Yea, Yemen to close to be trying to stop all of those drones and missilesSaudis don't want that smoke !
The Rothschild advised Hitler to start doing to the white people who claimed the jewish religion what he had been already doing to blacks. These people did not go thru what blacks went thru especially in the Congo. There were white jews in the government. But after Hitler did what the Rothschild advised him. He claimed the jews made him lose the war. But the main thing was to make it seem like what was done to them was because they were the chosen people of God. But what was done to blacks was because they deserved it. Even with this genocide going on a jewish women had the nerve to state in a televised conference that the problem with the world today is the black youth.Is this accurate
@alfarisabuziad93151 minute ago
70 years ago there was nothing called state of Israel. A group of imported european jew came under the protection of UK and occupied Palestine country ... So Palestine people is fighting for freedom since then.
Damn ! they reached that level of frustration !
And this why folks don’t respect Egyptians
But they got paid to “man down”
That's sad !
That's no longer Egypt from the late 50's
Why they don’t go to Israel and tell them leave them fucking people alone…
Noooooooooooooo they won’t do that
Houthis showcasing that drone able to reach Tel Aviv
Those ninjas are about that life !