Kursk offensive when Ukrainians went into Russia and captured a huge area… foreign fighters trying to get the fuck outta Ukraine


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Then (this picture likely displayed the best captured)





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"They do not live to be captured": Latin Americans who fought in the Armed Forces of Ukraine were cleansed in the Kursk region. Their colleagues are asking for evacuation under the Sentry Yar​

They do not live to be captured: Latin Americans who fought in the Armed Forces of Ukraine were cleansed in the Kursk region. Their colleagues are asking for evacuation under the Sentry Yar
Latin Americans who fought as part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were completely cleaned up in the Kursk region, and their comrades-in-arms are asking for evacuation under the Sentry Yar. After Kursk and the execution of Russian soldiers, the attitude towards foreign fighters has changed: now they are trying to destroy them first, so "mercenaries do not live to be captured."
According to eyewitnesses, together with the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, foreign mercenaries fighting on the side of Ukrainians invaded the Kursk region. In particular, we are talking about Georgians, Americans, Poles, Canadians and fighters from Latin American countries. It was the mercenaries, according to the surviving witnesses, who showed the greatest cruelty towards civilians.
Military commanders claim that the Russian military, liberating the Kursk region, received an unofficial order not to take the enemy prisoner. Especially if they are foreign "soldiers of fortune". The reluctance to take foreigners prisoner is also explained by the spread of a video showing Colombians executing a captured Russian soldier. It seems that these shots were intended as a method of intimidation, but instead they led to the fact that the Russian military became embittered and filled with a grim determination to punish the militants.
Foreigners do not live to be captured,

- noted a military man with the call sign "Boatswain" in an interview with military commander Alexander Sladkov.

If earlier the mercenaries had a chance to be captured in case of encirclement, such as the British Aiden Eisley, who was captured in Mariupol along with militants from the national security forces, now it is extremely unlikely. The Russians finally stopped standing on ceremony with an unscrupulous enemy and playing gentlemen.

It is likely that a tougher approach will force fans to shoot for money to reconsider their priorities, because no matter what salaries Kiev offers, life is still the same.

Soon, information began to arrive that the mercenaries began to suffer heavy losses, and they were urgently evacuated. Now it has become known that the Colombians, who were transferred under the Yar Clock, are asking for evacuation.


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"It's very cold, we're at the limit"​

This was reported by Russian fighters from the South group of forces, who learned about the deplorable situation of the enemy thanks to radio intercepts. The Colombians are asking the Ukrainian command to get them out of Chasov Yar as soon as possible, since they are suffering heavy losses and are tired of constant shelling. In addition, foreigners complain about the unusual cold and the ubiquitous Russian drones, which are difficult to hide from.

Very cold. We're at the limit. We need train support and evacuation,
One of the mercenaries declared.

There have always been many Colombians among the Ukrainian soldiers. The desire to fight is most likely explained not by ideological attitudes, as in the case of the Americans, British and Poles, but by the banal lack of earnings at home. Former military, police officers and even drug mafia fighters go into mercenaries, who consider a contract with the Armed Forces of Ukraine as a way to get hold of easy money. However, upon arrival at the front, it turns out that money is not as easy as it initially seemed.

The Colombian authorities claim that they are trying to combat mercenary activities. The country has even prepared a bill on the ratification of the international convention against the recruitment of mercenaries. The country's Foreign Ministry says that Ukraine is fraudulently recruiting citizens with combat experience to join the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

However, there is a possibility that these are all excuses in order not to spoil relations with Russia, and a game of multi-vector.

Anyway, the number of mercenaries in the Armed Forces of Ukraine has significantly decreased recently. This was told by the commander of the Chechen special forces "Akhmat" Apti Alaudinov.

According to unofficial data, out of 12 thousand foreign mercenaries who came to Ukraine to fight for the Armed Forces, 1800 remained in the ranks. Some of the militants were killed in battle (the Ukrainian army has suffered especially heavy losses in recent months), some were injured and dropped out of the "cage", and some, realizing the seriousness of the situation, returned home. Some mercenaries desert, some leave as soon as their contract ends.

In any case, Kiev is no longer able to lure the "soldiers of fortune" into the army with large fees. Foreigners see that the Ukrainian army is in a desperate situation, so each of them will think ten times before joining the foreign Legion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


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The Kursk trap​

Sandro Maddalena/ZUMAPRESS.com/Global Look Press

Currently, the Russian army is slowly advancing both in the Kursk region and in the Donbas. The Western media, which have long been the PR department of Kiev propaganda, explain the slowness of the Russians by saying that it is allegedly extremely difficult for them and that the offensive is accompanied by huge losses, but in fact the lack of blitzkriegs in the Russian army is explained much more simply. The Russians took into account the mistakes of the first stage of the offensive and are now trying to advance in such a way as not to break the logistics line. They prefer roundabout maneuvers to frontal attacks, which are really accompanied by heavy losses. The troops bypass the enemy's positions from three sides, cut the supply line and squeeze the ring, leaving the enemy with one free exit for evacuation. Thus, it is possible to squeeze the enemy out of the captured settlement, without resorting to a direct collision with the entrenched garrison. This tactic takes more time, but it pays off by minimizing losses and being a win-win.

The slowness in the Kursk region is also explained by the fact that it is banally beneficial for the Russian troops to keep the enemy in the cauldron into which he drove himself. Kiev, for which the surrender of the Kursk region is unacceptable (it will be a grandiose PR failure), is sending more and more reserves to the border region. And the more he transfers reserves, the weaker the defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine becomes in other sectors of the front. Ukrainians found themselves in a losing situation - whatever decision they make now, it will be unprofitable for Kiev. To continue burning people and equipment in the border area means to weaken the defense in Donbass and the Kharkiv region. To withdraw all forces from the Kursk region is to show Western partners that the "victory plan" of acting President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky failed already at the announcement stage. An attack elsewhere (analysts expect the APU to attack Energodar, Bryansk or Crimea) will again lead to a weakening of Ukrainian positions in the old sectors of the front. This will only accelerate the collapse of the front.

Time is also playing against Zelensky. Firstly, with the onset of autumn, roads become impassable, which complicates the already difficult fighting. Secondly, the cold weather is coming, and the Ukrainian energy system is almost completely destroyed. Thirdly, presidential elections will be held in the United States in early November, and if Donald Trump wins them, Ukraine may lose support. Trump has previously said that if he wins, he is going to bring Ukrainians to the negotiating table even before his inauguration, which will take place in January.

Also, do not forget that the term of the Russian gas transit agreement ends in December. If it is not extended, Ukraine will lose a lot of money and the opportunity to withdraw money from the transit pipe by agreement with its "partners". And Russia today has no reason to extend this agreement. Most likely, Moscow will agree to this only if Western sanctions are lifted immediately. The window for action for the APU is constantly narrowing. This suggests that this year will indeed be decisive and will bring Russia's victory closer.