Imagine living in this Apartment Complex in Hong Kong.


༺ S❤️PER❤️ ᗰOD ༻
Super Moderator
Hell to the NO! :angry:


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Have a coworker who grew up in Hong Kong in a similar building. She's in her early-50s now.

Said it was quite the experience. Not much privacy, and quite muggy. Laughed and said - "All I wanted to do was sit out on the balcony in the nude. Cool off. But you can't because neighboring buildings would see you. Then you're stuck inside sweating away with your family in tank tops and shorts."



Rising Star
Par the course, this reminds me of living in Lake Kenworth apartments. Just less bats and rats.

If you know you know.

An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member
imagine the rat and roach issues in a place that condensed.
All depends on the maintenance of the property
Here's Time Warner Center (Now Deutsche Bank Center) on 59th Street Columbus Circle
You think these people have Rats & Roches? I'll answer....HELL NO

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Vaya Con Dio
BGOL Investor
All depends on the maintenance of the property
Here's Time Warner Center (Now Deutsche Bank Center) on 59th Street Columbus Circle
You think these people have Rats & Roches? I'll answer....HELL NO


I always thought this was all commercial property :idea:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
135th Broadway in Manhattan 285,000 Sq Feet, 1,200 Apartments
HUGE Residential Building
Common shit in big cities



That's 3333 Broadway.
I'll never forget when that building went up. My (late) GrandParents lived in Riverside Towers (139th St.) The entire neighborhood, North and South of 3333 were absolutely PISSED!!! Not only for blocking views, but it was (and still is) just butt-UGLY!!!

And that shit was a poverty-trap. I went to school with quite a few kids whose parents got apartments in there. And it was no different from living in any other Section 8/Mitchell-Lama project.

Nowadays, many of those apartments are market-rate. I was absolutely shocked to see White families coming out of that building over the years I've been back since 2003.


༺ S❤️PER❤️ ᗰOD ༻
Super Moderator

That's 3333 Broadway.
I'll never forget when that building went up. My (late) GrandParents lived in Riverside Towers (139th St.) The entire neighborhood, North and South of 3333 were absolutely PISSED!!! Not only for blocking views, but it was (and still is) just butt-UGLY!!!

And that shit was a poverty-trap. I went to school with quite a few kids whose parents got apartments in there. And it was no different from living in any other Section 8/Mitchell-Lama project.

Nowadays, many of those apartments are market-rate. I was absolutely shocked to see White families coming out of that building over the years I've been back since 2003.

Riverside Park Community - Wikipedia


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
All depends on the maintenance of the property
Here's Time Warner Center (Now Deutsche Bank Center) on 59th Street Columbus Circle
You think these people have Rats & Roches? I'll answer....HELL NO

Don't even fool yourself.... I been to buildings like that in NYC doing party rental deliveries.... everyone, and I mean everyone has roaches/mice and even rats sometimes. I've seen the rat/mouse bait traps in the service/delivery areas. You think the rats, etc. get turned down at the door like it's a restricted clientele club? It's all in the extent of what they got and how quickly and efficiently the problem is mitigated... someone is going to have a visitor that brings a roach in.... the maintenance staff too might bring on in