Man no liesThis.
The Final Act
War with Lebanon will be the last mistake the Zionists ever make
As the Zionist Goliath begins to collapse under the blows of the resistance, it is lashing out in fear and anger. Even as they collapse in front of our eyes, the Zionists best bet to survive is escalation.We declare openly and loudly that we are an umma which fears God only and is by no means ready to tolerate injustice, aggression and humiliation. America, its Atlantic Pact allies, and the Zionist entity in the holy land of Palestine, attacked us and continue to do so without respite.
Their aim is to make us eat dust continually.
This is why we are, more and more, in a state of permanent alert in order to repel aggression and defend our religion, our existence, our dignity. They invaded our country, destroyed our villages, slit the throats of our children, violated our sanctuaries and appointed masters over our people who committed the worst massacres against our umma. They do not cease to give support to these allies of Israel, and do not enable us to decide our future according to our own wishes
-“An Open Letter: The Hizballah Program”
That may sound absurd, but their strategy is clear. They aim to put the Zionist settler-colony into a situation so precarious that the United States will be forced to intervene. While not even the Biden regime wants to start a war in the Levant, America’s prized military base in the Middle East cannot be allowed to fall.
It’s more than just politics; if the Zionist army is defeated on the battlefield they maintain a long-held strategy called the Samson Option, which entails launching their entire nuclear arsenal at as many cities as possible, friend and foe alike. The United States government cannot allow that to happen, so at some point they must intervene. All the Zionists have to do is put the pedal to the metal, and the machine will do what it was built to do.
To this end, a war with Lebanon seems imminent.
It should be stated plainly that the Zionists cannot win a war with Lebanon. This is not even a controversial opinion. Their backers at the Pentagon1 concur, and the thought of a war is so unpopular among the IOF that officers are leaving en masse. Unrest grips the heart of the Zionist regime, and this time it looks terminal. Cracks in the foundation of the regime are starting to become obvious.
At this point, the army is close to mutiny, openly begging the increasingly isolated Netanyahu regime to negotiate for a ceasefire. The ultra-orthodox extremists who made up most of the regime’s base are now rioting in the streets after new laws removed their exemption from military service. The police who mercilessly terrorize and murder the Palestinian people indigenous to this land do nothing as these fascist maniacs pelt them with sticks and stones.
Much the same as it was in the 1930s, the mechanisms of the capitalist state will only serve to aid the rise of fascism, never to stop it. Without these shock troops, terrorists like Itmar Ben-Givr and Bezalel Smotrich would be rotting in cells under the Hague, and without Ben-Givr and Smotrich’s parties, Netanyahu would be in the next cell.
This betrayal of such a vital base of power reveals just how bad the manpower situation is among the Zionist occupation forces. Only a primal fear can motivate such a self-destructive strategy.
The fanatics are right to be afraid. Hezbollah will not hesitate to send them off to meet their god. They have promised to make Gaza look like a playground, and they have the muscle to back it up.