JR Smith enrolling at North Carolina A&T to pursue degree, play collegiate golf

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lebron disagrees....



Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
He is a smart man. He knows that his NBA playing days are over, and he
is going out there to get his college degree. In the process, he is going
to capitalise on the opportunity to improve at that rich man's game that
all NBA players indulge in, golf..

This is a very clever man.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
He chose the wrong college. University of Seoul in Korea is where golf rules. Not to mention all that prime Fresh Korean ass I’d be eating


Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
I respect anyone who makes the effort to get his education after getting
his money. JR and everyone who leave college early to maximise their
earnings in sports are clever. Those who return to college to complete
their degrees after their athletic careers are over, are even cleverer. This
is why I would to like to mention Dr. Shaquille O'Neal