Kain Carter aka HOTDAMNIROCK, Puts Things In Perspective


Rising Star
Platinum Member
since we found out he stole from Patrice




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I thought it was going to start off bleak and end on a high bright note..

especially when he mentioned his homie had some medical skills and was coming to his rescue.. they gotdam... just gotdam...

dude looked like he wasnt older than thirty five....

crazy shit is, this dude was blowing up.. and he has over eight hunid thousand subscribers...

he cakin lovely off youtube, whichis a good thing because I know his hospital bills were high as fuck..

I wish da bruh well...


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
Yeah I wanted to know what happen to his stomach and was he still dealing with it

I wonder how much he spent on to get his whole body tatted though, damn. I would have wondered if the ink could be a irritant, because eczema is your immune system being over active.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
One thing I noticed from watching these Youtubers is a ton of them suffer from severe depression but hide it very well.You would never know they were suffering or tried to kill themselves at some point if they never said anything about it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
One thing I noticed from watching these Youtubers is a ton of them suffer from severe depression but hide it very well.You would never know they were suffering or tried to kill themselves at some point if they never said anything about it.

No doubt...you can definitely tell YouTube

Is a form of therapy..

And that's dope..

There was a bruh called boonk gang..

And he was one of the first youtubers wilin out and gettin

Mad views...

He turned his whole life around..

"Found god" and did a complete 180.

He admits now that his prior actions were a cry for help..

Personally I think any young person that gets tatoos on their face is a cry for help

But chea...you can tell the youtubbers

Who YouTube for therapeutic reasons as much as monetary ones..

That bruh Hassan Campbell comes to mind


Staff member

That whole series was great.
The Santa videos were classic also.

Dude was damn near genius level with his skits
Then he just went different and hasn't been the same since.

I check in on his channel from time to time, if I can remember the new name.

I thought this post was about his death.
I'm glad I was wrong. I don't use the word genius often, but he was talented.