Jagged Edge Singer Brandon Casey Hospitalized with Broken Neck

doe moe

Rising Star
Platinum Member

Jagged Edge Singer Brandon Casey Hospitalized with Broken Neck, Ribs and More After Car Crash: 'I Should Be Dead'​

The 48-year-old said he was in the ICU for five days after the accident





Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
The most dangerous thing we do everyday without even thinking is getting into our car and driving. These are 4,000 lb missiles.

It's one thing to be responsible for your own life, but to unknowingly surround yourself with strangers who may or may not be paying attention, who may or May not be sober. Who may or may not be driving excessively fast or using or not using turn signals.

Every time we arrive home safely it's nothing but luck. All it takes it's for one idiot to ruin your day. If you're lucky, you're the idiot. At least then you can look in the mirror and say I am the cause of the situation I'm in. If you're not, it can be one of a hundred things were you suffer because of someone else's mistake or error in judgement.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
I wish that man the best. I hope he completely recovers.
I remember reading not too long ago that Heatwave leading singer Johnny Wilder Jr, The one who held that long note in the song Always and Forever, was paralyzed and almost killed in a car accident in 1979, effectively ending his performing time with the group.

I have friends who understand that I am not capable of living at an extremely decreased standard of living. If I'm paralyzed from the neck down, just pull the plug. I'm not trying to live like that. That changes with the person. I hope he recovers fully and if he doesn't, I hope he's okay with the limitations of his current situation



Transnational Member
Any blunt force trauma to the neck is serious. It can get much worse over time.

I have to pray if I lift something heavy, it can trigger some nasty symptoms like losing your appetite struggling to get the calories up in your body.
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Transnational Member
A nice adjustable bed is your friend. It can shift your body weight to your butt and not your neck. It is 10x easier getting out of bed.

I would avoid typing and two handed smartphone use to a bare minimum. Warehouse clubs with big packages of Gatorade, get them delivered. Reaching to grab something on the ground get that grabber extension especially with your laundry.

You are disabled for the rest of your life, even if the hospital dumps you on the street. Get all your medical records because it may comeback to haunt you 10 later years.