Irrational behavior - Techie Bashes Apple only to return to iPhone.


***THIS IS NOT COLIN FRIENDLY so you have been warned***

Techie Andre Torrez frustrated by rumors evil Apple being too controlling conducts a sort of public protest and jumps on Android and Blogs his experience.

Note to Colin if your ass is still in here:Read the bold stuff in the article. Short and Sweet

Its Android software has not impressed the techies, writes DOMINIC RUSHE in New York

AUGUST was supposed to be the month that Andre Torrez kicked the iPhone habit. Like many tech-savvy early adopters the chief technology officer at Federated Media in San Francisco had had enough of Apple's omnipresent iPhone.

Frustrated by stories that Apple was squeezing software developers and rumours it was blocking applications that could compete with products controlled by Apple and its partners, Torrez decided it was time to switch.

Like all good techies he made the move a public event - blogging a day-by-day account of his defection to a G1 phone powered by Android, a mobile software platform developed by Google.

Torrez is hardly alone in developing a new-found antipathy for Apple's iPhone. in recent months several tech writers have turned on the world's hottest smartphone, frustrated by its service and concerns over Apple's tight control over the development of the myriad applications the phone now runs.

Google's Android, in contrast, was designed to offer open standards - a system supposedly more attractive to software developers. For the average consumer, arguments about "open source" versus closed systems might look academic. But Apple knows how important the advanced guard of techies is to a company's fortunes. When they move on, many follow.

Luckily for Apple, by day three Torrez's enthusiasm for the G1 was already waning: "I can't think of one application that works as well as the average iPhone app. I need to keep looking," he wrote.

By day seven it was over. Queuing to use a cash machine, Torrez found he had even lost the will to Twitter. "I give up. I thought it would be fun to see what life was like on a different platform but I think I've seen more than enough on this hardware," he wrote.

"On Saturday my family was here to visit and I found myself reaching for the iPhone to check on a restaurant, map some directions, and to check on an order. Given a choice between the two I just could not keep flipping that thing open knowing there were other perfectly good computers nearby ... I took the G1 into work today but I came home knowing what I had to do. I switched back to the iPhone."

Good news for Apple. Bad news for Google.

It is almost two years since Google launched Android but so far it has disappointed. After the initial hype, Harry Wang, analyst at Parks Associates, said he was surprised by how slow the rise of the Android had been. "After the G1 was introduced I expected more products to arrive featuring Android. The pace is so slow," he said.

Some have pinned Android's slow start on Google's decision not to launch its own phone but to partner with a variety of providers. Announcing Android in November 2007, Eric Schmidt, Google's chief executive, said the operating system was "more ambitious than any single Google Phone". "Our vision is that the powerful platform we are unveiling will power thousands of different phone models," he said.

So far those phones have failed to materialise and the iPhone's popularity has convinced developers to set aside their open source preferences to work on applications for Apple. As for consumers: "They care about the experience," said Wang. "So far Android hasn't offered much in that regard."

Next month will be a big push for the system when Motorola is expected to introduce new phones powered by Android. The phone giant has lost a lot of ground to rivals including Apple and BlackBerry.

Wang said there was still a lot of ground left for Android-powered phones. At the end of 2007 there were 35m smartphones in America. Parks Associates reckons that number will be closer to 90m by the end of 2009. Wang said Google was a formidable competitor and had signed up impressive partners. But Google has a lot of work to do convincing even Apple's least happy customers that it's time to join the Androids. Fails To Squeeze Into Smartphone Market

Now this is in now way a bash at Android. What people should get from this story is that even Techies make dumb ass decisions. Too many times idiots jump on this "open platform should be open to anything. no limits" literally think anything should go. So based on rumor and supposed Techie Geekdom he goes to Android at a point where most people know its way too early to have a verdict on Android. Plus he was already content with what he had. :smh:

Here's the guy's actual blog.

So this guy found out the hard way that irrational hate fosters bad decision making. Sure he was in vogue with hardcore geeks, y'know the I hate anything Apple folk, but the basic shit he wanted to do couldn't be done to the level of efficiency he wanted. I think he will eventually end up on the HTC Hero.

Also didn't this guy know that Google has banned Apps. for example ...

So as I always tell my peeps on BGOL, truly find what works for you and don't allow people or rumors to encourage you to make a bad decision. There is no such thing as the perfect phone for everybody, only what is perfect for you is possible.

I know people Very happy with their iPhone/Android/Pre device and I know people unhappy with their iPhone/Android/Pre. I just think too many people are not really assessing what they REALLY want to do from a practical perspective.

PS: if you can't be a grown-up and have a non-insulting, on topic conversation...STFU.
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Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor


the iPhone OS and device was launched June 2007. Android OS went entirely public October of 2008 attached to a pretty basic device. Android is an Operating System open to anyone to use, the iPhone OS is not. Android is being used in several devices that are NOT phones. There is more future value to Android than anything else right now.


the iPhone OS and device was launched June 2007. Android OS went entirely public October of 2008 attached to a pretty basic device. Android is an Operating System open to anyone to use, the iPhone OS is not. Android is being used in several devices that are NOT phones. There is more future value to Android than anything else right now.

Good point but not looking at the whole picture of iPhone OS. The iPhone OS is based on OSX. Plus it on the iPod Touch. There is now an Apple tablet on the way and an actual Apple TV that will come with DVR and possible display too. Sure Google is offering Android to all to use but Apple is entering many markets that Android possibly will be in as well. So the more value is still a personal perspective as opposed to universal.

So I'd say that there is just as much a future to Apples iPhone/OSX/tablet OS because they will all connect share and control each other effortlessly.

To each their own I guess. :cool:


Good point but not looking at the whole picture of iPhone OS. The iPhone OS is based on OSX. Plus it on the iPod Touch. There is now an Apple tablet on the way and an actual Apple TV too. Sure Google is offering to all to use but Apple is entering many markets that Google possibly will be in as well. So the more value is still a personal perspective as opposed to universal.

So I'd say that there is just as much a future to Apples iPhone/OSX/tablet OS because they will all connect share and control each other effortlessly.

To each their own I guess. :cool:

everything Apple does is proprietary. Google has put out nothing but entirely open platforms. You'll see products from every company doing what they can with a Google product. That means better things to the consumer than Apple making things for Apple for use by Apple customers.

Also, if you notice Google is centering around cloud computing with its ventures.

Porn Addict

I still say Android will ultimately be the dominant mobile platform. Google has way too much cash and incentive to not make it No. 1. I'll be switching from WM soon enough. (I see cats with jail-broken iPhones and they are tempting, though).

That said, anyone who would pick the G1 over the iPhone is crazy. The G1 is wack, IMO, and his return to the iPhone was inevitable. Now, Mike "I Quit The iPhone" Arrington at TechCrunch, another high-profile guy who dropped the iPhone for Android, seems to be perfectly happy with the new Android myTouch 3G. I'm still not all that impressed by that phone either, but you can see an improvement. Then comes the Hero, then Sholes and others. It won't be long.


I still say Android will ultimately be the dominant mobile platform. Google has way too much cash and incentive to not make it No. 1. I'll be switching from WM soon enough. (I see cats with jail-broken iPhones and they are tempting, though).

That said, anyone who would pick the G1 over the iPhone is crazy. The G1 is wack, IMO, and his return to the iPhone was inevitable. Now, Mike "I Quit The iPhone" Arrington at TechCrunch, another high-profile guy who dropped the iPhone for Android, seems to be perfectly happy with the new Android myTouch 3G. I'm still not all that impressed by that phone either, but you can see an improvement. Then comes the Hero, then Sholes and others. It won't be long.

See that's the thing. Android is not the issue. It's the hardware it's being used for currently.

Porn Addict

See that's the thing. Android is not the issue. It's the hardware it's being used for currently.

true even fucked up with the hero giving it underpowered hardware. now they're trying to re-optimize the OS so it's not as laggy. that phone has so much potential. i'm not some MBA egghead, but if it's feasible, they should delay the fuck out of it and upgrade the components.

they're thinking of squeezing out as much profit as they can so they offer inexpensive, two-year-old tech hoping the cachet of android gets people to buy. understandable in a recession, but they have to start thinking marketshare, not just profit. the most important thing now is to steal share from apple and build the customer base. and to do that they need an OVERPOWERED phone. profit will come down the road.


true even fucked up with the hero giving it underpowered hardware. now they're trying to re-optimize the OS so it's not as laggy. that phone has so much potential. i'm not some MBA egghead, but if it's feasible, they should delay the fuck out of it and upgrade the components.

they're thinking of squeezing out as much profit as they can so they offer inexpensive, two-year-old tech hoping the cachet of android gets people to buy. understandable in a recession, but they have to start thinking marketshare, not just profit. the most important thing now is to steal share from apple and build the customer base. and to do that they need an OVERPOWERED phone. profit will come down the road.
Imagine even Touch Pro2 hardware running android. :smh:

Porn Addict

Imagine even Touch Pro2 hardware running android. :smh:

i have android cupcake running on my htc fuze (touch pro) isn't fully functional so i don't use it really, but android can definitely run on WM hardware. if xda gets donut or eclair running on TP2, i'm in.


Rising Star
OG Investor
#1 Apple has the best brand out of the two companies.

#2 I really don't see Google competing with Apple directly when it comes to mobile devices, if they did then they probably would have come with a better device on a better network with the G1.

#3 Like someone stated earlier, Google is focused on cloud computing. I just read an article on Engadget about another device that is running the Android operating system.

#4 Android is free for hardware manufactures to use and customize as they wish.

Google will continue to dominant search, be it on computers or on mobile devices.

I guarantee the majority of the iphone users still use to search.

The operating system doesn't have a phone that makes the average person want it and probably won't for some time.

Even though the HTC Hero looks promising as well as some other Samsung Android phone that i saw coming to Sprint.

Only time will tell.


He switched as a fuck you to apple not b/c he really wanted to leave. like a bitch who fucks another dude telling her man he ain't shit then when th new dude does things different(not bad just different) she goes back.

Anyone who says android is as polished as iphone is nuts android has a different ecosystem,different user system and its apps are made for android which is 1.6 whereas apple has a 2 yr lead at 3.0.

The beauty of android is its very customizable so users and hardware makers can define how android will look on their platform freely and not exclusive to mobile devices.
Andre likely shouldn't have switched his reasons really were emotion based and emotional responses are always a fail.

I chose android b/c i wanted a phone that let me do what I wanted without having a workaround or a jail break or having the maker say "yes u paid for the phone but u can only do what we say"

For others thats fine and their is likely an app for them. i prolly could find apps for me but android is all need and i'm looking for towards sept 10th and mobilize.
Rumor has it apple had att kill its in development android device dunno if its true or not but if it sees a competitor and that is good for android.
more news i read is apple killed a paid app with no mention of refunds last i read. thats grimy to the developer and the end user.
u don't see that on android.

As an end user i want my phone's os to embrace developers and end users not screw them or worry about apps being made that are better. let the user decide.
i do give apple credit that app store was revolutionary but their policies have created an FCC investigation which may result in the app store becoming less...strict on iphones and more widely available across the mobile industry.

so kudos to apple one way of another they are added more fuel to the mobile wars and are gonna cause public policy to change. But also they may lose this war a few years down the line if they keep rejecting user needs and telling users what they need.
More Andre's will make the switch and a lot won't switch back.
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everything Apple does is proprietary. Google has put out nothing but entirely open platforms. You'll see products from every company doing what they can with a Google product. That means better things to the consumer than Apple making things for Apple for use by Apple customers.

Also, if you notice Google is centering around cloud computing with its ventures.

Yes thats quite true...and what do you think Apple's Huge complex being built in NC is for? Yep, cloud.

Apple does do proprietary stuff just like Microsoft does. The piece you are missing is that Apple also hooks into standards. For example all macs can read MS-DOS disks, Intel Macs can run windows. And as long as developers create Versions of popular software for the Mac it stays on the same page and can easily share the files. What Apple makes proprietary is the unique way their devices work with each other.

For example I am typing this response on my G5 Power Mac which stores my iTunes library, that was copied on to my Apple TV via wifi in my living room and the Apple TV is being told what to play through my Audio system by my iPhone via Wifi running the "Remote App". If I use my desktop to buy a song off iTunes or I copy another song into iTunes, it automatically will copy it over to the AppleTV and when I look at the list of songs that New one will be right there.

The way it works so effortlessly is great. You don't need to be a tech to get it all in sync with each other. No Ports to fumble with.

So I respect your thoughts on it. I just think the proprietary accusation is used too loosely.


See that's the thing. Android is not the issue. It's the hardware it's being used for currently.

true even fucked up with the hero giving it underpowered hardware. now they're trying to re-optimize the OS so it's not as laggy. that phone has so much potential. i'm not some MBA egghead, but if it's feasible, they should delay the fuck out of it and upgrade the components.

they're thinking of squeezing out as much profit as they can so they offer inexpensive, two-year-old tech hoping the cachet of android gets people to buy. understandable in a recession, but they have to start thinking marketshare, not just profit. the most important thing now is to steal share from apple and build the customer base. and to do that they need an OVERPOWERED phone. profit will come down the road.

I totally agree that hardware is the issue. I'd personally love to See Google get into some hardware. An Adroid device physically made by them would be great. But just like in the Windows PC market you have somany different parts that do the same thing that are made by different manufacturers and each have their own quirks as well thus the need for so many drivers.

Funny the thing that makes the XBox so popular is the very thing that makes a good amount of people hate on Apple. Whats that you ask...Imposed standards.

XBL is great because all the games work in that standard interface and methodology to communicating with friends. People find Apple refreshing because of the very same reasons. Set it and Forget it.


He switched as a fuck you to apple not b/c he really wanted to leave. like a bitch who fucks another dude telling her man he ain't shit then when th new dude does things different(not bad just different) she goes back.

Anyone who says android is as polished as iphone is nuts android has a different ecosystem,different user system and its apps are made for android which is 1.6 whereas apple has a 2 yr lead at 3.0.

The beauty of android is its very customizable so users and hardware makers can define how android will look on their platform freely and not exclusive to mobile devices.
Andre likely shouldn't have switched his reasons really were emotion based and emotional responses are always a fail.

I chose android b/c i wanted a phone that let me do what I wanted without having a workaround or a jail break or having the maker say "yes u paid for the phone but u can only do what we say"

For others thats fine and their is likely an app for them. i prolly could find apps for me but android is all need and i'm looking for towards sept 10th and mobilize.
Rumor has it apple had att kill its in development android device dunno if its true or not but if it sees a competitor and that is good for android.
more news i read is apple killed a paid app with no mention of refunds last i read. thats grimy to the developer and the end user.
u don't see that on android.

As an end user i want my phone's os to embrace developers and end users not screw them or worry about apps being made that are better. let the user decide.
i do give apple credit that app store was revolutionary but their policies have created an FCC investigation which may result in the app store becoming less...strict on iphones and more widely available across the mobile industry.

so kudos to apple one way of another they are added more fuel to the mobile wars and are gonna cause public policy to change. But also they may lose this war a few years down the line if they keep rejecting user needs and telling users what they need.
More Andre's will make the switch and a lot won't switch back.


I don't think Apple really wants to complicate things. Look at the music business for example. They were such assholes about DRM and Apple and M$ gave thewm what they wanted. In the End the Music Industry fucked up. They made a mess because they didn't think things through. Now they want all music DRM free. Same thing is happening in the wirless phone world. Apple would love to sell phones on all carriers, but even before the iPhone was even a thought, you mean to say that it wasn't already a mess. The FCC is investigating because Apple figured out the bullshit game the carriers were playing. The carriers were forcing makers like LG, Motorola and Blackberry to design the phones they wanted instead of allowing the phone makers to create the phones people really wanted.

Now the Phone carriers are scared of what Apple is doing becuase Apple revealed what they really are. DUMB PIPES. Thats all we want from a carrier. A SIGNAL. FCC in Apples ass cause the haters are complaining. All of a sudden Verizon openning up to dope phones. Looke at how the Storm 2 will employ wifi. WTF happened to the first? It should have been had wifi.

My friend a lot of people need to thank Apple for kicking all these carriers asses in to gear. And I am confident Apple will continue adapt to the changing landscape no matter what obstacles the haters put in front of it. The music industry already learned the hard way :lol:
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Im not a techie type but I went to tmobile from sprint and got a g1 returned for the touch then got me a jailbroken 2G Iphone.

Wont front the Iphone is dope.

Made the touch feel like an impostor after I started using it. Not saying didnt have its upsides but for me the Iphone feels more natural.