Iran, North Korea & China all have defense/sovereignty agreements with Russia. US spies surprised with the speed of formation(Iran not signed)


Transnational Member

Why hasn't Russia decapitated the head of state with its hypersonic missiles?

As soon as he is killed, use of nuclear weapons are no longer feasible. You can't claim Ukraine refused to surrender unconditionally, a warlord would not count. Imagine killing the Emperor of Japan with a missile strike, who would show up to sign Russian surrender terms.


The U.S. would have killed the leader immediately, than gay pranced around as being victorious. Another scenario is Zelenskyy dies, NATO could enter the country claiming it needs to stabilize, help transition to another leader. There is no authority in power to tell NATO to leave, their presence is not wanted, now Russia is in a Syrian type conflict with the U.S. competing to bring into power various factions.
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Platinum Member

Why hasn't Russia decapitated the head of state with its hypersonic missiles?

As soon as he is killed, use of nuclear weapons are no longer feasible. You can't claim Ukraine refused to surrender unconditionally, a warlord would not count. Imagine killing the Emperor of Japan with a missile strike, who would show up to sign Russian surrender terms.


The U.S. would have killed the leader immediately, than gay pranced around as being victorious. Another scenario is Zelenskyy dies, NATO could enter the country claiming it needs to stabilize, help transition to another leader. There is no authority in power to tell NATO to leave, their presence is not wanted, now Russia is in a Syrian type conflict with the U.S. competing to bring into power various factions.

He is more valuable alive than dead to the Russians.
Apparently it was better for Zelensky to sign any paperwork/agree to peace vs killing him and letting someone else sign it.
It would be more acceptable even if folks didn’t like it.

Now Zelensky presidential term expired as the official president…Russia don’t even acknowledge him as being the leader.
I forgot who the guy is but he’s the one non west countries acknowledge as leader of Ukraine.

For as nato they been been there.
When the CIA head Burns was US ambassador to Russia. He wrote article stating Ukraine and Georgia joining Nato is a red line that would cause Russia to react.

Well now look where we are
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