Is Labeling JD Vance & Republicans Weird A Good Message?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

While Wendal might be correct, he has to learn to read the room.

The target audience doesn't want to be lectured.

This is bringing energy that the dems haven't seen since Obama 2008 or Stracey

They like the snarky responses and ain't interested in they go low we go high shit.

They trying to energize the youth and the sometimes voters..

Both bases going to do what bases do, it's the other voters they need.

And she also talked about policy ...

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Says the old man with no life experience
This is from a millennial who just recently developed a racial awareness of self, calls himself a feminist and is still unsure about his sexuality.
“Good message” means effective message that will WIN @Amajormoron
Election 90 days out.. Trump been looming for 4 years and is carrying 35 felony convictions and is an adjudicated rapist... and this guy still talking about wins through "messaging".. :lol:


Rising Star
This is from a millennial who just recently developed a racial awareness of self, calls himself a feminist and is still unsure about his sexuality.

Unsure about why it’s so damn irresistible to the ladies, perhaps.

Election 90 days out.. Trump been looming for 4 years and is carrying 35 felony convictions and is an adjudicated rapist... and this guy still talking about wins through "messaging".. :lol:

Maybe you need to get out of the district and spend some time in a real state that doesn’t vote 95% Democratic. Didn’t I tell you to go to Pennsylvania and spend a day knocking on doors for Kamala?

Yes, motherfucker, she is going to win or lose this election based on messaging. She’s still the underdog! How do you not understand that??? Half the electorate does not care about his felonies or rape allegations, you live in America, wake up!!!


Rising Star
Sounds like something JD Vance or Trump would say.. :smh:

I said for you to go to Pennsylvania, not the heartland!

It is not unreasonable to attribute your lack of respect for and failure to grasp the importance of persuasion and messaging to the fact that you live in the least ideologically diverse place in America.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
you live in the least ideologically diverse place in America.
This couldnt be further from the truth YP. Politically, yes. Ideologically, no. There is a significant populous of bleeding heart half fag yuppie lib transplants such as yourself, a more significant collective of older natives with conservative leanings such as yours truly, hood trash, young working class natives, and transplant cacs. Its a pretty diverse city quadrant to quadrant.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Walter Panov

Rising Star
It's a stupid strategy. The "Won't Pac Down" ad will have the opposite effect. Just call them exactly what they are. Show what they do.


Rising Star
This couldnt be further from the truth YP. Politically, yes. Ideologically, no. There is a significant populous of bleeding heart half fag yuppie lib transplants such as yourself, a more significant collective of older natives with conservative leanings such as yours truly, hood trash, young working class natives, and transplant cacs. Its a pretty diverse city quadrant to quadrant.
I'm sorry I hate to interrupt this hilarious exchange of verbal barbs but nigga you been one of the BGOL faithful for more than a decade, the fuck you talkin bout conservative leanings? I don't know why people try to use that term to cover up the fact that they're just selfish assholes.