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Anthony Burrus They happen to be of different races, so the fuk what!!! one is raising her daughter to be a classy and respectable woman while the other raise hers to be a whore like her older siblings. Race don't matter and we all know that.
Like · Reply · 25 · 3 hrs · Edited
Ginny Collins Ain't that the truth
Like · Reply · 5 · 3 hrs
Elyse Hernandez One will become a classy lady, the other a media 'ho!
Like · Reply · 17 · 3 hrs

1 Reply

Lynda Harris Here we go with the black white issue.
Like · Reply · 3 hrs

1 Reply

Alicia Pearlman It's about being age appropriate. Kylie isn't at all!
Like · Reply · 9 · 3 hrs · Edited
Darlene Gould You can't compare the
Two. The Obamas are
No way in their league.
Like · Reply · 9 · 3 hrs · Edited

4 Replies · 5 mins

Evelyn Ramirez You can not compare class to trash!!!
Like · Reply · 6 · 2 hrs
Sheri Cross Smith For the Kardashian mother it should say...........When you pimp a 17 year old.
Like · Reply · 4 · 3 hrs
Ignacio Gaerlan The difference between royalty and courtesans
Like · Reply · 4 · 3 hrs · Edited
Samantha Bea Seriously have y'all (WBLS) run out of ideas?
Like · Reply · 3 · 4 hrs
Shannon Lewis This meme is kind of dumb ,the Obama's children are not in the entertainment industry the jenner kids are so they have to be managed
Like · Reply · 2 · 3 hrs

2 Replies · 49 mins

DeAndre Chance You cannot compare elegance, beauty, and intelligence with whatever is hot for the moment
Like · Reply · 2 · 3 hrs
Nailah Love that's not a fair comparison. #ijs
Like · Reply · 2 · 3 hrs
Rose Robinson That girl Kylie is still seventeen well hell she has been pimped out by her mother a long time Kylie has been dressing like that since Pre-K Allegedly
Like · Reply · 1 · 3 hrs
Debra Carter I don't see anything wrong with either. The Jenner kid is in the entertainment industry and I personally don't see any fault in her or her mom's wardrobe. She's making a very lucrative income modeling clothing.
Like · Reply · 2 hrs
Rodney Farrar THE TRUTH
Like · Reply · 2 hrs
Shari Brown Theirs a big difference.
Like · Reply · 1 hr
Carlos Watson Try again with something that makes sense WBLS. Instead of creating dumb controversies.
Like · Reply · 3 hrs · Edited
Cynthia Judge-williams Hello
Like · Reply · 3 hrs
Angela Peruza No comparison
Like · Reply · 51 mins
Lulu D Outsider Why compare?
Like · Reply · 2 hrs
Vicky Hunt Amen that's all that needs to be said
Like · Reply · 2 hrs
Madison Avenue Exactly!!
Like · Reply · 3 hrs
Melissa Nqaba Mokwena Lord have mercy
Like · Reply · 1 hr
Honey Johnson Here, here!
Like · Reply · 1 hr
Christine Dowe To each his own. Raise them with love and prayers. People please don't bash and bad mouth children. Stop the nonsense
Like · Reply · 1 hr
Drena Smith No comparison class and classless
Like · Reply · 1 hr
Nicole Jenkins I thought the Jenner girl was in her 20's
Like · Reply · 1 hr
Learie George Thank you (Just the facts)
Like · Reply · 18 mins
Neville Jones for those individuals who seems to failed to understand one extremely important concept, or point. It doesn't have anything to do with Races as one person should point out either directly, or indirectly. What this person totally failed to point out in his comment and also failed to seriously the different standard of living environment and the purpose of dress attires. Let me point it out clearly for all those who've completely failed in both ways with due level of your educational standard level. My point's the internet open up the door for all those who shouldn't be entering to enter with their craziest illogical comments to seek their 15 seconds of fame. First of all those on left have an extremely higher standard of living to uphold, than those on the right. The ones on the left are those who're related to the singular most important person in this planet, her husband and father is the president of the United States of America. Therefore there's definately no comparison none whatsoever. Therefore who've posted this picture what exactly are they trying to prove that there's some kind of intelligent comparison of dress code between the first family of nation, and those tha are probably going for an evening's entertainment (i.e. party and diner with their friends). There social lifestyle is totally different. My point's, what's the exact purpose and point of this photo it's totally blank, if you were expecting agreement you're far off key within your loony tune, my advice to you find a different song writer to sing your song. if you're going to use FB to post your comments at least posted something of morally learning intelligence that can be seriously use to educate an individual who uses the internet on a daily to be up lift it's like you're being a CYBER BULLY with the posting of this photo who as more moral standards and up bringing than the other. Let me ask you one very important thing what do you to all those young black youths and grown men who walk around with their pants (low rider) below their waist showing their dirty draws for the whole world to see there ass, do you've a family member does this then you should first look into the mirror of yourself,and your immediate surrounding. I've totally disowned my child who likes walking around the neighborhood showing the crease of ass.
Like · Reply · 19 mins
Denise Wallace Hopkins Exactly....
Like · Reply · 2 hrs
Odies Parham III Our Loving Black African Mothers know the difference
Like · Reply · 3 · 3 hrs
Sharon Stewart Two beautiful tennage girls I wish you both all the best in your endeavors,and may you accomplish your goals the sky is the limits to what you can achieved,just be determine and focus you will reach your goals with excellence!!
Like · Reply · 3 · 3 hrs