Update: Vice President Kamala Harris is now the Democratic presidential nominee


Rising Star

Not uncommon. My Mom's side of the family is Black-American. My Nana, her Mom, had a West Indian Godmother who sometimes raised them. My Mom, Nana and auntie also either went to school with or lived with West Indians. My Mom, married my Dad, who was West Indian. My Mom and Auntie would sometimes put on slight accents when hanging out with West Indians. People do it. It's not a big deal.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Not uncommon. My Mom's side of the family is Black-American. My Nana, her Mom, had a West Indian Godmother who sometimes raised them. My Mom, Nana and auntie also either went to school with or lived with West Indians. My Mom, married my Dad, who was West Indian. My Mom and Auntie would sometimes put on slight accents when hanging out with West Indians. People do it. It's not a big deal.
Why even respond to that cracka?


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Not uncommon. My Mom's side of the family is Black-American. My Nana, her Mom, had a West Indian Godmother who sometimes raised them. My Mom, Nana and auntie also either went to school with or lived with West Indians. My Mom, married my Dad, who was West Indian. My Mom and Auntie would sometimes put on slight accents when hanging out with West Indians. People do it. It's not a big deal.

Black folks code switch all the time. How I speak with friends and when I start getting too comfortable is different than in a professional environment. I'm tired of all these kneegrows acting brand new.