"Kevin Samuels taught me to accept the reality of being a single mother."


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
Cant Believe people follow a man on relationship advice that nobody ever seen with another woman nor has ever been married KS dont even have kids. Why do cats worship this dude? He's clearly a Fed Plant.
Not trying to throw shade on what you're saying. But, that Brother was spot on when it came to the women in my life (Aunts, cousins, etc.).

I've watch them as a youngster and as an adult. When they were young, you couldn't tell them shit. They were"fine" and they knew it, and took full advantage of it. Then when they got older and less fine, they still had the delusion that they could get any man they want. Uhhhh, NO!

They're sitting here with two kids, talking about "He can't have any children, and he can't discipline mine. If my kids get out of line, he has to come tell me." But wait, you're in his home, driving his car, and he's taking care of everyone.

Nah Bro, KS was a godsend to the non-delusion women who really wanted husbands.


Woke as fuck
BGOL Investor
Not trying to throw shade on what you're saying. But, that Brother was spot on when it came to the women in my life (Aunts, cousins, etc.).

I've watch them as a youngster and as an adult. When they were young, you couldn't tell them shit. They were"fine" and they knew it, and took full advantage of it. Then when they got older and less fine, they still had the delusion that they could get any man they want. Uhhhh, NO!

They're sitting here with two kids, talking about "He can't have any children, and he can't discipline mine. If my kids get out of line, he has to come tell me." But wait, you're in his home, driving his car, and he's taking care of everyone.

Nah Bro, KS was a godsend to the non-delusion women who really wanted husbands.
Not to be disrespectful but did you grow up with a father in the home, or had uncles. I learned all this about females from them. Honestly I think false prophets like KS hurt society more than they help.


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
Not to be disrespectful but did you grow up with a father in the home, or had uncles. I learned all this about females from them. Honestly I think false prophets like KS hurt society more than they help.
Actually, my Father was not in the home. I grew around a bunch of women. My Mom had eight sisters. So I've watched their behavior when it came to dealing with men.

My uncles were only concerned with partying and pussy... Friday and Saturday nights they were knee deep in both. They didn't give a shit about their nephews for the most part. Once my Grandfather died, we were on our own when it came to learning about women.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
Cant Believe people follow a man on relationship advice that nobody ever seen with another woman nor has ever been married KS dont even have kids. Why do cats worship this dude? He's clearly a Fed Plant.
Wow everything you just said is completely false.

Kevin was twice married and has a daughter. He died while with a woman.


well-known lurker
BGOL Investor
It's a damn shame that so many women learn that AFTER becoming a single mother.
Nah bruh, she learned from KS women with nose rings, chest tattoos, attitudes AND kids is straight fck pieces, if even that, nowadays and should be happy if the simp wants more than that fwb after a month. Way too easy to fck a ratchet 6 over a ratchet 3.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Cant Believe people follow a man on relationship advice that nobody ever seen with another woman nor has ever been married KS dont even have kids. Why do cats worship this dude? He's clearly a Fed Plant.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Actually, my Father was not in the home. I grew around a bunch of women. My Mom had eight sisters. So I've watched their behavior when it came to dealing with men.

My uncles were only concerned with partying and pussy... Friday and Saturday nights they were knee deep in both. They didn't give a shit about their nephews for the most part. Once my Grandfather died, we were on our own when it came to learning about women.

good ole cycle…my nephew doesn’t have a father so I made sure to be a good example for him. Have preached disreguard women right now focus on school. At 20 I got him a car so he can drive to his clinicals. Proud of him he has like a 3.3 GPA.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's forgivable. No woman wants to admit she's pulled herself out of the game.

She said it's not a bad thing. She hasn't learned a thing from KS or from life's experience (the best teacher).

She's a woman, she's still in the game, but the rules have changed and the ball isn't in her court. She can still win but she's made it more challenging.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not trying to throw shade on what you're saying. But, that Brother was spot on when it came to the women in my life (Aunts, cousins, etc.).

I've watch them as a youngster and as an adult. When they were young, you couldn't tell them shit. They were"fine" and they knew it, and took full advantage of it. Then when they got older and less fine, they still had the delusion that they could get any man they want. Uhhhh, NO!

They're sitting here with two kids, talking about "He can't have any children, and he can't discipline mine. If my kids get out of line, he has to come tell me." But wait, you're in his home, driving his car, and he's taking care of everyone.

Nah Bro, KS was a godsend to the non-delusion women who really wanted husbands.

Facts!!!.... :yes:

RIP to the Brother Kevin Samuels!!...

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
Wow everything you just said is completely false.

Kevin was twice married and has a daughter. He died while with a woman.

Thanks. I was about to say the same thing. Sadly if he were a white man with a British accent he would have been far greater appreciatiated. Fact remains that man told folks the stone cold truth about themselves and life. In a time when folks are more delusional and out of touch with reality than ever.


Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor
Not to be disrespectful but did you grow up with a father in the home, or had uncles. I learned all this about females from them. Honestly I think false prophets like KS hurt society more than they help.
Hurt society no put a spot light something that was ignored and really got bad during the age of social media and reality TV show. The village or family support system that helped point our young men and women in the right direction or even helped them course correct is far and few. Kevin Samuels was on point but he gave rise to alot want to be's that are profiting off the common sense and the family support system.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Cant Believe people follow a man on relationship advice that nobody ever seen with another woman nor has ever been married KS dont even have kids. Why do cats worship this dude? He's clearly a Fed Plant.
I was never a fan of Kevin Samuels but he was on point with his message. I think you're wrong about his private life too. I know he has a daughter and I believe he died next to or in some pussy. He often talked about being a step father as well, so he may have been married at some point. He always spoke from experience.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think Kevin Samuels said what many of us (male and female) are thinking but don't want to say out loud for fear of being called bitter or lame. He just didn't care, he wasn't afraid to wear the black hat and being the heel wrestler and take the heat.

I've said in the "Unpopular Opinion" thread that we can NOT have a discussion about Black women and their choices of mates without being called lames or incels.

Ultimately the point is this, All of us who are Black have seen beautiful women waste their youth and lose their beauty (or even their lives) because they chose the wrong mate and ultimately we just want the women to make better choices

And as it relates to the single mother issue, being on LSA (yes I'm mentioning them) women have bluntly stated that if you want a certain type of man, namely a man who is educated, paid and can give you a luxurious lifestyle, you are going to have to make sure that you're thin, have a decent reputation, probably a low body count and NO children. So women do know this but as you all have said, it. delusion.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What I can't understand is why mofos are actually posting life lessons here from a chick nicknamed "BALDIE LOCS"...

And what's WORSE, she's actually praising a man who made his name, fame & money by promoting hatred for Black women just like herself.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A damn shame... :smh:

But it goes back to the point that I made in reply #27

We can never have this conversation without it getting sidetracked because people want to attack the woman, the messenger or the people commenting.

This issue here is not about her as a woman her username or her looks, it's also not about Kevin Samuels or anybody else.

The issue is about Black women making better choices when it comes to choosing mates and making better choices when they are in their youth and physical primes.

As men, we constantly have discussions about women we should and should not wife up. Every nigga here knows you don't wife up or seed up the pornstar, OF creator, stripper, IG thot, etc. Because we know that dealing with these bitches outside of casual, no strings attached sex is a recipe for disaster and will cause us years of stress, general negative effects on our lives, if not shortening our lives. This point is drilled in our heads from the time our balls drop.

(Some) Women do not approach life like that, they think fucking and having kids for the kingpin, drug dealer, shooter, or whatever is exciting, and then those relationships fizzle because he gets killed, goes to jail, finds another bitch, or otherwise gets knocked off and the woman is stuck in her early twenties with no skills, a crying baby, stretch marks, sagging breasts, the scale reading 235lbs and now they want to develop standards because the boring girl who played the game correctly is making money and/or marrying into money and they want that now.

In the last few years in my hometown of New Orleans there was an epidemic of women getting killed by their mates. One gets shot, another gets shot and run over with a car, and another one gets her kids killed when the dude burns the house down.

What do all of these situations have in common, these women all got with niggas who had records and/or ties to the streets and to make matters worse, the kids involved in these situations will grow with the memories that their mothers were killed by their fathers and their fathers will never be in their lives and I think you guess what type of hell they could bring down on society.

That's the reason why all of that needs to be discussed, it has nothing to do with incels, lonely hearts, chronic masturbators or woman haters.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's always been that way and a good woman will find a man if she doesn't demand what she should of required before she had a child with any ol Tom.

Don't get 40 talking about he has to have shit you don't have and no I don't want to get it with you.
yep......they always be on that "what i deserve" bullshit.............
nah....."what i deserve" shouldn't even be in your vocab if u got kids and or over 40.........FOH


Woke as fuck
BGOL Investor
The government wants you to blame the opposite sex for the destruction of the family unit and unhealthy relationships and not the government who incentivize the dysfunction. There is an entire system in place to keep men and woman separated from each other as the part of a bigger plan.

They send chaos agents like KS and fresh n fit deflect the establishment and government complicity in destroying the family and to make the masses fight among themselves
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The government wants you to blame the opposite sex for the destruction of the family unit and healthy relationships and not the government who incentivize the dysfunction. There is an entire system in place to keep men and woman separated from each other as the part of a bigger plan.

They send chaos agents like KS and fresh n fit deflect the establishment and government complicity in destroying the family and to make the masses fight among themselves
Yes I heard of something like this going on. One old head says, the government does a lot of dirt during the Super Bowl. They know most Americans will be watching football and not paying attention to the government during the game.