Keyshawn Johnson Design!!


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Wtf :lol: I just put it on A&E and he got a home design show



Rising Star
i said this in the other thread of someone trying to clown. Do you know how much money is in what he is doing? :smh::smh::smh: People are too small minded. I bet if he was producing two bit rappers everybody would be supportive.


Rising Star
i said this in the other thread of someone trying to clown. Do you know how much money is in what he is doing? :smh::smh::smh: People are too small minded. I bet if he was producing two bit rappers everybody would be supportive.

That Martha Stewart money :yes::yes:. Get that dough Key.


Couldn't watch it, turned it on for about 2 minutes and it looked like he was doing the whole "keyshawn" persona thing. About 4 expletives in those short two minutes and a meaningless conversation about whether a cabinet door could be supported by particular hinges. :smh:

Another brother acting a fool for the money, I could be wrong. someone who actually watched it correct me.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
i said this in the other thread of someone trying to clown. Do you know how much money is in what he is doing? :smh::smh::smh: People are too small minded. I bet if he was producing two bit rappers everybody would be supportive.


I dont see nothin wrong with it either :dunno:


Rising Star
I do some renovations, so I usually like watching those type of shows.

HGTV has a lot of shows that are good to watch. He might be a great designer but his show was not a good watch for me.

My .02


Rising Star
i have watched a lot of the shows it is not really a DIY or HGTV style show that shows more of the step by step process. His shows basically shows three phases the before the design and the final product. With all the episodes i have watched of the show it does seem that the subs he hires always do a shitty job and he has to get them back or replace them. If the purpose of the show was to show his quality of work that aspect may take a hit.

Van Allen

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I have seen a couple of episodes...:rolleyes: honestly........................the show is good , to me! It is interesting to watch, nobody black is doing that. And the end design is alwayys on point. Its good to see a show where the blck folk aint coonin!!!!!:eek::yes: