women” and specifically targeting men with “daddy issues.”

That having been said, both Taylor and Spencer are genuine people, and they may in the future present political positions in line with those of the mob and serve as a rallying point for the movement. However, until they do present political positions, declaring them leaders of a political movement is frankly ridiculous.

Milo, on the other hand, is a subversive and a disease. A homosexual Jew, he jumped on the movement a few months ago and was promoted by the entire media, propelled as the representative of the “official movement.” He has introduced a bizarre narrative where no one in the Alt-Right actually believes anything that they are saying, and simply say it as part of some obscure joke.

In the past weeks, he has been promoted to celebrity status, apparently for the purpose of trying to cleanse the movement of anyone who actually believes anything. It is a bizarre situation, having someone claim to represent us, while presenting positions which are directly contrary to our core beliefs.

What he has done is adopt the tone of the movement, endorsing certain less important positions, while also serving as the tone-police, attempting to shut out the real heart of the movement by denouncing them as “fringe.” In his Breitbart piece, he claimed, among other things, that the Alt-Right has no problem with race-mixing or Jews, but simply mocks them because they oppose political correctness. In his piece, he dug-up people who actually are fringe members of the movement, and used them to attempt to redefine the movement.

It is also noteworthy that he somehow forgot to mention the Daily Stormer, despite the fact that this site gets more traffic than all other Alt-Right websites combined.

It is plain as anything that Milo is attempting to use the movement – which is hip, rebellious and edgy – in order to transform himself into a counter-culture icon.

This all having been said, though I do find the situation outrageous, there is no real threat that Milo is going to take anything over. In fact, his newly-earned celebrity status has resulted in a huge backlash, with the mob enraged that he is openly and publicly lying about what the movement is, effectively defaming us, while shamelessly using our hard work and achievements for his own personal agenda.

The Future of the Alt-Right
To become a real and effective political force, the Alt-Right will need real leaders. Real leaders are not people that stand-up and claim to be leaders, but people that the masses naturally want to follow.

We will need a platform which allows us to organize and collectively promote our agenda. This may be in the form of a political party, or it may be through an organization which acts to influence the existing Republican party. We need real organization, and it needs to be based on a platform which is approved by the mob.

As far as I understand the mob, the points which I laid out in the “ideology and values” section of this piece would pretty much be universally agreed on by it, and should so serve as the basis for any organized political platform.

Besides, these are the positions that got us to where we are now, and there is no reason to believe they won’t continue to gain wider and wider acceptance among the people. In fact there is much reason to believe they will continue to spread, exponentially, just as they have been, until a large portion of the White demographic holds these positions. Toning down the message, however, serves absolutely no strategic purpose. It would cause the movement to lose momentum and it wouldn’t increase appeal.

If Trump wins, we are going to have an opportunity to directly influence his administration, if we organize ourselves properly and develop a cohesive constituency (the latter we already have, I’d estimate numbering at 4-6 million people).

If Trump loses, we are going to have an opportunity to very vocally blame the Jews for his loss, which will serve our purposes nearly as much as a Trump win.

Either way, the future is very bright.

As long as everyone involved keeps doing exactly what they’re doing right now, we can only continue to expand. There is no other option. Our ideas are winning.

The only threat of failure is if in trying to go mainstream we decide to compromise. However, because of the nature of this internet-based movement, where the mob has a very real voice and can say it loudly when they disagree with the direction something is going in, there is not any real chance anyone pushing a compromise could be successful.

We already have a situation where anyone trying to go soft gets e-lynched for it, and that isn’t going away.

Whatever the end result of our great work is, I know this for certain:

History will remember us.

Hail Victory.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
white supremacy eating itself
The tapeworm.

To hear some of the posters befuddled by the current events is odd. The principles this country was founded upon has been exposed over and over and over again as hypocritical. Yet, here these guys are clammoring unto it, hoping it doesn't go away.

I believe it was F. Douglass that stated being educated and slavery were incompatible.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Yea.. like they wont approve Sessions, Tillerson, DeVos, Price, Mnuchin...

Dems are some soft, let's meet in the middle of the road, olive-branch giving muthafuckas, always. If this was reversed, the GOP wouldn't even show up to vote on these nominees.

Sessions and Devos specifically should not even get votes...not ONE dem vote.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Dems are some soft, let's meet in the middle of the road, olive-branch giving muthafuckas, always.
They truly are.. Obama got railroaded for a 10 year old Rev Wright sermon, yet the Dems silently watched as Drumpf gave a government salary to the guy who essentially created the latest incarnation of the Nazi party... literally. Note the most vocal Drumpf opponent thus far isnt a Dem in the hill... its a 80 year old repug POW he shit on during the campaign trail. Dems are fucking gutless.
Sessions and Devos specifically should not even get votes...not ONE dem vote.
Disgusting. The sentiment is that this term will eventually be what destroys the conservative party as we know it. It wont be. But i sincerely hope it destroys the dems.. They are fucking worthless.


Rising Star
for those who dont like to click links

A Normie’s Guide to the Alt-Right
Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 31, 2016

Following condemnations by Hillary Clinton, everyone in the world is now trying to define exactly what the Alt-Right is. Most of them are getting it wrong.

The short story is that although the term could refer to a lot of different people saying a lot of different things, the people that it is being used to refer to by the media – Trump-supporting White racial advocates who engage in trolling an other activism on the internet – are the core of the movement, with any other groups and figures being peripheral.

The core concept of the movement, upon which all else is based, is that Whites are undergoing an extermination, via mass immigration into White countries which was enabled by a corrosive liberal ideology of White self-hatred, and that the Jews are at the center of this agenda.

The Alt-Right is a “mass movement” in the truest possible sense of the term, a type of mass-movement that could only exist on the internet, where everyone’s voice is as loud as they are able to make it. In the world of the internet, top-down hierarchy can only be based on the value, or perceived value, of someone’s ideas. The Alt-Right is an online mob of disinfranchised and mostly anonymous, mostly young White men. This collective of dissidents argued with itself until it reached a consensus (consensus is yet to reach 100%, but it is damn close). We have now moved from arguments and debates and become a new political collective, a type of hive mind.

The mob is the movement.

Some of the ways the movement presents itself can be confusing to the mainstream, given the level of irony involved. The amount of humor and vulgarity confuses people. The true nature of the movement, however, is serious and idealistic. We have in this new millennium an extremely nihilistic culture. From the point when I first became active in what has become the Alt-Right movement, it was my contention that in an age of nihilism, absolute idealism must be couched in irony in order to be taken seriously. This is because anyone who attempts to present himself as serious will immediately be viewed as the opposite through the jaded lens of our post-modern milieu.

Now, on to the long story.

I will first lay out what the movement actually is and where it came from, and then layout what it appears to be to the mainstream media, and why I believe these narratives differ so drastically, and conclude with some loose predictions of where I see all of this going in the future.

An Accurate History of the Alt-Right
Roughly four years ago, a new type of White nationalist movement began to form on the internet. This was mostly made-up of young people who were formulating ideas with minimal influence from prior White nationalist movements.

It was a situation of different online subcultures (some of which were influenced by older offline movements) coming together. These groups collided, based on their having reached common conclusions, and the result is what is now called the Alt-Right.

I am going to layout here these various factions, and what ultimately led them toward this center-point where we have all met. The campaign of Donald Trump is effectively the nexus of that centerpoint.

Note that there is quite a bit of overlap between these various communities, with many people – myself included – having traveled through more than one. Breaking them down into specific categories just makes it easier to grasp the overall development of the different threads of thought.

Note: I will list associated sites and people for each sub-group, though these sites will not necessarily be Alt-Right in nature. They are merely to let people know what is associated with the various factions.

Troll Culture

In my view, the core identity of the current Alt-Right originates from the highly intellectual meme and trolling culture which was birthed on 4chan in the 00’s.

The birth of the internet age marked the first time in history that unlimited amounts of information were available at people’s fingertips, and courageous men began to sort through it and discuss it wherever they were allowed to.

It was on 4chan’s /pol/ that most of the core concepts of what is now the Alt-Right were figured out. Many of the key “anons” (anonymous imageboard posters) from this group were people who had previously been involved in 4chan’s /b/, which is where modern internet trolling techniques originated.

The anonymous nature of 4chan allowed for all different sorts of people to get together and discuss all sorts of ideas, without having those ideas attached to an identity of any kind (not even an internet pseudonym). Anti-Semitic and racist jokes had been a key feature of /b/, but on /pol/ the sentiments behind the jokes slowly became serious, as people realized they were based on fact. /pol/ became a haven for virulent anti-Semites and aggressive racists, and tone of the Alt-Right is drawn directly from these roots on 4chan.

On 4chan, the Jewish problem was analyzed by news junkies and history buffs, feminism was deconstructred by sexually frustrated young men, and race was considered based on the actual data on the issue. The rehabilitation of Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP largely took place on 4chan.

This newly formulated Nazi ideology was then combined with the established troll culture, based on memes, hilarious images designed to transmit cultural concepts, and “lulz,” a term coined by the troll Jameth which defines the type of malicious humor associated with trolling.

Culture-jamming and various other forms of conscious social-engineering were first applied to online activism here. This made promoting the right-wing agenda not only meaningful, but also extremely fun. The Alt-Right carries with it that spirit of fun.

Sites and People:

  • /pol/ – Effectively ground zero of the Alt-Right, in that this is where the aesthetic and basic ideology of the Alt-Right originated.
  • weev – Troll zero, weev was the key non-anon originator of what we now understand as troll culture.
  • Daily Stormer – A neo-Nazi website which rips-off memes from 4chan and refuses to give them credit.
  • The Right Stuff – An edgy website for trolls, which features a wide array of podcasts, some of which are professionally produced. Originator of the echoes meme.
  • My Posting Career – It doesn’t really go in this category, but has to be put somewhere, as it has been an extremely influential site. Originator of the term “cuckservative.”
  • Ricky Vaughn – A Twitter personality.
  • Paul Town – Another Twitter personality.
  • GotNews.com – Another one that doesn’t exactly go here, but the site’s proprieter, Chuck Johnson, has been confirmed to have Internet Troll Personality Disorder (ITPD).

  • Trolling
  • Memes
  • lulz
  • Non-ironic Nazism masquerading as ironic Nazism
  • Anime Nazism
Conspiracy Theorism

Throughout the 00’s, conspiracy theorism was a key dissident movement on the internet. The movement was an extension of old anti-communist propaganda which had aired on shortwave radio, supercharged by the internet and a generally high level of confusion in society which led people to consider alternate explanations for events.

The movement gained traction initially with theories surrounding the 9/11 attacks having been orchestrated by intelligence agencies, rather than random Moslems. This was attached to anti-globalist concepts and the term “New World Order,” as well as more obscure theories regarding Freemasonry and global satanism.

At the turn of the decade, however, the movement began to lose steam, as the conspiracy theories being promoted by the people who promote such theories had become increasingly bizarre/insane.

The people from the conspiracy scene then began becoming increasingly focused on the Jewish problem. Even those who currently do not focus on the Jewish issue have moved closer to Alt-Right type ideas regarding race and culture.

Sites and People:

  • Infowars – The world’s foremost conspiracy website, run by a large man named Alex Jones. The site has, over the last year, become increasingly aligned with Alt-Right ideas, though without talking about the Jews. They have dumped a lot of the hardline kookery of the 00’s conspiracy movement.
  • Rense – The world’s secondmost conspiracy website, run by Jeff Rense. It is just a link site, but it has influenced the narrative of the conspiracy movement in the way it chooses links. If you browse it now, a lot of the content is Alt-Rightish.
  • Red Ice – Heinrich Palmgren’s radio program started with a focus on conspiracies, but he has since moved into the Alt-Right. He has also expanded into other media.
  • Paul Joseph Watson – Lead agent of Infowars, Watson made a huge pivot from promoting chemtrails-tier kookery to anti-SJW materials last year. He has claimed that Jews do not control the media.
  • Veteran’s Today – The commentary website of Jewish conspiracy theorist Gordon Duff. The site is the last remaining bastion of hardline “tinfoil hat” type conspiracy theories. Duff has admitted to purposefully publishing disinformation.
  • David Icke – A British person who believes the world is controlled by lizard people from another dimension (all of whom happen to be Jewish).

  • A willingness to look critically at mainstream narratives

Though there is technically a difference between Libertarianism and paleoconservatism, the most notable figures could be identified using either of these terms. This was a counter-culture movement popular in the 00’s, fueled largely by Ron Paul’s ’08 and ’12 Presidential campaigns. Its roots went back to the campaigns of Pat Buchanan.

In the early 2010’s, we saw many in the libertarian community becoming seriously disillusioned with their own movement. Ron Paul had failed miserably to gain traction in his 2012 Presidential bid, and much of the basic doctrine of the movement was beginning to look stale as other ways of looking at society were beginning to be presented – in particular, Fascism and National Socialism were introduced as competing alternatives to the current system of materialism, consumerism and corrupt crony capitalism.

At the same time, discussion of economics appeared to be becoming increasingly irrelevant, partially due to the immediate nature of social and cultural problems, and partially due to the development of technology making the old economic models obsolete.

Sites and People:

  • TakiMag – A politically incorrect paleoconservative blog published by Taki Theodoracopulos.
  • Stefan Molyneux – A Libertarian YouTuber who has progressively moved away from hardline Libertarian cult doctrine and toward social criticism. He still doesn’t talk about the Jews.
  • Pat Buchanan – A former Presidential candidate and current columnist and commentator, he is one of the only modern mainstream politicians to criticize Jews.
  • Joe Sobran – Anti-Semitic Catholic columnist, now deceased.
  • Ron Paul – Failed presidential candidate.
  • Council of Conservative Citizens – An paleoconservative and pro-White organization founded in the 80’s. Recently accused of brainwashing Dylann Roof.
  • American Free Press – A newspaper and website which promotes Libertarian-conservative politics and anti-Semitism.

  • Early anti-political correctness and criticism of Jewish influence
The Manosphere

At the same time that 4chan was discovering Adolf Hitler, the pick-up artist community was in the process of transforming into what is now called the Manosphere. These are groups of men disillusioned with feminism in society.

Having used the starting point of feminism to look at the ills of our modern society, many of these men began to look at the Jews (who happened to have invented feminism) as playing a destructive role in the development of modern Western culture. Already outside of the bounds of what is socially acceptable, these guys did not have a problem entering into new realms of political incorrectness.

Sites and People:

  • Return of Kings – The blog of Roosh V, originally a purely Manosphere-oriented site which now covers a variety of political and social issues.
  • Chateau Heartiste – A pick-up artist and anti-feminist blog which has moved progressively into politics.
  • Davis Aurini – A Manosphere figure who has become more political.
  • Matt Forney – A Manosphere blogger who now writes various right-wing materials.

  • Anti-Feminism
  • Anti-Homosexuality
  • Men’s Rights

The Gamergate provided a direct entry-point to what is now called the Alt-Right, as it was made-up of young White men who realized they were being disenfranchised by feminism and political correctness when aggressive SJWs began invading their space and making demands of them, and ended up digging into the “dark corners of the internet” to try and figure out what was happening.

Gamergate is notable in that they had some very serious successes in fighting off attempts to maintain their hobby as a White male affair (though Daily Stormer is the only site which has actually gotten a feminist fired from a video game company).

After Gamergate was banned from 4chan (a weird decision by moot, the site’s owner, when he was courting a Jewish girl who writes for Gawker), the movement transfered its base to 8chan, and was largely responsible for initially populating that site (it has also become popular among the Alt-Right, generally). Mingling there with Alt-Righters, many people involved became active in other aspects of the right-wing movement.

Sites and People:

  • 8ch.net/v/ – The de facto home of the movement.
  • /r/KokatuInAction – The other de facto home of the movement.
  • Vox Day – A blogger, science fiction writer and various other things.

  • Drawing battlelines for the culture war
  • Making video games White and male again
The Old White Nationalist Movement

Finally, these various groups were combined, to various extents, with the older White Nationalist movements, which had existed since the fifties.

Some of those involved in the older movements dislike the Alt-Right because they don’t understand the humor involved, they think it is too hardcore, or because it rejects certain aspects of liberalism which they hold dear, such as feminism.

Sites and People:

  • Stormfront – The original WN spot on the internet.
  • David Duke – The grandfather of the White Nationalist movement.
  • VDARE – Edited and run by Peter Brimelow, VDARE is mainly focused on the immigration issue. They have some great writers, including James Kirkpatrick.
  • The Occidental Observer – Run by Dr. Kevin MacDonald, TOO publishes long essays on Jews, some of which are pretty good.
  • Traditionalist Youth Network – The home of Matt Heimbach’s Traditonalist Workers Party.
  • VNN – Alex Linder’s forum, VNN is a classic WN site.
  • American Renaissance – Jared Taylor’s organization, which is also the name of his news website.
  • Occidental Dissent – The blog of the League of the South’s Hunter Wallace.

  • IQ statistics
  • Various ideas and concepts
Identitarian Movements

Like the standard WN movements, identitarian movements developed separate from the core of the Alt-Right and combined/mingled with it to an extent over the last couple of years.

Identitarianism is an attempt at Americanizing certain themes of European nationalism which were seen to be lacking in the White Nationalist movement in America.

The exact differences between “Identitarianism” and “White Nationalism” have never been entirely clear to me, but those who fall under the former label tend to be more socially liberal than other factions of the Alt-Right, endorsing homosexuality and taking a softer stance on the need for pure White nations.

Sites and people:

  • Counter-Currents – Greg Johnson’s blog, publishes a lot of highly excellent essays. They also publish books.
  • Radix Journal – Richard Spencer’s blog.

  • The term “Alt-Right”
  • A bunch of books and essays
A Reboot of the White Nationalist Movement
The movement is, at this point, entirely leaderless. The people involved in contributing to and/or consuming the content are on different Alt-Right sites and forums, many are on Twitter, reddit, 4chan, etc.

There are minor “leaders,” people who others listen to, but because there is yet to be an officially codified doctrine, no actual leader exists. The mob is the movement.

It is also important to understand that though older people are involved, this is fundamentally a youth movement, mainly made up of millennials. People in their thirties and beyond tend not to change their opinions very easily, so those older people who are involved mostly come from the older White Nationalist scene.

The reason that all of these various movements came together and developed the same basic values is not that they were built on something else. For the most part, it was people honestly searching for conclusions as to what was going on in the world in the information age. The reason these different groups ended up coming to the same conclusions about the Jews, race, feminism and the rest of it was that they had unlimited access to information, and open minds, so they all happened upon the objective truth.

That is the probably most fitting definition of the Alt-Right from the perspective of those involved in the movement: a confluence of various groups of White men who reached the same objective truths through different avenues.

The Alt-Right can be viewed as a reboot of the White Nationalist movement. This is a simplification, but one which is basically accurate. People went out seeking the truth, found it, but instead of joining an existing movement which had a mostly similar ideology (the above mentioned old White Nationalist movement), they formulated a new movement.

Many of the memes of the old WN movement have been adopted by the Alt-Right, and are used with varying levels of irony.

That said, there is nothing fundamentally different about the Alt-Right and the old White Nationalist movement. They have the same basic goals but simply use different methods in their attempts to achieve them.

Creating a Counter Culture Which Eventually Becomes the Dominant Culture
The end goal of the Alt-Right is to first solidify a stable and self-sustaining counter-culture, and then eventually push this into becoming the dominant culture, in the same way that the Jewish-led revolutionary counter-culture of the 1960s has now become the dominant culture of the West.

I have personally been very conscious of this goal, and formulated strategies through which to accomplish it. I have studied in some detail the methodology used by the Jewish revolutionaries of the 1960’s, and done my best to adapt this methodology to the digital age.

Of particular importance to me was the book “Rules for Radicals” by the Jew Saul Alinsky, given that he codified the strategy used by the Jews to tear down the entire ancient body of European traditions and social norms and replace it with something the Jews felt more comfortable with.

Given the all-encompassing nature of the current ruling system, our only real advantage is that we are outsiders. When the Jewish bandit-king David killed Goliath, he did so with a dirty trick, which bypassed the established rules, thus winning a battle he could never have won fairly. The Jews did the same thing in the 60’s. We are doing it now.

In the interest of understanding the relationship between the Alt-Right and the old White Nationalist movement, it is worth noting that most tension which exists between the two groups is based on the latter failing to grasp the methodology of the former. In a recent interview on the Grace and Steel podcast, American Renaissance Chairman Jared Taylor denounced the Alt-Right for its vulgarity, and I was left asking myself: “is victory less important than upholding a social decorum?”

Of course, in my opinion, it absolutely is not.

This is about survival. We must win by any means necessary, or we will cease to exist.

The Ideology and Values of the Alt-Right
The ideology and values of the Alt-Right are reactionary, formed in opposition to the modern Jewish norms. This effectively becomes a “traditionalist” perspective on society.

I will give a list of what I understand the mob to believe, on the whole. Of course, this will not necessarily include all of the people who currently identify as Alt-Right (and certainly will not include all of the websites I linked to above, many of which do not even identify as Alt-Right, though there is a lot of overlap).

Note: I will not include “opposition to political correctness,” as Milo has done, and will instead break down all aspects of political correctness and why the Alt-Right opposes them.


The defining value of the movement and the foundation of its ideology is that the Jews are fundamentally opposed to the White race and Western civilization and so must be confronted and ultimately removed from White societies completely.

Jews are behind all of the things which we are against, the diametric opposite of everything that we stand for. In a very real sense, defeating and physically removing the Jews will solve every other problem. None of this would be happening if it were not for the Jews.

It is now fully-documented that Jews are behind mass-immigration, feminism, the news media and Hollywood, pornography, the global banking system, global communism, the homosexual political agenda, the wars in the Middle East and virtually everything else the Alt-Right is opposed to. This is, to a shocking extent, simply admitted by the Jews themselves.

As such, the only way to end these problems is to strike the root and remove the Jews from our societies.

White Countries for White People

The end goal of the movement is to establish pure White racial states in all formerly White countries.

The current trend of non-White immigration into White countries will lead to a complete destruction of White culture, the White social order and ultimately an extermination of the White race.

We believe in mass deportations of all non-White immigrants, regardless of whether or not they were born here. This would include, in America, a repatriation to Africa of the descendants of slaves (or an allocation of autonomous territory for them within our current borders).

Scientific Racism

The Alt-Right does not accept the pseudo-scientific claims that “all races are equal,” and instead looks to the real science of race which shows that they have vastly different abilities, drives and intelligence levels.

Additionally, the Alt-Right views the Jews as a separate race, with biological drives and behavior patterns which come into direct conflict with the goals and values of the White race. Dr. Kevin MacDonald’s work examining the racial nature of Jews is considered crucial to understanding what the Alt-Right is about.

Opposition to Feminism and “Gender Equality,” Support for Traditional Families

As with the claim that “all races are equal,” the claim that “men and women are equal” is looked at as entirely ridiculous by the Alt-Right. We believe in abolishing feminism and reestablishing traditional gender roles in society, a process which would involve sending women back to the home to produce and raise children, largely removing them from the workplace.

The Alt-Right is opposed to homosexuality, as well as the emasculation of men through denying them their traditional role in society.

Endorsement of White History

The Alt-Right celebrates the greatness of our ancestors and the glory of our historical achievements. Rejecting revisionist arguments by modern social scientists which portray Whites as having wrought evil on the planet, we view Whites as the creators and maintainers of Western civilization.

We pride ourselves in doing the best we can to pick-up the ball that the baby boomers dropped when they sold-out the entire history of our people for feel-good nonsense.

Cultural Normalization

Beyond simply restoring the family, the Alt-Right seeks to restore balance to society more broadly. This includes using authoritarian measures to deal with addictive drugs, pornography, crime and other degenerate social ills.

Common Sense Economics

Though the focus of the Alt-Right is almost entirely on social and cultural issues, presumably due to the fact that technological developments have made economic issues much less relevant, we do believe that economics should follow basic common sense.

If we were to physically remove Jews, however, this would probably fall into place naturally.

Right now, scarcity of resources is nigh entirely artificial, brought on by the crony capitalist system which has created the massive wealth gap, allowing a tiny minority to hoard wealth. Along with this, the trade deals which have allowed for our industry to be exported to the third world are opposed.

Most in the movement would support a type of free market socialism.

The White Struggle as a Global Battle

The Alt-Right views the struggle for the continued existence of the White race as a global battle between Whites and the Jews. The internet has allowed for us to connect globally with as much ease as we can connect to someone down the street or in the next room, and this has fostered a sense of worldwide unity of cause for White people.

Our problems are all nearly identical, the only difference being that we are dealing with different groups of non-Whites. There is a sense that either we are all going to win, or we’re all going to lose, and this creates a powerful sense of camaraderie across nations and continents.

Our Memes
As has been clumsily discussed at some length by the media, memes are a big part of the Alt-Right culture. These images and slogans comprise not only an attempt, but a successful attempt, to formulate a new culture for ourselves, separate from the mainstream culture, which is largely the result of Jewish social imperialism.

For the purpose of trying to give a better understanding of the nature of this new culture the movement has produced, I will give a list of examples of memes which, far from exhaustive, should allow those unfamiliar with the Alt-Right to get a basic idea of the headspace people in the movement inhabit. It is a place where irony and vulgarity meet conscious idealism, futurism and a deep reverence for objective, scientific data.

Many or most of these originated on 4chan, some of them having not been initially associated with anything necessarily political.


Pepe is by far the most covered meme in this media storm which has taken place around the Alt-Right. He is a cartoon frog, who has served as the movement’s mascot.

Pepe became the mascot (he wasn’t “chosen” by anyone, except the meme-mob, which is everyone) because he embodies the goal of couching idealism within irony. A movement which meets all of the SPLC’s definitions of Neo-Nazi White Supremacism using a cartoon frog to represent itself takes on a subversive power to bypass historical stereotypes of such movements, and thus present the ideas themselves in a fun way without the baggage of Schindler’s List and American History X.


Bane is the villain from the film The Dark Knight Rises, the final installment of Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy.

The film, while aesthetically beautiful, was written by a Jew, with the villain Bane in many ways embodying the Jewish nightmare of fascism. The Alt-Right has adopted this character as a secondary mascot because of his character as a strongman, taking down an oppressive liberal-democratic system and attempting to establish an authoritarian-populist social order.

Other villains from popular Jewish-produced culture are also sometimes used within the Alt-Right meme culture for the same reason.


“Normie” is a term used to refer to individuals who have not yet joined the Alt-Right, remaining trapped in the mental-prison of the Jewish system. These people are viewed as being incapable of objectively processing information, and will instead revert to programmed slogans whenever they are presented with ideas that conflict with their synthetic value system.

Dindu Nuffin

When arrested, Black people will often use the phrase “I didn’t do nothing” when exclaiming their professed innocence. The term is used to mock the assertion by both Blacks themselves and the Jewish-dominated media that Black people are not responsible for their own behavior, as well as the failure of Blacks to use standard English.


The term “shitlord” was allegedly used initially by SJWs as an insult to racists and misogynists. I don’t personally remember it as an insult, however, given that it was so quickly taken on by the Alt-Right and used as a term of endearment and pride. This is an example of Alinsky’s instruction to own insults and thus remove their power (another example would be what happened when the Clinton campaign tried to popularize the #DangerousDonald meme).


Another meme that the media has paid attention to, “Cuck” is short for “cuckold,” which is a man whose wife is cheating on him or a sexual fetish (and porn genre) involving a White man who enjoys seeing his wife have sex with Black men.

“Cuck” (or “Cuckservative,” if one is referring to a cuck who identifies as “conservative”) is applied to Whites who relish in giving away the resources of their people to foreigners. The term applies to Whites who support mass immigration, support Black Lives Matter or support Israel.

White Genocide

“White Genocide” refers to the idea, often supported by the UN’s Genocide Convention, that flooding White nations with non-Whites amounts to a form of calculated genocide against a racial group.

The Daily Stormer poster WhiteGenocideTM, who was cited in Hillary Clinton’s Alt-Right speech, was retweeted by Donald Trump, thus propelling the term into popular consciousness. Regrettably, there seems to be some confusion as to what the term means, with some (Clinton included, apparently) seemingly believing it is a call for Whites to commit a genocide(s), rather than drawing attention to the fact a genocide is being committed against us.

We wuz Kangz

“We wuz Kangz” is a mockery of the Afrocentric anthropological claim that Blacks are the descendants ancient Egyptian kings. The phrase is used to mock the ineptitude of Blacks, and their continued claims that all of their endless failures are the result of White people oppressing them out of hatred for the color of their skin, rather than an innate biological incapacity to compete in White society.

Le Happy Merchant

Le Happy Merchant is a Jewish caricature used to represent all Jews. It is used for the purpose of dehumanizing the Jew as a type of evil monster, rather than a human being, while also being very funny in its offensiveness. The character is used in a series of DIY comic strips as a diabolical villain tricking and abusing a good natured but obese and dimwitted American (Le American Bear), as well as a whole lot of other memes. It has proven to be extremely effective in portraying Jews as an alien other, in the way the much more serious NSDAP anti-Semitic propaganda did in the 1930’s.


“1488” is an old skinhead and White Nationalist battlecry. “14” refers to the 14 words coined by David Lane (“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children“), with 88 being an 88 word paragraph from Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, volume 1, chapter 8 (“What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of the fatherland, so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted it by the creator of the universe. Every thought and every idea, every doctrine and all knowledge, must serve this purpose. And everything must be examined from this point of view and used or rejected according to its utility.”).

“88” can also mean “Heil Hitler,” as “H” is the 8th letter of the alphabet.

The Alt-Right certainly believes in these principles, but also uses the number ironically – it is a bit of self-depreciating humor, comparing ourselves to previous incarnations of the White Nationalist movement which are potentially viewed as low-brow.


The Jewish Holocaust is viewed as the foundation upon which the modern system of White guilt was built, used by the Jewish-dominated establishment as a club to beat in the skulls of anyone who dares stand-up and claim that Whites have a right to their own countries.

The absurd assertion – either plainly stated or directly implied – is that whenever Whites organize for their own interests, they begin exterminating people. As such, the Jewish declaration of “Never Again” is taken to imply that there will never again be a White country.

The only way to subvert the Jewish obsession with bringing up the Holocaust whenever any White person claims they have a right to exist is to viciously mock the story, in large part by pointing out that they have yet to produce any physical evidence that it actually happened. Beyond laughing about the fact that Jews are such chronic liars that they invented a story about millions of people being gassed in fake shower rooms and made into furniture and cleaning products, the Alt-Right also asserts that if it had happened, it would have been justified due to the collective behavior of the Jews.

The mockery of the Holocaust fits into the theory that you cannot win by apologizing, as apologizing is the realm of losers.


A couple years ago, The Right Stuff began using a foot-pedal on their podcast to cause the names of Jews to echo. This was accompanied by the triple parentheses around the names of Jewish people or organizations. A Chrome app was created which would add the parentheses around the names of these Jewish people and organizations.

Earlier this year, the symbol was finally recognized by the Jews themselves, and they attempted to “own it” by voluntarily adding the parentheses to their names on Twitter. It was bizarre.


Kek is the apotheosis of Pepe, who at some point in the future will travel back in time to become an Egyptian god of trolling. I am not going to elaborate much on it here, as the subject is too complex and esoteric, but the Alt-Right is in the process of forming an actual religious doctrine around the god Kek, who is believed to be the spiritual root of meme magick.

Nirvana Fallacy

In February of 2015, this writer criticized the YouTuber Sargon of Akkad for blaming political correctness, rather than race, for the Pakistani rape gangs which operated for decades with impunity in Rotherham, England. Akkad responded to the criticism, with a video attacking me and defending Pakistani immigration to the UK. In it, he cited several fallacies found on Wikipedia, including the “Nirvana Fallacy,” saying that this particular fallacy meant that if these girls had not been drugged, gang-raped and trafficked by Pakistani men, “White British men” would have done it (it was implied that it would have happened in the exact same way, to the same girls, by Whites, making it appear as though he was presenting some type of metaphysical concept relating to divine predestination).

Since then, this writer and others have jokingly reminded people whenever a terrorist attack, gang-rape, mass sex attack, or plain old brutal murder is committed by an immigrant or a Black that if they hadn’t done it, White British men would have.

For example: “If a North African Moslem wouldn’t have run over those people in Nice for Allah, a White British man would have” or “if a gang of Blacks hadn’t kidnapped that that 17-year-old White girl in Myrtle Beach and gang-raped her for days before shooting her and feeding her to alligators, White British men would have.”

The meme is designed to mock the ridiculousness of the liberal/progressive/SJW/Jew assertion that all races are exactly the same.

Sam Hyde

Sam Hyde is a comedian, who has dedicated his life to viciously mocking the Alt-Right and other right-wing groups.

At some point, someone on Twitter got the idea of posting the image of “White Supremacist Sam Hyde” as an announcement of a shooter’s identity during a mass shooting or terrorist event. The concept was to mock the Jewish media’s assumption that whenever a killing happens, the culprit is White, despite the fact that this is almost never true. The rule proved true, as repeatedly, the media would retweet and even publish reports based on the tweets.

During the Black Lives Matter protests at Mizzou, this writer managed to convince tens of thousands of Black people that Sam Hyde was a KKK leader on campus lynching Blacks. This writer was permanently banned from Twitter for this particular stunt.


“GTKRWN” stands for “gas the kikes – race war now!”

It is used ironically to mock the idea that anyone who supports White interests is a genocidal maniac.

Vibrant Diversity

“Vibrant diversity” and “cultural enrichment” are terms which have been used with a straightface by the Jewish establishment to refer to mass non-White immigration into White countries. The terms have been adopted by the Alt-Right to refer to rapes, mass-murders, terrorist attacks, etc. committed by non-Whites in White countries.

This is a means to point out that there is literally no tangible benefit, whatsoever, to bringing primitive third-world people into White countries, as well as the utterly unfathomable levels of dishonesty used in the promotion of the immigration agenda.


Anime images are widely used as a part of the aesthetic of the Alt-Right. This is in part due to the fact that many people within the Alt-Right genuinely enjoy watching Anime, as it is viewed as a form of video entertainment which exists outside of the corrosive cultural norms created and promoted by the Jews who dominate the Western entertainment media.

It is also used ironically by many who may not necessarily watch much Anime, because it is funny to associate hardcore racism and a love for Adolf Hitler with cute cartoons. This serves to take the edge off the portrayal of anyone who questions the ethnic cleansing of Whites as evil.

It is also notable that Japan is generally viewed very positively as a nation and a people throughout the Alt-Right, due to their relatively high culture and their passion for defending it.


RetroWave (also known as Synthwave) has become the preferred music choice of many members of the Alt-Right. It is electronic music with a 1980’s aesthetic, with influences mainly drawn from the soundtracks of films of that time.

The 80’s is when most of the members of the Alt-Right were born, and we have a fondness for the optimism that embodied that era. It is often pointed out that the visions of the future given to the people through the media of that era have been abandoned in favor of a policy of third-worldizing the first world through mass third-world immigration. This makes it impossible that the high-technology utopia we were promised by 80’s entertainment culture could ever be realized.

RetroFuturism fits very well with the “we want our future back” theme of the Alt-Right.

The genre is small at present, mostly associated with the NewRetroWave YouTube channel. The Synthwave artist ~ C Y B E R N Δ Z I ~ is currently producing original White Identity-oriented music, and I predict that this will become more and more of a trend in the future, as this genre becomes to the Alt-Right what punk was to the skinhead movement.

Current Year

Another meme that the media has taken note of, “it’s current year” makes a mockery of the SJW catchphrase going something like “I can’t believe that we still have [insert something] – it’s [current year].”

The idea behind these statements when made by SJWs is that certain ideas cannot be accepted due to the level of social development we’ve allegedly undergone over the past decades. They often use the statement, however, to promote policies which are viewed by the Alt-Right as the opposite of social progress, such as mass Islamic immigration or allowing Black people to attack cops.

“Leaders” of the Alt-Right and the Media’s Fake Narrative
The concept of the movement having “leaders” is a very recent invention of the media. In order to support this, they have invented an alternate history of the movement, which focuses on people who are only peripheral to the Alt-Right, and may in fact be opposed to its core narrative.

None of these men is the leader. And yes, that includes the guy in the middle.

This presumably represents both a desire on the part of the establishment to define the movement on their own terms, as well as a fundamental incapacity to understand what is actually going on, believing that political movements must have leaders and a direct line of “thinkers” which can be traced back to various people influencing various other people who promoted various specific ideas.

Milo’s Breitbart piece, “Establishment Conservative’s Guide to the Alt-Right” (co-written with Allum Bokhari), being the first “guide” to the movement written, is serving as a basis for the narrative being presented by the media. This combines with the opinions of “hate experts” from the SPLC and the ADL to form a contrived and largely nonsensical forced “history of the Alt-Right,” complete with forced leaders who had little or nothing to do with the ideological and spiritual journeys of most people who make up the movement.

Much of this confusion is built on the term “Alt-Right” itself, which was allegedly coined by the Jew Paul Gottfried in 2008 and then used as the name of Richard Spencer’s new-defunct blog.

Paul Gottfried, the Jew who supposedly coined the term “Alternative Right”

The term “Alt-Right” came into wide, common use to describe the confluence of dissidents very recently, and has virtually nothing whatsoever to do with the Jew who allegedly coined the term, and much more to do with the way it sounds and the way the internet works. That is to say, people thought the term fit the movement, and when people began using the term on Twitter with the #altright hashtag, and then in blogs, it caught on, with people accepting that the term was being used to define what they believe. This happened less than a year ago, while the movement itself has been forming for several years.

The term “Alt-Right” itself is what the Jewish media is manipulating to use to redefine the movement along terms that it understands. They are tracing the origin of the term, and equating this to the origins of the movement. Which would mean that the movement was founded by a Jew, something which the media is probably comfortable with.

The media has been promoting Jared Taylor, Richard Spencer and Milo himself as the “leaders” of the movement.

The Daily Caller recently labeled Jared Taylor “the intellectual godfather of the Alt-Right.”

The first two individuals have both done great work contributing to the struggle of the White race, I just don’t personally see as though they’ve had overly much direct influence on the mob, which is the heart of the Alt-Right. That having been said, I am not opposed to having either of these men represent the Alt-Right in the media, necessarily, but I do fear that they will serve to remove focus from the Jewish problem. I absolutely believe that unrepentant anti-Semitism needs to remain at the core of the movement, just as it has been from the beginning.

There is also the problem that neither of these men has attempted to assert leadership by forming an organization with a clear political platform. Jared Taylor has mainly focused on statistical data regarding race; I’m not familiar with any political material Taylor has written. I was also deeply concerned to see a recent interview with Taylor in the Jewish Daily Forward where he was presented as a leader of the Alt-Right and claiming that the movement is not against Jews and is actually reaching out to them and inviting them to join up. I believe virtually every single member of the movement would take very serious issue with.

Though I am not as familiar with the work of Richard Spencer, he doesn’t appear to have any specific political positions. Looking into him after he has received all of this media attention recently, I watched a 25 minute video he made entitled “What is the Alt-Right?” and I was left without any understanding whatsoever of how he defines the term, let alone any political positions he holds. I am also extremely uncomfortable with Spencer’s apparent support for radical homosexual movements – one of the few positions which I have heard him be very straightforward about – and do not see this as jiving at all with the basic culture and values of the Alt-Right.

Richard Spencer has invited Jack Donovan to his conferences and publicly defended him. Donovan is a radical homosexual who has written on the internet about “fucking men like they were women” and specifically targeting men with “daddy issues.”

That having been said, both Taylor and Spencer are genuine people, and they may in the future present political positions in line with those of the mob and serve as a rallying point for the movement. However, until they do present political positions, declaring them leaders of a political movement is frankly ridiculous.

Milo, on the other hand, is a subversive and a disease. A homosexual Jew, he jumped on the movement a few months ago and was promoted by the entire media, propelled as the representative of the “official movement.” He has introduced a bizarre narrative where no one in the Alt-Right actually believes anything that they are saying, and simply say it as part of some obscure joke.

In the past weeks, he has been promoted to celebrity status, apparently for the purpose of trying to cleanse the movement of anyone who actually believes anything. It is a bizarre situation, having someone claim to represent us, while presenting positions which are directly contrary to our core beliefs.

What he has done is adopt the tone of the movement, endorsing certain less important positions, while also serving as the tone-police, attempting to shut out the real heart of the movement by denouncing them as “fringe.” In his Breitbart piece, he claimed, among other things, that the Alt-Right has no problem with race-mixing or Jews, but simply mocks them because they oppose political correctness. In his piece, he dug-up people who actually are fringe members of the movement, and used them to attempt to redefine the movement.

It is also noteworthy that he somehow forgot to mention the Daily Stormer, despite the fact that this site gets more traffic than all other Alt-Right websites combined.

It is plain as anything that Milo is attempting to use the movement – which is hip, rebellious and edgy – in order to transform himself into a counter-culture icon.

This all having been said, though I do find the situation outrageous, there is no real threat that Milo is going to take anything over. In fact, his newly-earned celebrity status has resulted in a huge backlash, with the mob enraged that he is openly and publicly lying about what the movement is, effectively defaming us, while shamelessly using our hard work and achievements for his own personal agenda.

The Future of the Alt-Right
To become a real and effective political force, the Alt-Right will need real leaders. Real leaders are not people that stand-up and claim to be leaders, but people that the masses naturally want to follow.

We will need a platform which allows us to organize and collectively promote our agenda. This may be in the form of a political party, or it may be through an organization which acts to influence the existing Republican party. We need real organization, and it needs to be based on a platform which is approved by the mob.

As far as I understand the mob, the points which I laid out in the “ideology and values” section of this piece would pretty much be universally agreed on by it, and should so serve as the basis for any organized political platform.

Besides, these are the positions that got us to where we are now, and there is no reason to believe they won’t continue to gain wider and wider acceptance among the people. In fact there is much reason to believe they will continue to spread, exponentially, just as they have been, until a large portion of the White demographic holds these positions. Toning down the message, however, serves absolutely no strategic purpose. It would cause the movement to lose momentum and it wouldn’t increase appeal.

If Trump wins, we are going to have an opportunity to directly influence his administration, if we organize ourselves properly and develop a cohesive constituency (the latter we already have, I’d estimate numbering at 4-6 million people).

If Trump loses, we are going to have an opportunity to very vocally blame the Jews for his loss, which will serve our purposes nearly as much as a Trump win.

Either way, the future is very bright.

As long as everyone involved keeps doing exactly what they’re doing right now, we can only continue to expand. There is no other option. Our ideas are winning.

The only threat of failure is if in trying to go mainstream we decide to compromise. However, because of the nature of this internet-based movement, where the mob has a very real voice and can say it loudly when they disagree with the direction something is going in, there is not any real chance anyone pushing a compromise could be successful.

We already have a situation where anyone trying to go soft gets e-lynched for it, and that isn’t going away.

Whatever the end result of our great work is, I know this for certain:

History will remember us.

Hail Victory.

Monster post.

*two cents*


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This was a great read. So often you don't get to interact with the true nature of the opposition.

I feel like someone turned on a microscope with a microphone and let me have a conversation with syphillis so I could better understand it.


BGOL Investor
Yea.. like they wont approve Sessions, Tillerson, DeVos, Price, Mnuchin...

Them niggas are small fish who can easily be replaced

Remember Banon aka bane was talking mad greasy about the GOP in his alt right blogs and publications

You really think them niggas going to forget about that? They don't even want to give that nigga a security clearance

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
Dude now is the defacto president.. I peeped that clown already

And the fact he has a seat on the national security counsel and trump removing the DNI and a joint chief says a lot

I'm hearing trump wants to get Bannon a security clearance and it's looking like congress nor the senate will not approve it.. a good majority of the GOP don't like Bannon ..

Don't be surprised he ends up dead real talk
Bannon getting killed is a celebration. Fuck him and his existence


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
for those who dont like to click links

A Normie’s Guide to the Alt-Right
Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 31, 2016

Following condemnations by Hillary Clinton, everyone in the world is now trying to define exactly what the Alt-Right is. Most of them are getting it wrong.

The short story is that although the term could refer to a lot of different people saying a lot of different things, the people that it is being used to refer to by the media – Trump-supporting White racial advocates who engage in trolling an other activism on the internet – are the core of the movement, with any other groups and figures being peripheral.

The core concept of the movement, upon which all else is based, is that Whites are undergoing an extermination, via mass immigration into White countries which was enabled by a corrosive liberal ideology of White self-hatred, and that the Jews are at the center of this agenda.

The Alt-Right is a “mass movement” in the truest possible sense of the term, a type of mass-movement that could only exist on the internet, where everyone’s voice is as loud as they are able to make it. In the world of the internet, top-down hierarchy can only be based on the value, or perceived value, of someone’s ideas. The Alt-Right is an online mob of disinfranchised and mostly anonymous, mostly young White men. This collective of dissidents argued with itself until it reached a consensus (consensus is yet to reach 100%, but it is damn close). We have now moved from arguments and debates and become a new political collective, a type of hive mind.

The mob is the movement.

Some of the ways the movement presents itself can be confusing to the mainstream, given the level of irony involved. The amount of humor and vulgarity confuses people. The true nature of the movement, however, is serious and idealistic. We have in this new millennium an extremely nihilistic culture. From the point when I first became active in what has become the Alt-Right movement, it was my contention that in an age of nihilism, absolute idealism must be couched in irony in order to be taken seriously. This is because anyone who attempts to present himself as serious will immediately be viewed as the opposite through the jaded lens of our post-modern milieu.

Now, on to the long story.

I will first lay out what the movement actually is and where it came from, and then layout what it appears to be to the mainstream media, and why I believe these narratives differ so drastically, and conclude with some loose predictions of where I see all of this going in the future.

An Accurate History of the Alt-Right
Roughly four years ago, a new type of White nationalist movement began to form on the internet. This was mostly made-up of young people who were formulating ideas with minimal influence from prior White nationalist movements.

It was a situation of different online subcultures (some of which were influenced by older offline movements) coming together. These groups collided, based on their having reached common conclusions, and the result is what is now called the Alt-Right.

I am going to layout here these various factions, and what ultimately led them toward this center-point where we have all met. The campaign of Donald Trump is effectively the nexus of that centerpoint.

Note that there is quite a bit of overlap between these various communities, with many people – myself included – having traveled through more than one. Breaking them down into specific categories just makes it easier to grasp the overall development of the different threads of thought.

Note: I will list associated sites and people for each sub-group, though these sites will not necessarily be Alt-Right in nature. They are merely to let people know what is associated with the various factions.

Troll Culture

In my view, the core identity of the current Alt-Right originates from the highly intellectual meme and trolling culture which was birthed on 4chan in the 00’s.

The birth of the internet age marked the first time in history that unlimited amounts of information were available at people’s fingertips, and courageous men began to sort through it and discuss it wherever they were allowed to.

It was on 4chan’s /pol/ that most of the core concepts of what is now the Alt-Right were figured out. Many of the key “anons” (anonymous imageboard posters) from this group were people who had previously been involved in 4chan’s /b/, which is where modern internet trolling techniques originated.

The anonymous nature of 4chan allowed for all different sorts of people to get together and discuss all sorts of ideas, without having those ideas attached to an identity of any kind (not even an internet pseudonym). Anti-Semitic and racist jokes had been a key feature of /b/, but on /pol/ the sentiments behind the jokes slowly became serious, as people realized they were based on fact. /pol/ became a haven for virulent anti-Semites and aggressive racists, and tone of the Alt-Right is drawn directly from these roots on 4chan.

On 4chan, the Jewish problem was analyzed by news junkies and history buffs, feminism was deconstructred by sexually frustrated young men, and race was considered based on the actual data on the issue. The rehabilitation of Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP largely took place on 4chan.

This newly formulated Nazi ideology was then combined with the established troll culture, based on memes, hilarious images designed to transmit cultural concepts, and “lulz,” a term coined by the troll Jameth which defines the type of malicious humor associated with trolling.

Culture-jamming and various other forms of conscious social-engineering were first applied to online activism here. This made promoting the right-wing agenda not only meaningful, but also extremely fun. The Alt-Right carries with it that spirit of fun.

Sites and People:

  • /pol/ – Effectively ground zero of the Alt-Right, in that this is where the aesthetic and basic ideology of the Alt-Right originated.
  • weev – Troll zero, weev was the key non-anon originator of what we now understand as troll culture.
  • Daily Stormer – A neo-Nazi website which rips-off memes from 4chan and refuses to give them credit.
  • The Right Stuff – An edgy website for trolls, which features a wide array of podcasts, some of which are professionally produced. Originator of the echoes meme.
  • My Posting Career – It doesn’t really go in this category, but has to be put somewhere, as it has been an extremely influential site. Originator of the term “cuckservative.”
  • Ricky Vaughn – A Twitter personality.
  • Paul Town – Another Twitter personality.
  • GotNews.com – Another one that doesn’t exactly go here, but the site’s proprieter, Chuck Johnson, has been confirmed to have Internet Troll Personality Disorder (ITPD).

  • Trolling
  • Memes
  • lulz
  • Non-ironic Nazism masquerading as ironic Nazism
  • Anime Nazism
Conspiracy Theorism

Throughout the 00’s, conspiracy theorism was a key dissident movement on the internet. The movement was an extension of old anti-communist propaganda which had aired on shortwave radio, supercharged by the internet and a generally high level of confusion in society which led people to consider alternate explanations for events.

The movement gained traction initially with theories surrounding the 9/11 attacks having been orchestrated by intelligence agencies, rather than random Moslems. This was attached to anti-globalist concepts and the term “New World Order,” as well as more obscure theories regarding Freemasonry and global satanism.

At the turn of the decade, however, the movement began to lose steam, as the conspiracy theories being promoted by the people who promote such theories had become increasingly bizarre/insane.

The people from the conspiracy scene then began becoming increasingly focused on the Jewish problem. Even those who currently do not focus on the Jewish issue have moved closer to Alt-Right type ideas regarding race and culture.

Sites and People:

  • Infowars – The world’s foremost conspiracy website, run by a large man named Alex Jones. The site has, over the last year, become increasingly aligned with Alt-Right ideas, though without talking about the Jews. They have dumped a lot of the hardline kookery of the 00’s conspiracy movement.
  • Rense – The world’s secondmost conspiracy website, run by Jeff Rense. It is just a link site, but it has influenced the narrative of the conspiracy movement in the way it chooses links. If you browse it now, a lot of the content is Alt-Rightish.
  • Red Ice – Heinrich Palmgren’s radio program started with a focus on conspiracies, but he has since moved into the Alt-Right. He has also expanded into other media.
  • Paul Joseph Watson – Lead agent of Infowars, Watson made a huge pivot from promoting chemtrails-tier kookery to anti-SJW materials last year. He has claimed that Jews do not control the media.
  • Veteran’s Today – The commentary website of Jewish conspiracy theorist Gordon Duff. The site is the last remaining bastion of hardline “tinfoil hat” type conspiracy theories. Duff has admitted to purposefully publishing disinformation.
  • David Icke – A British person who believes the world is controlled by lizard people from another dimension (all of whom happen to be Jewish).

  • A willingness to look critically at mainstream narratives

Though there is technically a difference between Libertarianism and paleoconservatism, the most notable figures could be identified using either of these terms. This was a counter-culture movement popular in the 00’s, fueled largely by Ron Paul’s ’08 and ’12 Presidential campaigns. Its roots went back to the campaigns of Pat Buchanan.

In the early 2010’s, we saw many in the libertarian community becoming seriously disillusioned with their own movement. Ron Paul had failed miserably to gain traction in his 2012 Presidential bid, and much of the basic doctrine of the movement was beginning to look stale as other ways of looking at society were beginning to be presented – in particular, Fascism and National Socialism were introduced as competing alternatives to the current system of materialism, consumerism and corrupt crony capitalism.

At the same time, discussion of economics appeared to be becoming increasingly irrelevant, partially due to the immediate nature of social and cultural problems, and partially due to the development of technology making the old economic models obsolete.

Sites and People:

  • TakiMag – A politically incorrect paleoconservative blog published by Taki Theodoracopulos.
  • Stefan Molyneux – A Libertarian YouTuber who has progressively moved away from hardline Libertarian cult doctrine and toward social criticism. He still doesn’t talk about the Jews.
  • Pat Buchanan – A former Presidential candidate and current columnist and commentator, he is one of the only modern mainstream politicians to criticize Jews.
  • Joe Sobran – Anti-Semitic Catholic columnist, now deceased.
  • Ron Paul – Failed presidential candidate.
  • Council of Conservative Citizens – An paleoconservative and pro-White organization founded in the 80’s. Recently accused of brainwashing Dylann Roof.
  • American Free Press – A newspaper and website which promotes Libertarian-conservative politics and anti-Semitism.

  • Early anti-political correctness and criticism of Jewish influence
The Manosphere

At the same time that 4chan was discovering Adolf Hitler, the pick-up artist community was in the process of transforming into what is now called the Manosphere. These are groups of men disillusioned with feminism in society.

Having used the starting point of feminism to look at the ills of our modern society, many of these men began to look at the Jews (who happened to have invented feminism) as playing a destructive role in the development of modern Western culture. Already outside of the bounds of what is socially acceptable, these guys did not have a problem entering into new realms of political incorrectness.

Sites and People:

  • Return of Kings – The blog of Roosh V, originally a purely Manosphere-oriented site which now covers a variety of political and social issues.
  • Chateau Heartiste – A pick-up artist and anti-feminist blog which has moved progressively into politics.
  • Davis Aurini – A Manosphere figure who has become more political.
  • Matt Forney – A Manosphere blogger who now writes various right-wing materials.

  • Anti-Feminism
  • Anti-Homosexuality
  • Men’s Rights

The Gamergate provided a direct entry-point to what is now called the Alt-Right, as it was made-up of young White men who realized they were being disenfranchised by feminism and political correctness when aggressive SJWs began invading their space and making demands of them, and ended up digging into the “dark corners of the internet” to try and figure out what was happening.

Gamergate is notable in that they had some very serious successes in fighting off attempts to maintain their hobby as a White male affair (though Daily Stormer is the only site which has actually gotten a feminist fired from a video game company).

After Gamergate was banned from 4chan (a weird decision by moot, the site’s owner, when he was courting a Jewish girl who writes for Gawker), the movement transfered its base to 8chan, and was largely responsible for initially populating that site (it has also become popular among the Alt-Right, generally). Mingling there with Alt-Righters, many people involved became active in other aspects of the right-wing movement.

Sites and People:

  • 8ch.net/v/ – The de facto home of the movement.
  • /r/KokatuInAction – The other de facto home of the movement.
  • Vox Day – A blogger, science fiction writer and various other things.

  • Drawing battlelines for the culture war
  • Making video games White and male again
The Old White Nationalist Movement

Finally, these various groups were combined, to various extents, with the older White Nationalist movements, which had existed since the fifties.

Some of those involved in the older movements dislike the Alt-Right because they don’t understand the humor involved, they think it is too hardcore, or because it rejects certain aspects of liberalism which they hold dear, such as feminism.

Sites and People:

  • Stormfront – The original WN spot on the internet.
  • David Duke – The grandfather of the White Nationalist movement.
  • VDARE – Edited and run by Peter Brimelow, VDARE is mainly focused on the immigration issue. They have some great writers, including James Kirkpatrick.
  • The Occidental Observer – Run by Dr. Kevin MacDonald, TOO publishes long essays on Jews, some of which are pretty good.
  • Traditionalist Youth Network – The home of Matt Heimbach’s Traditonalist Workers Party.
  • VNN – Alex Linder’s forum, VNN is a classic WN site.
  • American Renaissance – Jared Taylor’s organization, which is also the name of his news website.
  • Occidental Dissent – The blog of the League of the South’s Hunter Wallace.

  • IQ statistics
  • Various ideas and concepts
Identitarian Movements

Like the standard WN movements, identitarian movements developed separate from the core of the Alt-Right and combined/mingled with it to an extent over the last couple of years.

Identitarianism is an attempt at Americanizing certain themes of European nationalism which were seen to be lacking in the White Nationalist movement in America.

The exact differences between “Identitarianism” and “White Nationalism” have never been entirely clear to me, but those who fall under the former label tend to be more socially liberal than other factions of the Alt-Right, endorsing homosexuality and taking a softer stance on the need for pure White nations.

Sites and people:

  • Counter-Currents – Greg Johnson’s blog, publishes a lot of highly excellent essays. They also publish books.
  • Radix Journal – Richard Spencer’s blog.

  • The term “Alt-Right”
  • A bunch of books and essays
A Reboot of the White Nationalist Movement
The movement is, at this point, entirely leaderless. The people involved in contributing to and/or consuming the content are on different Alt-Right sites and forums, many are on Twitter, reddit, 4chan, etc.

There are minor “leaders,” people who others listen to, but because there is yet to be an officially codified doctrine, no actual leader exists. The mob is the movement.

It is also important to understand that though older people are involved, this is fundamentally a youth movement, mainly made up of millennials. People in their thirties and beyond tend not to change their opinions very easily, so those older people who are involved mostly come from the older White Nationalist scene.

The reason that all of these various movements came together and developed the same basic values is not that they were built on something else. For the most part, it was people honestly searching for conclusions as to what was going on in the world in the information age. The reason these different groups ended up coming to the same conclusions about the Jews, race, feminism and the rest of it was that they had unlimited access to information, and open minds, so they all happened upon the objective truth.

That is the probably most fitting definition of the Alt-Right from the perspective of those involved in the movement: a confluence of various groups of White men who reached the same objective truths through different avenues.

The Alt-Right can be viewed as a reboot of the White Nationalist movement. This is a simplification, but one which is basically accurate. People went out seeking the truth, found it, but instead of joining an existing movement which had a mostly similar ideology (the above mentioned old White Nationalist movement), they formulated a new movement.

Many of the memes of the old WN movement have been adopted by the Alt-Right, and are used with varying levels of irony.

That said, there is nothing fundamentally different about the Alt-Right and the old White Nationalist movement. They have the same basic goals but simply use different methods in their attempts to achieve them.

Creating a Counter Culture Which Eventually Becomes the Dominant Culture
The end goal of the Alt-Right is to first solidify a stable and self-sustaining counter-culture, and then eventually push this into becoming the dominant culture, in the same way that the Jewish-led revolutionary counter-culture of the 1960s has now become the dominant culture of the West.

I have personally been very conscious of this goal, and formulated strategies through which to accomplish it. I have studied in some detail the methodology used by the Jewish revolutionaries of the 1960’s, and done my best to adapt this methodology to the digital age.

Of particular importance to me was the book “Rules for Radicals” by the Jew Saul Alinsky, given that he codified the strategy used by the Jews to tear down the entire ancient body of European traditions and social norms and replace it with something the Jews felt more comfortable with.

Given the all-encompassing nature of the current ruling system, our only real advantage is that we are outsiders. When the Jewish bandit-king David killed Goliath, he did so with a dirty trick, which bypassed the established rules, thus winning a battle he could never have won fairly. The Jews did the same thing in the 60’s. We are doing it now.

In the interest of understanding the relationship between the Alt-Right and the old White Nationalist movement, it is worth noting that most tension which exists between the two groups is based on the latter failing to grasp the methodology of the former. In a recent interview on the Grace and Steel podcast, American Renaissance Chairman Jared Taylor denounced the Alt-Right for its vulgarity, and I was left asking myself: “is victory less important than upholding a social decorum?”

Of course, in my opinion, it absolutely is not.

This is about survival. We must win by any means necessary, or we will cease to exist.

The Ideology and Values of the Alt-Right
The ideology and values of the Alt-Right are reactionary, formed in opposition to the modern Jewish norms. This effectively becomes a “traditionalist” perspective on society.

I will give a list of what I understand the mob to believe, on the whole. Of course, this will not necessarily include all of the people who currently identify as Alt-Right (and certainly will not include all of the websites I linked to above, many of which do not even identify as Alt-Right, though there is a lot of overlap).

Note: I will not include “opposition to political correctness,” as Milo has done, and will instead break down all aspects of political correctness and why the Alt-Right opposes them.


The defining value of the movement and the foundation of its ideology is that the Jews are fundamentally opposed to the White race and Western civilization and so must be confronted and ultimately removed from White societies completely.

Jews are behind all of the things which we are against, the diametric opposite of everything that we stand for. In a very real sense, defeating and physically removing the Jews will solve every other problem. None of this would be happening if it were not for the Jews.

It is now fully-documented that Jews are behind mass-immigration, feminism, the news media and Hollywood, pornography, the global banking system, global communism, the homosexual political agenda, the wars in the Middle East and virtually everything else the Alt-Right is opposed to. This is, to a shocking extent, simply admitted by the Jews themselves.

As such, the only way to end these problems is to strike the root and remove the Jews from our societies.

White Countries for White People

The end goal of the movement is to establish pure White racial states in all formerly White countries.

The current trend of non-White immigration into White countries will lead to a complete destruction of White culture, the White social order and ultimately an extermination of the White race.

We believe in mass deportations of all non-White immigrants, regardless of whether or not they were born here. This would include, in America, a repatriation to Africa of the descendants of slaves (or an allocation of autonomous territory for them within our current borders).

Scientific Racism

The Alt-Right does not accept the pseudo-scientific claims that “all races are equal,” and instead looks to the real science of race which shows that they have vastly different abilities, drives and intelligence levels.

Additionally, the Alt-Right views the Jews as a separate race, with biological drives and behavior patterns which come into direct conflict with the goals and values of the White race. Dr. Kevin MacDonald’s work examining the racial nature of Jews is considered crucial to understanding what the Alt-Right is about.

Opposition to Feminism and “Gender Equality,” Support for Traditional Families

As with the claim that “all races are equal,” the claim that “men and women are equal” is looked at as entirely ridiculous by the Alt-Right. We believe in abolishing feminism and reestablishing traditional gender roles in society, a process which would involve sending women back to the home to produce and raise children, largely removing them from the workplace.

The Alt-Right is opposed to homosexuality, as well as the emasculation of men through denying them their traditional role in society.

Endorsement of White History

The Alt-Right celebrates the greatness of our ancestors and the glory of our historical achievements. Rejecting revisionist arguments by modern social scientists which portray Whites as having wrought evil on the planet, we view Whites as the creators and maintainers of Western civilization.

We pride ourselves in doing the best we can to pick-up the ball that the baby boomers dropped when they sold-out the entire history of our people for feel-good nonsense.

Cultural Normalization

Beyond simply restoring the family, the Alt-Right seeks to restore balance to society more broadly. This includes using authoritarian measures to deal with addictive drugs, pornography, crime and other degenerate social ills.

Common Sense Economics

Though the focus of the Alt-Right is almost entirely on social and cultural issues, presumably due to the fact that technological developments have made economic issues much less relevant, we do believe that economics should follow basic common sense.

If we were to physically remove Jews, however, this would probably fall into place naturally.

Right now, scarcity of resources is nigh entirely artificial, brought on by the crony capitalist system which has created the massive wealth gap, allowing a tiny minority to hoard wealth. Along with this, the trade deals which have allowed for our industry to be exported to the third world are opposed.

Most in the movement would support a type of free market socialism.

The White Struggle as a Global Battle

The Alt-Right views the struggle for the continued existence of the White race as a global battle between Whites and the Jews. The internet has allowed for us to connect globally with as much ease as we can connect to someone down the street or in the next room, and this has fostered a sense of worldwide unity of cause for White people.

Our problems are all nearly identical, the only difference being that we are dealing with different groups of non-Whites. There is a sense that either we are all going to win, or we’re all going to lose, and this creates a powerful sense of camaraderie across nations and continents.

Our Memes
As has been clumsily discussed at some length by the media, memes are a big part of the Alt-Right culture. These images and slogans comprise not only an attempt, but a successful attempt, to formulate a new culture for ourselves, separate from the mainstream culture, which is largely the result of Jewish social imperialism.

For the purpose of trying to give a better understanding of the nature of this new culture the movement has produced, I will give a list of examples of memes which, far from exhaustive, should allow those unfamiliar with the Alt-Right to get a basic idea of the headspace people in the movement inhabit. It is a place where irony and vulgarity meet conscious idealism, futurism and a deep reverence for objective, scientific data.

Many or most of these originated on 4chan, some of them having not been initially associated with anything necessarily political.


Pepe is by far the most covered meme in this media storm which has taken place around the Alt-Right. He is a cartoon frog, who has served as the movement’s mascot.

Pepe became the mascot (he wasn’t “chosen” by anyone, except the meme-mob, which is everyone) because he embodies the goal of couching idealism within irony. A movement which meets all of the SPLC’s definitions of Neo-Nazi White Supremacism using a cartoon frog to represent itself takes on a subversive power to bypass historical stereotypes of such movements, and thus present the ideas themselves in a fun way without the baggage of Schindler’s List and American History X.


Bane is the villain from the film The Dark Knight Rises, the final installment of Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy.

The film, while aesthetically beautiful, was written by a Jew, with the villain Bane in many ways embodying the Jewish nightmare of fascism. The Alt-Right has adopted this character as a secondary mascot because of his character as a strongman, taking down an oppressive liberal-democratic system and attempting to establish an authoritarian-populist social order.

Other villains from popular Jewish-produced culture are also sometimes used within the Alt-Right meme culture for the same reason.


“Normie” is a term used to refer to individuals who have not yet joined the Alt-Right, remaining trapped in the mental-prison of the Jewish system. These people are viewed as being incapable of objectively processing information, and will instead revert to programmed slogans whenever they are presented with ideas that conflict with their synthetic value system.

Dindu Nuffin

When arrested, Black people will often use the phrase “I didn’t do nothing” when exclaiming their professed innocence. The term is used to mock the assertion by both Blacks themselves and the Jewish-dominated media that Black people are not responsible for their own behavior, as well as the failure of Blacks to use standard English.


The term “shitlord” was allegedly used initially by SJWs as an insult to racists and misogynists. I don’t personally remember it as an insult, however, given that it was so quickly taken on by the Alt-Right and used as a term of endearment and pride. This is an example of Alinsky’s instruction to own insults and thus remove their power (another example would be what happened when the Clinton campaign tried to popularize the #DangerousDonald meme).


Another meme that the media has paid attention to, “Cuck” is short for “cuckold,” which is a man whose wife is cheating on him or a sexual fetish (and porn genre) involving a White man who enjoys seeing his wife have sex with Black men.

“Cuck” (or “Cuckservative,” if one is referring to a cuck who identifies as “conservative”) is applied to Whites who relish in giving away the resources of their people to foreigners. The term applies to Whites who support mass immigration, support Black Lives Matter or support Israel.

White Genocide

“White Genocide” refers to the idea, often supported by the UN’s Genocide Convention, that flooding White nations with non-Whites amounts to a form of calculated genocide against a racial group.

The Daily Stormer poster WhiteGenocideTM, who was cited in Hillary Clinton’s Alt-Right speech, was retweeted by Donald Trump, thus propelling the term into popular consciousness. Regrettably, there seems to be some confusion as to what the term means, with some (Clinton included, apparently) seemingly believing it is a call for Whites to commit a genocide(s), rather than drawing attention to the fact a genocide is being committed against us.

We wuz Kangz

“We wuz Kangz” is a mockery of the Afrocentric anthropological claim that Blacks are the descendants ancient Egyptian kings. The phrase is used to mock the ineptitude of Blacks, and their continued claims that all of their endless failures are the result of White people oppressing them out of hatred for the color of their skin, rather than an innate biological incapacity to compete in White society.

Le Happy Merchant

Le Happy Merchant is a Jewish caricature used to represent all Jews. It is used for the purpose of dehumanizing the Jew as a type of evil monster, rather than a human being, while also being very funny in its offensiveness. The character is used in a series of DIY comic strips as a diabolical villain tricking and abusing a good natured but obese and dimwitted American (Le American Bear), as well as a whole lot of other memes. It has proven to be extremely effective in portraying Jews as an alien other, in the way the much more serious NSDAP anti-Semitic propaganda did in the 1930’s.


“1488” is an old skinhead and White Nationalist battlecry. “14” refers to the 14 words coined by David Lane (“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children“), with 88 being an 88 word paragraph from Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, volume 1, chapter 8 (“What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of the fatherland, so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted it by the creator of the universe. Every thought and every idea, every doctrine and all knowledge, must serve this purpose. And everything must be examined from this point of view and used or rejected according to its utility.”).

“88” can also mean “Heil Hitler,” as “H” is the 8th letter of the alphabet.

The Alt-Right certainly believes in these principles, but also uses the number ironically – it is a bit of self-depreciating humor, comparing ourselves to previous incarnations of the White Nationalist movement which are potentially viewed as low-brow.


The Jewish Holocaust is viewed as the foundation upon which the modern system of White guilt was built, used by the Jewish-dominated establishment as a club to beat in the skulls of anyone who dares stand-up and claim that Whites have a right to their own countries.

The absurd assertion – either plainly stated or directly implied – is that whenever Whites organize for their own interests, they begin exterminating people. As such, the Jewish declaration of “Never Again” is taken to imply that there will never again be a White country.

The only way to subvert the Jewish obsession with bringing up the Holocaust whenever any White person claims they have a right to exist is to viciously mock the story, in large part by pointing out that they have yet to produce any physical evidence that it actually happened. Beyond laughing about the fact that Jews are such chronic liars that they invented a story about millions of people being gassed in fake shower rooms and made into furniture and cleaning products, the Alt-Right also asserts that if it had happened, it would have been justified due to the collective behavior of the Jews.

The mockery of the Holocaust fits into the theory that you cannot win by apologizing, as apologizing is the realm of losers.


A couple years ago, The Right Stuff began using a foot-pedal on their podcast to cause the names of Jews to echo. This was accompanied by the triple parentheses around the names of Jewish people or organizations. A Chrome app was created which would add the parentheses around the names of these Jewish people and organizations.

Earlier this year, the symbol was finally recognized by the Jews themselves, and they attempted to “own it” by voluntarily adding the parentheses to their names on Twitter. It was bizarre.


Kek is the apotheosis of Pepe, who at some point in the future will travel back in time to become an Egyptian god of trolling. I am not going to elaborate much on it here, as the subject is too complex and esoteric, but the Alt-Right is in the process of forming an actual religious doctrine around the god Kek, who is believed to be the spiritual root of meme magick.

Nirvana Fallacy

In February of 2015, this writer criticized the YouTuber Sargon of Akkad for blaming political correctness, rather than race, for the Pakistani rape gangs which operated for decades with impunity in Rotherham, England. Akkad responded to the criticism, with a video attacking me and defending Pakistani immigration to the UK. In it, he cited several fallacies found on Wikipedia, including the “Nirvana Fallacy,” saying that this particular fallacy meant that if these girls had not been drugged, gang-raped and trafficked by Pakistani men, “White British men” would have done it (it was implied that it would have happened in the exact same way, to the same girls, by Whites, making it appear as though he was presenting some type of metaphysical concept relating to divine predestination).

Since then, this writer and others have jokingly reminded people whenever a terrorist attack, gang-rape, mass sex attack, or plain old brutal murder is committed by an immigrant or a Black that if they hadn’t done it, White British men would have.

For example: “If a North African Moslem wouldn’t have run over those people in Nice for Allah, a White British man would have” or “if a gang of Blacks hadn’t kidnapped that that 17-year-old White girl in Myrtle Beach and gang-raped her for days before shooting her and feeding her to alligators, White British men would have.”

The meme is designed to mock the ridiculousness of the liberal/progressive/SJW/Jew assertion that all races are exactly the same.

Sam Hyde

Sam Hyde is a comedian, who has dedicated his life to viciously mocking the Alt-Right and other right-wing groups.

At some point, someone on Twitter got the idea of posting the image of “White Supremacist Sam Hyde” as an announcement of a shooter’s identity during a mass shooting or terrorist event. The concept was to mock the Jewish media’s assumption that whenever a killing happens, the culprit is White, despite the fact that this is almost never true. The rule proved true, as repeatedly, the media would retweet and even publish reports based on the tweets.

During the Black Lives Matter protests at Mizzou, this writer managed to convince tens of thousands of Black people that Sam Hyde was a KKK leader on campus lynching Blacks. This writer was permanently banned from Twitter for this particular stunt.


“GTKRWN” stands for “gas the kikes – race war now!”

It is used ironically to mock the idea that anyone who supports White interests is a genocidal maniac.

Vibrant Diversity

“Vibrant diversity” and “cultural enrichment” are terms which have been used with a straightface by the Jewish establishment to refer to mass non-White immigration into White countries. The terms have been adopted by the Alt-Right to refer to rapes, mass-murders, terrorist attacks, etc. committed by non-Whites in White countries.

This is a means to point out that there is literally no tangible benefit, whatsoever, to bringing primitive third-world people into White countries, as well as the utterly unfathomable levels of dishonesty used in the promotion of the immigration agenda.


Anime images are widely used as a part of the aesthetic of the Alt-Right. This is in part due to the fact that many people within the Alt-Right genuinely enjoy watching Anime, as it is viewed as a form of video entertainment which exists outside of the corrosive cultural norms created and promoted by the Jews who dominate the Western entertainment media.

It is also used ironically by many who may not necessarily watch much Anime, because it is funny to associate hardcore racism and a love for Adolf Hitler with cute cartoons. This serves to take the edge off the portrayal of anyone who questions the ethnic cleansing of Whites as evil.

It is also notable that Japan is generally viewed very positively as a nation and a people throughout the Alt-Right, due to their relatively high culture and their passion for defending it.


RetroWave (also known as Synthwave) has become the preferred music choice of many members of the Alt-Right. It is electronic music with a 1980’s aesthetic, with influences mainly drawn from the soundtracks of films of that time.

The 80’s is when most of the members of the Alt-Right were born, and we have a fondness for the optimism that embodied that era. It is often pointed out that the visions of the future given to the people through the media of that era have been abandoned in favor of a policy of third-worldizing the first world through mass third-world immigration. This makes it impossible that the high-technology utopia we were promised by 80’s entertainment culture could ever be realized.

RetroFuturism fits very well with the “we want our future back” theme of the Alt-Right.

The genre is small at present, mostly associated with the NewRetroWave YouTube channel. The Synthwave artist ~ C Y B E R N Δ Z I ~ is currently producing original White Identity-oriented music, and I predict that this will become more and more of a trend in the future, as this genre becomes to the Alt-Right what punk was to the skinhead movement.

Current Year

Another meme that the media has taken note of, “it’s current year” makes a mockery of the SJW catchphrase going something like “I can’t believe that we still have [insert something] – it’s [current year].”

The idea behind these statements when made by SJWs is that certain ideas cannot be accepted due to the level of social development we’ve allegedly undergone over the past decades. They often use the statement, however, to promote policies which are viewed by the Alt-Right as the opposite of social progress, such as mass Islamic immigration or allowing Black people to attack cops.

“Leaders” of the Alt-Right and the Media’s Fake Narrative
The concept of the movement having “leaders” is a very recent invention of the media. In order to support this, they have invented an alternate history of the movement, which focuses on people who are only peripheral to the Alt-Right, and may in fact be opposed to its core narrative.

None of these men is the leader. And yes, that includes the guy in the middle.

This presumably represents both a desire on the part of the establishment to define the movement on their own terms, as well as a fundamental incapacity to understand what is actually going on, believing that political movements must have leaders and a direct line of “thinkers” which can be traced back to various people influencing various other people who promoted various specific ideas.

Milo’s Breitbart piece, “Establishment Conservative’s Guide to the Alt-Right” (co-written with Allum Bokhari), being the first “guide” to the movement written, is serving as a basis for the narrative being presented by the media. This combines with the opinions of “hate experts” from the SPLC and the ADL to form a contrived and largely nonsensical forced “history of the Alt-Right,” complete with forced leaders who had little or nothing to do with the ideological and spiritual journeys of most people who make up the movement.

Much of this confusion is built on the term “Alt-Right” itself, which was allegedly coined by the Jew Paul Gottfried in 2008 and then used as the name of Richard Spencer’s new-defunct blog.

Paul Gottfried, the Jew who supposedly coined the term “Alternative Right”

The term “Alt-Right” came into wide, common use to describe the confluence of dissidents very recently, and has virtually nothing whatsoever to do with the Jew who allegedly coined the term, and much more to do with the way it sounds and the way the internet works. That is to say, people thought the term fit the movement, and when people began using the term on Twitter with the #altright hashtag, and then in blogs, it caught on, with people accepting that the term was being used to define what they believe. This happened less than a year ago, while the movement itself has been forming for several years.

The term “Alt-Right” itself is what the Jewish media is manipulating to use to redefine the movement along terms that it understands. They are tracing the origin of the term, and equating this to the origins of the movement. Which would mean that the movement was founded by a Jew, something which the media is probably comfortable with.

The media has been promoting Jared Taylor, Richard Spencer and Milo himself as the “leaders” of the movement.

The Daily Caller recently labeled Jared Taylor “the intellectual godfather of the Alt-Right.”

The first two individuals have both done great work contributing to the struggle of the White race, I just don’t personally see as though they’ve had overly much direct influence on the mob, which is the heart of the Alt-Right. That having been said, I am not opposed to having either of these men represent the Alt-Right in the media, necessarily, but I do fear that they will serve to remove focus from the Jewish problem. I absolutely believe that unrepentant anti-Semitism needs to remain at the core of the movement, just as it has been from the beginning.

There is also the problem that neither of these men has attempted to assert leadership by forming an organization with a clear political platform. Jared Taylor has mainly focused on statistical data regarding race; I’m not familiar with any political material Taylor has written. I was also deeply concerned to see a recent interview with Taylor in the Jewish Daily Forward where he was presented as a leader of the Alt-Right and claiming that the movement is not against Jews and is actually reaching out to them and inviting them to join up. I believe virtually every single member of the movement would take very serious issue with.

Though I am not as familiar with the work of Richard Spencer, he doesn’t appear to have any specific political positions. Looking into him after he has received all of this media attention recently, I watched a 25 minute video he made entitled “What is the Alt-Right?” and I was left without any understanding whatsoever of how he defines the term, let alone any political positions he holds. I am also extremely uncomfortable with Spencer’s apparent support for radical homosexual movements – one of the few positions which I have heard him be very straightforward about – and do not see this as jiving at all with the basic culture and values of the Alt-Right.

Richard Spencer has invited Jack Donovan to his conferences and publicly defended him. Donovan is a radical homosexual who has written on the internet about “fucking men like they were women” and specifically targeting men with “daddy issues.”

That having been said, both Taylor and Spencer are genuine people, and they may in the future present political positions in line with those of the mob and serve as a rallying point for the movement. However, until they do present political positions, declaring them leaders of a political movement is frankly ridiculous.

Milo, on the other hand, is a subversive and a disease. A homosexual Jew, he jumped on the movement a few months ago and was promoted by the entire media, propelled as the representative of the “official movement.” He has introduced a bizarre narrative where no one in the Alt-Right actually believes anything that they are saying, and simply say it as part of some obscure joke.

In the past weeks, he has been promoted to celebrity status, apparently for the purpose of trying to cleanse the movement of anyone who actually believes anything. It is a bizarre situation, having someone claim to represent us, while presenting positions which are directly contrary to our core beliefs.

What he has done is adopt the tone of the movement, endorsing certain less important positions, while also serving as the tone-police, attempting to shut out the real heart of the movement by denouncing them as “fringe.” In his Breitbart piece, he claimed, among other things, that the Alt-Right has no problem with race-mixing or Jews, but simply mocks them because they oppose political correctness. In his piece, he dug-up people who actually are fringe members of the movement, and used them to attempt to redefine the movement.

It is also noteworthy that he somehow forgot to mention the Daily Stormer, despite the fact that this site gets more traffic than all other Alt-Right websites combined.

It is plain as anything that Milo is attempting to use the movement – which is hip, rebellious and edgy – in order to transform himself into a counter-culture icon.

This all having been said, though I do find the situation outrageous, there is no real threat that Milo is going to take anything over. In fact, his newly-earned celebrity status has resulted in a huge backlash, with the mob enraged that he is openly and publicly lying about what the movement is, effectively defaming us, while shamelessly using our hard work and achievements for his own personal agenda.

The Future of the Alt-Right
To become a real and effective political force, the Alt-Right will need real leaders. Real leaders are not people that stand-up and claim to be leaders, but people that the masses naturally want to follow.

We will need a platform which allows us to organize and collectively promote our agenda. This may be in the form of a political party, or it may be through an organization which acts to influence the existing Republican party. We need real organization, and it needs to be based on a platform which is approved by the mob.

As far as I understand the mob, the points which I laid out in the “ideology and values” section of this piece would pretty much be universally agreed on by it, and should so serve as the basis for any organized political platform.

Besides, these are the positions that got us to where we are now, and there is no reason to believe they won’t continue to gain wider and wider acceptance among the people. In fact there is much reason to believe they will continue to spread, exponentially, just as they have been, until a large portion of the White demographic holds these positions. Toning down the message, however, serves absolutely no strategic purpose. It would cause the movement to lose momentum and it wouldn’t increase appeal.

If Trump wins, we are going to have an opportunity to directly influence his administration, if we organize ourselves properly and develop a cohesive constituency (the latter we already have, I’d estimate numbering at 4-6 million people).

If Trump loses, we are going to have an opportunity to very vocally blame the Jews for his loss, which will serve our purposes nearly as much as a Trump win.

Either way, the future is very bright.

As long as everyone involved keeps doing exactly what they’re doing right now, we can only continue to expand. There is no other option. Our ideas are winning.

The only threat of failure is if in trying to go mainstream we decide to compromise. However, because of the nature of this internet-based movement, where the mob has a very real voice and can say it loudly when they disagree with the direction something is going in, there is not any real chance anyone pushing a compromise could be successful.

We already have a situation where anyone trying to go soft gets e-lynched for it, and that isn’t going away.

Whatever the end result of our great work is, I know this for certain:

History will remember us.

Hail Victory.

Fantastic informative post
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