Otis Supreme

BGOL Investor
prolly a repost but i dont give a fuck. :lol:


and i GOTTA c stepbrothers now after seein this........


that hook catchy as hell. boats and hos, boats and hos, i gotta have me more boats and hos.......:roflmao2:



Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly are always funny together.

Props to Will on taking off with his career post-SNL. He was funny on the show, and he's made funny movies ever since too.

Can't go wrong with OLD SCHOOl / ELF / TALLEDEGA NIGHTS / STEPBROTHERS / others.


and i GOTTA c stepbrothers now after seein this........


that hook catchy as hell. boats and hos, boats and hos, i gotta have me more boats and hos.......:roflmao2:



Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
thats funny

wit yo i had to do surrgry on my compuda(gucci voice) lookin ass




I want my daddy's records!
Platinum Member
So that's an average day for you then?

No doubt.

You chop your ballz off & die?

Hell yea.


Otis Supreme

BGOL Investor
So that's an average day for you then?

No doubt.

You chop your ballz off & die?

Hell yea.

:roflmao: a BAWSE.

and i think @ 1 point there u said somethin about suckin ur own dick?


actually im pretty sure u did.

nah that aint me.

im da bawse.

yeah, i know. i got that. u said that 400 times.


and i just caught what it said on his grave....."he was da best". :roflmao: hell naw!
