Japan offering $75,000 to Black men to impregnate their women. Thats 75,000 per successful birth. You must have sex no lab baby.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
@Dr. Truth , you ok?

Do we need to get the smelling salts out for you.....?

I know this is your dream come true......

You can raw dog all those broads and let their government cover the costs!! Hahaha

*would wifey understand you're just doing your part for race relations and the survival of their population?* haha


Transnational Member


This story is true, they tried to stud me out to Japanese women multiple times. They want to increase their homo sapien bloodlines, and decrease neoanderthal traits which is sky high within the Asian population.


Rising Star
Platinum Member

That's Ariana Miyamoto, the first Black woman to represent Japan in a Miss Universe pageant. As you can imagine, she got a lot of shit for it. I had a major crush on her. I was mad when I found out that she became a baby momma. I would've saved her.

But the big question here is, are you liable for child support for that baby that they are paying you to create? Can that baby find out about you when it becomes an adult?

If the answer to either question is "Yes", my answer would be "No thanks, I'm good. Sayonara."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They will need the original DNA strand eventually, but they will not publicize ....in fact, the might take it with force


Transnational Member
They will need the original DNA strand eventually, but they will not publicize ....in fact, the might take it with force


This would be a downgrade for us, their neanderthanal/denisovan DNA is off the charts; along with Europeans, this could result in strange animal like behavior. I would have to receive way more compensation.

I like to actually meet various groups rather than relying on some made up movie they created about them self. Never rely on some movie, find opportunties to interact with them.

How did whites treat them back in the day, did they accept segregation with us?

Do they fight for equality for everybody or fight for the right to be in a white school?

Every group has some retarded scheme that undermines other groups, what retarded scheme do they have for us?

Hoarding manufacturing jobs domestically that traditionally we work at, while flooding high skill/high paying tech jobs. Using their citizenship/foreign national status to leverage trade with their country to advantage immigrants in the United States.

Bizarre obsession with our job recruiting, again supporting the notion that they want to advantage their immigrant plants in the U.S. to our detriment.
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Transnational Member
On a scale of evil they are slightly below white people. You can't use trade to advantage your people that have immigrated to another country that have taken an oath of allegiance to the U.S.. Are you setting up a colony or becoming part of the melting pot?

Imagine there is 40 million whites in China living that are highly educated and rarely do manufacturing jobs. They dump product from the EU or United States into the country destroying domestic production. They talk about how they are saving the Chinese consumer alot of money. Millions of Chinese are out of work, there is rampant poverty, homelessness, and crime. On the crime front, they push for mass incarceration of course. The best part is using highly paid athletes, endorsement deals with sports leagues, or entertainers to distract.
Finally, leveraging their trade relationship with the U.S./EU, high paying tech jobs are overly represented by them by Chinese transnational companies.

I know something happen during COVID and they tried to have Tim Cook, completely dependent on their supply chains to speak on their behalf who looked like a hostage. Once I become a citizen of another country, any issues need to be addressed internally.


When a war breaks out, maybe this was the right thing to do based on what I am seeing today.
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Transnational Member
They are closet evil mofo, taking advantage of our kindness and acceptance of immigrants to run game.
