Kamala Harris picks Minnesota's Tim Walz for vice president, sources say


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Kamala Harris picks Minnesota's Tim Walz for vice president, sources say​

Andrea Shalal, Jarrett Renshaw and Richard Cowan
August 6, 2024 at 7:58 AM

By Andrea Shalal, Jarrett Renshaw and Richard Cowan
(Reuters) -Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris selected Minnesota Governor Tim Walz to be her running mate on Tuesday, choosing a progressive policy champion and a plain speaker from America's heartland to help win over rural, white voters, according to sources familiar with the matter.
Campaign officials did not respond to requests for comment. An official announcement was expected on Tuesday morning.
Walz, a 60-year-old U.S. Army National Guard veteran and former teacher, was elected to a Republican-leaning district in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2006 and served 12 years before being elected governor of Minnesota in 2018.
As governor, Walz has pushed a progressive agenda that includes free school meals, goals for tackling climate change, tax cuts for the middle class and expanded paid leave for Minnesota workers.
Walz has long advocated for women's reproductive rights but also displayed a conservative bent while representing a rural district in the U.S. House, defending agricultural interests and backing gun rights.
Harris, the daughter of immigrants from Jamaica and India, is adding a popular Midwestern politician whose home state votes reliably for Democrats in presidential elections but is close to Wisconsin and Michigan, two crucial battlegrounds.
Such states are seen as crucial in deciding the Nov. 5 election, and Walz is widely seen as skilled at connecting with white, rural voters who in recent years have voted broadly for the Republican Donald Trump, Harris' rival for the White House.
Harris chose Walz over Josh Shapiro, the governor of Pennsylvania, who had been seen as essential to delivering his crucial battleground state.
Harris became the Democratic Party's standard bearer after President Joe Biden ended his re-election campaign last month. Since then, she has raised hundreds of millions of dollars and recast the race against Republican Donald Trump with a boost of energy from her party's base.
Harris was expected to appear with her running mate at an event in Philadelphia on Tuesday evening.
The Harris campaign hopes Walz's extensive National Guard career, coupled with a successful run as a high school football coach, and his Dad joke videos will attract such voters who are not yet dedicated to a second Trump term in the White House.
Harris, 59, has revived the Democratic Party's hopes of an election victory since becoming its candidate after President Joe Biden, 81, ended his failing reelection bid under party pressure on July 21.
Walz was a relative unknown nationally until the Harris "veepstakes" heated up, but his profile has since surged. A popular member of Congress, he reportedly had the backing of powerful former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was instrumental in persuading Biden to leave the race.
Harris and Walz will face Trump and his running mate JD Vance, also a military veteran from the Midwest, in the November election.
Stumping for Harris, sometimes in a camouflage baseball hat and T-shirt, Walz has attacked Trump and Vance as "weird," a catchy insult that has been picked up by the Harris campaign, social media and Democratic activists.
Walz gave the nascent Harris campaign the new attack line in a late July interview: "These are weird people on the other side: They want to take books away. They want to be in your exam room," referring to book bans and women's reproductive consultations with doctors.

Walz has also attacked the claims by Trump and Vance of having middle class credentials.
"They keep talking about the middle class. A robber baron real estate guy and a venture capitalist trying to tell us they understand who we are? They don't know who we are," Walz said in an MSNBC interview.
That approach has struck a chord with the young voters Harris needs to reengage. David Hogg, the co-founder of the gun safety group March for Our Lives, described him as a "great communicator."
Walz is "somewhat of a unicorn," said Ryan Dawkins, a political science professor at Minnesota's Carleton College - a man born in a small town in rural Nebraska capable of conveying Harris' message to core Democratic voters, and those that the party has failed to reach in recent years.
Dawkins praised his ability to connect with rural voters. It is a group the Biden administration has tried to reach with infrastructure spending and other pragmatic policies, but with little show of messaging success so far.
In the 2016 election, Trump won 59% of rural voters; in 2020 that number rose to 65% even though Trump lost the election, according to Pew Research.
In the 2022 governor's race, Walz won with 52.27% to his Republican opponent's 44.61%, although swaths of rural Minnesota voted for the opponent.
While Walz has supported Democratic Party orthodoxy on issues ranging from legalized abortion and same-sex marriage to the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, he also racked up a centrist voting record during his congressional career.
He was a staunch defender of government support for farmers and military veterans, as well as gun-owner rights that won praise from the National Rifle Association, according to The Almanac of American Politics.
He subsequently registered a failing grade with the NRA after supporting gun-control measures during his first campaign for governor.
Walz's shift from a centrist representing a single rural district in Congress to a more progressive politician as governor may have been in response to the demands of voters in major cities like Minneapolis-St. Paul. But it leaves him open to Republican attacks, Dawkins said in a telephone interview.
"He runs the risk of reinforcing some of the worst fears people have of Kamala Harris being a San Francisco liberal," Dawkins said.
Walz has a ready counter-attack.
"What a monster. Kids are eating and having full bellies, so they can go learn and women are making their own healthcare decisions," Walz said in a July CNN interview. "So if that's where they want to label me, I'm more than happy to take the label."
As the state's top executive, Walz mandated the use of face coverings during the COVID-19 pandemic and signed a law making marital rape illegal. He presided over several years of budget surpluses in Minnesota on the road to his 2022 reelection.
During that campaign, Walz touted the backing of several influential labor unions, including the state AFL-CIO, firefighters, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), teachers and others.
His tenure was marked by the May 2020 killing of George Floyd, a Black man, by a white Minneapolis police officer who was convicted of murder. Walz assigned the state's attorney general to lead the prosecution in the case, saying people "don't believe justice can be served."
(Reporting by Andrea Shalal, Jarrett Renshaw, Nandita Bose, Jeff Mason, Doina Chiacu and Richard Cowan; Editing by Heather Timmons and Howard Goller)


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
Choosing someone from the Midwest was a good move.

I know most thought that Shapiro was going to get the nod. But, I felt that that would have done more harm than good. White folks would have been screaming, "A Black woman and a Jew in the top offices... Hell no."

I believe they now have a chance to really widen their reach and snatch up most undecided voters.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I’d be more concerned about the LGBTQ policies. If ppl thought Biden and Obama were push-overs they haven’t seen nothing yet.
Exactly what were those policies ? I hear some people say they had LGBTQ policies but what exactly and were they unreasonable. It's like the Asian hate law, what law is that exactly ?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Exactly what were those policies ? I hear some people say they had LGBTQ policies but what exactly and were they unreasonable. It's like the Asian hate law, what law is that exactly ?

Making it mandatory to teaching LGBTQ to kids in school
Making it mandatory to refer to a adult or child who identifies as an opposite sex or animal as such in schools, workplaces, and in public and private areas.
Lowering the age of when a person who identifies as “trans” to go through surgery below 18.
Allowing kids to take puberty blocker at the age of 8
Allowing trans men and women to compete in sports of the opposite sex.
Allowing people who identify as an opposite sex to use the bathrooms of the opposite sex.

Just to name a few.

Also if you or anyone where to be vocal verbally or via social media about your disagreement with just what I mentioned then you are considered a bigot and could lose your job, cited for harassment, and possibly jailed depending on the severity of the situation.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Making it mandatory to teaching LGBTQ to kids in school
Making it mandatory to refer to a adult or child who identifies as an opposite sex or animal as such in schools, workplaces, and in public and private areas.
Lowering the age of when a person who identifies as “trans” to go through surgery below 18.
Allowing kids to take puberty blocker at the age of 8
Allowing trans men and women to compete in sports of the opposite sex.
Allowing people who identify as an opposite sex to use the bathrooms of the opposite sex.

Just to name a few.

Also if you or anyone where to be vocal verbally or via social media about your disagreement with just what I mentioned then you are considered a bigot and could lose your job, cited for harassment, and possibly jailed depending on the severity of the situation.
Bro, none of what you've just listed is backed by a law or executive action passed by the federal government, any president of the United States, local government or district. At no point has anyone been put in jail for any of the things you've listed. The trans in sports is an issue that's left up to states and their sports governing bodies not any president. The use of Puberty blockers is an individual state medical issue. I asked you to point out the law or show me a person jailed by local, state or federal authorities for what you've written.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bro, none of what you've just listed is backed by a law or executive action passed by the federal government, any president of the United States, local government or district. At no point has anyone been put in jail for any of the things you've listed. The trans in sports is an issue that's left up to states and their sports governing bodies not any president. The use of Puberty blockers is an individual state medical issue. I asked you to point out the law or show me a person jailed by local, state or federal authorities for what you've written.

A policy doesn’t have to be made into law, it can simply be enforced via programs or institutions.

This happened in Ireland of all places

Just the fact that ppl have to deal with it is the real issue. But live how you want just don’t piss off the Alphabet community.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A policy doesn’t have to be made into law, it can simply be enforced via programs or institutions.

This happened in Ireland of all places

I'm an American living in America, you've just posted a story about someone in Ireland. It has nothing to do with presidents Obama, Biden or maybe Harris an the claim that you made. I asked you to show me a law or policy, not a proposal made in California which did not pass in 2018, when President trump was in power. So again where is the LGBT laws you claimed were passed under Obama or Biden ? The actual law and/or executive order


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm an American living in America, you've just posted a story about someone in Ireland. It has nothing to do with presidents Obama, Biden or maybe Harris an the claim that you made. I asked you to show me a law or policy, not a proposal made in California which did not pass in 2018, when President trump was in power. So again where is the LGBT laws you claimed were passed under Obama or Biden ? The actual law and/or executive order

Again I said policies not laws. LGBTQ policies get their start under Democratic ruling because they are more liberal. Once one policy gets accepted socially the goal post keeps getting moved further and further to where parents are being forced to acknowledge their kids as a zer, they, whatever and if they don’t they can expect a call from DFCS

Some policy were enacted into the state laws and federal law

Try voicing your opinion just remotely opposing any LGBTQ policy at your job ,no matter how ludacris it is, and you will get a call from HR or will deal with some disciplinarian action from your job.


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Super Moderator

Tim Walz left National Guard battalion ‘hanging,’ ‘slithered out the door’ before Iraq deployment: vets​

Caitlin Doornbos and

Josh Christenson
Published Aug. 6, 2024, 1:00 p.m. ET

Veterans have accused Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz of “embellishing” his military career and abandoning his National Guard battalion, highlighting that the now-vice presidential pick for the Democrats never served in combat and retired from service ahead of his unit’s 2005 deployment to Iraq.
In a letter posted to Facebook in 2018 as he first ran for governor, retired Command Sergeants Major Thomas Behrends and Paul Herr said Walz retired from his 24-year tenure in the National Guard after learning that his battalion would be deployed to Iraq, despite allegedly assuring his fellow troops he would join them.
Tim Walz and Gary Bloomberg in military uniforms at Camp Guernsey in 1992, Walz accused of embellishing his military career 4
Veterans have accused Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz of “embellishing” his military career and abandoning his National Guard battalion.Courtesy of Tim Walz
“On May 16th, 2005, [Walz] quit, betraying his country, leaving the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion and its Soldiers hanging; without its senior Non-Commissioned Officer, as the battalion prepared for war,” Behrends and Herr wrote.
Walz, 60, wrapped his military career just in time for him to launch his political career the following year, successfully running for Congress in 2006.

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz speaking at a press conference regarding new gun legislation in Bloomington City Hall, August 2024 4
Walz, 60, wrapped his military career just in time for him to launch his political career the following year.Getty Images
Behrends and Herr criticized him for leaving the National Guard for Congress despite being fully aware that he could have requested permission from the Pentagon to seek office while on active duty.
Democratic vice presidential nominee Minnesota Governor Tim Walz preparing to depart from his temporary residence for a campaign rally 4
Democratic vice presidential nominee Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz prepares to depart from his temporary gubernatorial residence.Getty Images
Walz further dodged the necessary paperwork to ensure a smooth transition out of military service and “instead … slithered out the door,” the pair added, with his retirement filing showing “soldier not available for signature.”
The National Guard members also accused the now-two-term Minnesota governor of having “embellished and selectively omitted facts of his military career for years.”
The letter was first unearthed by the Daily Wire.
Still, Walz has said he has “an honorable record.”
Tim Walz in uniform during his basic training for the Army National Guard at Fort Benning, Georgia in summer 1981, with a flag behind him. 4
Walz has said he has “an honorable record.”US Army
“We all do what we can. I’m proud I did 24 years,” Walz said about his service.
What do you think? Post a comment.
Walz joined the National Guard after high school and had served in the 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery before his retirement, where he obtained the rank of command sergeant major.
During his subsequent tenure in Congress, Walz came out in opposition against then-President George W. Bush’s plans to increase troop levels in Iraq.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Choosing someone from the Midwest was a good move.

I know most thought that Shapiro was going to get the nod. But, I felt that that would have done more harm than good. White folks would have been screaming, "A Black woman and a Jew in the top offices... Hell no."

I believe they now have a chance to really widen their reach and snatch up most undecided voters.

I wish she had gone with Mark Kelly, but I get it...hope he gets a position in the cabinet when she wins :yes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wow!!! Fooled me with that one. My progressive leanings wanted Walz, but my practical side said Shapiro especially since Pa. is a must win state. :hmm: