Man this funny because I saw this post yesterday. This dude is an Egyptian and seems to keep it real. He’s not to fond of Hamas, he don’t think it’s right what the Palestinians are going thru. He’s not for Egyptians bending over backwards and letting the Palestinians into his country. He explained multiple messed up situations when dealing with Palestinians(when distributing aid). He think Israel is a joke and much more but look at this….
”We ***specifically*** advised you NOT to fight”

Houthis are well known in the whole region and to think that they’re going to be scared by destroyers, aircraft carriers or submarines tells you a lot about Cac’s mindset,he‘s still in the 19th century at some point !
Edit: those Alphabet boys who advised Biden telling him that a strong support of Israel and the bombing of Houthis will be the best policy for the Middle East…. They lost on both sides, I’d love to see their faces now, mofos thought we’re still living in Kissinger’s era !

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