Judge Mindy Glazer Recognizes Another Defendant in Court

the artist

Same shit, different day
BGOL Investor



Miami-Dade Judge Mindy Glazer's awkward but emotional accidental reunion with a former middle-school classmate who stood before her as a defendant in bond court went viral earlier this month. Well, Glazer just took a vacation on the Carnival Breeze, and when she returned to work Monday, she was in for another courtroom reunion, this time with a fellow passenger aboard the cruise ship.

Ahlon Devante Glenn was also on the Breeze. He was arrested on his return to PortMiami on an out-of-state warrant for fraud charges in Georgia.

Glazer, noting that he was arrested at the port, put two and two together and remembered she had seen the 21-year-old dancing aboard the ship.

"What were you on, the Breeze?" Glazer asked.

"Yes, yes," Glenn replied.

"Yeah, me too," Glazer said. "Isn't that cool? You have a nice cruise? I'm glad to be back to work. I had to watch four kids."

"You were on the cruise this weekend that just past," Glenn said. "You didn't see me dancing? I was the one dancing all the time."

Because the warrant orders Glenn to be extradited to Georgia, Glazer had no choice but not to set bond.

According to Local 10, she sympathized with Glenn's situation a bit, noting he could have easily fled the country during one of the ship's many stops.

All in all, it was a less emotional reunion than the one when she presided over the bond hearing of Arthur Booth. The judge and the defendant had attended Miami Beach's Nautilus Middle School together, and during the teary courtroom scene, Glazer remembered Booth — accused of stealing a car and taking it on a rampaging police chase — as a kind classmate.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor


2 years ago (edited)

UPDATE: He was released after 10 months for good behavior. During that time he studied business and became a manager at a pharmaceutical company and doing extremely well. He met with the judge again after his release and apparently they've stayed in contact. He also voluntarily enrolled in programs to help with his addiction and 5 years later he's very well off.



2 years ago

good for him! I’ve wondered what happened in the back of my mind

Now today ----



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He was supposed to appear before same judge today,
but basically said, FU, and to get another judge



Master Tittay Poster
Platinum Member
The best justice is local. I recall a few times when I chose to stand trial for parking tickets, I knew the judge because we were in school together or from the same neighborhood, they recused themselves. I don’t understand why she didn’t pass on this case


Rising Star
So incredibly sad. Sometimes I imagine homeless people as children, the light of someone’s life and filled with all the potential in the world.

A story like this reminds us that we are all the same if we trace our steps back… he could have been that judge and the judge could have been a criminal.

Every “monster” robbing old people was once a sweet kid.


Rising Star
The best justice is local. I recall a few times when I chose to stand trial for parking tickets, I knew the judge because we were in school together or from the same neighborhood, they recused themselves. I don’t understand why she didn’t pass on this case

My understanding was that she didn’t realize until the case was well underway.