Until Rush Limbaugh, Larry Elder, and Clarence Thomas dies, thats when I'll officially celebrate. But fuck this old cranky bitch too. Just sickens me that we'll be bombarded with all this fake media coverage making it look like Joan was loved and important.
"Uhhhh, Mr. President. The legendary Joan Rivers has died."
<a href="http://pimpandhost.com/image/33744943-original.html"><img src="http://ist2-2.filesor.com/pimpandhost.com/1/1/0/2/110204/2/h/A/B/2hABh/obama%20.gif"/></a>
Until Rush Limbaugh, Larry Elder, and Clarence Thomas dies, thats when I'll officially celebrate. But fuck this old cranky bitch too. Just sickens me that we'll be bombarded with all this fake media coverage making it look like Joan was loved and important.
Sean Hannity.
Please do not sticky this.
Fuck Cornell West too...
Lets….. It should be interesting.