Iran, North Korea & China all have defense/sovereignty agreements with Russia. US spies surprised with the speed of formation(Iran not signed)


Platinum Member

US surprised at speed Russia built new alliances – WSJ​

19 Jun, 2024 22:27 / Updated 11 hours ago
Washington reportedly did not see Moscow’s outreach to Beijing and Pyongyang coming
Moscow’s security partnerships with Beijing, Pyongyang and other US “adversaries” were not anticipated by Washington, the Wall Street Journal has reported, citing anonymous intelligence sources.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a strategic partnership and mutual defense treaty with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on Wednesday, before flying on to Vietnam. Putin’s trip to China last month prompted one US policymaker to declarethat decades of American efforts to keep Moscow and Beijing apart have come to naught.

“The speed and depth of the expanding security ties involving the US adversaries has at times surprised American intelligence analysts. Russia and the other nations have set aside historic frictions to collectively counter what they regard as a US-dominated global system, they said,” the WSJ reported on Wednesday.

Washington has accused Pyongyang of “sending workers to Russia to help man weapons production lines,” as well as selling missiles and artillery shells to Moscow, for use against Ukraine.

The US also believes China has enabled Russia’s military industry to circumvent Western sanctions, by delivering “massive quantities of dual-use equipment, including machine tools, microelectronics … optics for tanks and armored vehicles, and turbo engines for cruise missiles,” according to the Journal’s sources. They also alleged that China has helped Russia “improve its satellite and other space-based capabilities for use in Ukraine.”

Beijing has rejected US allegations, called the sanctions unilateral and illegitimate, and accused Washington of hypocrisy for fueling the conflict by arming and supplying Kiev.

Iran has become “Russia’s primary weapons supplier,” unnamed Pentagon officials told the Journal, accusing Tehran of helping build a factory in Tatarstan Region capable of making Shahed-136 drones by the thousands.

Russia’s “expanded security ties” with the DPRK, China and Iran don’t amount to a NATO-like military alliance but appear to be “a series of bilateral exchanges,” anonymous Americans told the Journal. The technology transfers involved risk improving the long-term capabilities of all countries involved, thereby threatening the US, they added.

Earlier this month, at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Putin announced that Russia’s strategy of economic relations with the ‘Global South’ would involve partnerships based on “technology and competency transfers rather than market control.”

Moscow has also signaled it would turn to the ‘Global South’, which has been alienated by the West’s behavior in the Ukraine conflict. The attempts by the US and its allies to isolate Russia have suffered a “complete failure,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in February.


Platinum Member
Hell I don’t know why were shocked…

Joe Biden in 1997 - NATO expansion, Russia, China, Iran - Thin line between confidence and arrogance​



Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
They trying to do their own NATO, but it’s not going to work. Russia is not doing too well in China is shy as hell. There is some issues in the United States, but we are stronger than those two countries.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why are only u.s. spy organizations ever surprised...? What else was ussr supposed to do..?



Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor
Russia needs weapons and soldiers Putin about to whore himself out so he won't look weak. Diaper Don knows Russia doesn't have the money to help him with this upcoming election.


Platinum Member
Seem like Washington ain’t to fond of the Vietnamese for having Putin


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

BREAKING - Gunfire Erupts Across Russia

There are now three confirmed incidents of police coming under fire deep inside Russia. Current incidents:

1. Derbent, Dagestan - Two police officers are reportedly dead. At least six other have been injured. A church and synagogue were reportedly shelled.

2. Makhachkala, Dagestan - One police officer, one priest in a church and one security guard are reportedly dead. Six police officers have evidently been wounded. A church was attacked by unknown militants. The parishioners locked themselves inside and waited for police.

3. Gagra region of Abkhazia - One police officer was reportedly killed and three other people injured close to the Russia-Georgia border.

Videos from each incident are below.


Platinum Member
The Russian side expects to sign a comprehensive cooperation agreement with Iran "in the very near future," as work on the text of the agreement is nearing completion, and all formulations have been finalized, Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Rudenko told RIA Novosti


Transnational Member
The whole world is starting to align themselves against the United States and the EU. Based on my experience, I can see why.

Unless the country has a white minority ruling elite in power, they are not supporting the U.S. at all with anything.

Once countries are able to buy manufactured products from China and other countries, it is game over.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When Turkey, or Turkiye ( new name ) ,India and Pakistan declare , that should let us know who has the most powerful alliance .


Platinum Member
I said it in another post the prolong Ukraine war has showed how weak Russia truly is. Out date weapons and lack of real soldiers Putin putting shit together cause he needs help.

Very interesting that they running outta soldiers.
Where you read this at?