Lyft and Uber say they will leave Minneapolis after city council forces them to pay drivers more


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Lyft and Uber say they will leave Minneapolis after city council forces them to pay drivers more​

Thu, March 14, 2024, 5:33 PM CDT
Ride-hailing drivers celebrate in Minneapolis, Thursday, March 7, 2024, immediately after Minneapolis City Council members voted to pass a measure that would increase wages to drivers of ride-hailing companies, including Uber and Lyft, to an equivalent of more than $15 an hour. Opponents say this may increase costs to customers and increase fears that Uber and Lyft will follow through on their threats to leave the area altogether. (AP Photo/Trisha Ahmed)

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Lyft and Uber said they will cease operations in Minneapolis after the city's council voted Thursday to override a mayoral veto and require that ride-hailing services increase driver wages to the equivalent of the local minimum wage of $15.57 an hour.

Lyft called the ordinance “deeply flawed,” saying in a statement that it supports a minimum earning standard for drivers but not the one passed by the council.

“It should be done in an honest way that keeps the service affordable for riders,” Lyft said. “This ordinance makes our operations unsustainable, and as a result, we are shutting down operations in Minneapolis when the law takes effect on May 1.”

Uber did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but news outlets reported that it issued a similar statement saying it would also stop service that day.

Both companies promised to push for statewide legislation that would counter the Minneapolis ordinance, and state House Republicans proposed a bill Thursday that would preempt local regulations of ride-hailing services.

The City Council first passed the measure last week in a 9-4 vote despite Mayor Jacob Frey’s promise to veto it. The measure requires ride-hailing companies to pay drivers at least $1.40 per mile and $0.51 per minute for the time spent transporting a rider — or $5 per ride, whichever is greater — excluding tips. In the event of a multi-city trip, that only applies to the portion that takes place within Minneapolis.

Critics of the bill say costs will likely spike for everyone, including people with low incomes and people with disabilities who rely on ride-hailing services. Supporters say the services have relied on drivers who are often people of color and immigrants for cheap labor.

“Drivers are human beings with families, and they deserve dignified minimum wages like all other workers,” Jamal Osman, a council member who co-authored the policy, said in a statement.

“Today’s vote showed Uber, Lyft, and the Mayor that the Minneapolis City Council will not allow the East African community, or any community, to be exploited for cheap labor,” Osman added. “The Council chooses workers over corporate greed.”

Democratic Gov Tim Walz, who vetoed a bill last year that would have boosted pay for Uber and Lyft drivers, told The Associated Press on Wednesday that he was concerned because so many depend on those services, including disabled people.

He said he believed the companies would pull the plug, “and there’s nothing to fill that gap.”

Walz added that he hopes the Legislature will seek a compromise that both includes fair pay for drivers and dissuades the companies from leaving.

Seattle and New York City have passed similar policies in recent years that increase wages for ride-hailing drivers, and Uber and Lyft still operate in those cities.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Makes their operations unsustainable...

They would rather make no money in the market than profit share to a livable wage.

Other cities will eventually follow suit and LYFT and UBER will have to make some serious structural changes. They've already sourced out their customer support, cut driver earnings in half and fail to provide viable incentive for drivers to use their own vehicles.

Taxi services are licking their chops right now.


Great business model deteriorating due to corporate greed.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Makes their operations unsustainable...

They would rather make no money in the market than profit share to a livable wage.
More like they saying they don't make enough money in that state to listen to them rules. NYC did the same thing and they stayed Here and paid the workers. Changed some rules but they definitely fell in line


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Other cities will eventually follow suit and LYFT and UBER will have to make some serious structural changes. They've already sourced out their customer support, cut driver earnings in half and fail to provide viable incentive for drivers to use their own vehicles.

Taxi services are licking their chops right now.


Great business model deteriorating due to corporate greed.
NYC did this

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
"Under the settlement, Uber and Lyft must pay their drivers at least $32.50 per hour when the workers are either en route to pick up passengers or actively transporting riders to a location. The companies are not required to pay for the time when drivers are logged into an app, but neither have a passenger in their vehicle nor are traveling to pick someone up. Those wages must begin Aug. 15 and will be adjusted annually for inflation."

"The rate is considerably higher than in some other states. In New York, drivers outside New York City earn at least $26 per hour for the time between accepting a trip and completing a ride (the same range of time that will be compensated in Massachusetts).

Drivers here will also begin to accrue up to 40 hours per year of paid sick leave, provided at a rate of $20 per hour, and Uber and Lyft agreed to obtain occupational accident insurance for drivers.

The companies will also offer "portable health funds," which are cash stipends that drivers can use to pay for eligible health insurance plans, starting next year. Uber called it "the nation's first portable health insurance benefit fund." They'll additionally provide drivers with stipends to buy into the state's paid family and medical leave program.

Other parts of the agreement call on Uber and Lyft to give drivers more information about trips and expected earnings before they accept a ride, in-app chat support in multiple languages, and an appeals process to challenge deactivations."



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
"Under the settlement, Uber and Lyft must pay their drivers at least $32.50 per hour when the workers are either en route to pick up passengers or actively transporting riders to a location. The companies are not required to pay for the time when drivers are logged into an app, but neither have a passenger in their vehicle nor are traveling to pick someone up. Those wages must begin Aug. 15 and will be adjusted annually for inflation."

"The rate is considerably higher than in some other states. In New York, drivers outside New York City earn at least $26 per hour for the time between accepting a trip and completing a ride (the same range of time that will be compensated in Massachusetts).

Drivers here will also begin to accrue up to 40 hours per year of paid sick leave, provided at a rate of $20 per hour, and Uber and Lyft agreed to obtain occupational accident insurance for drivers.

The companies will also offer "portable health funds," which are cash stipends that drivers can use to pay for eligible health insurance plans, starting next year. Uber called it "the nation's first portable health insurance benefit fund." They'll additionally provide drivers with stipends to buy into the state's paid family and medical leave program.

Other parts of the agreement call on Uber and Lyft to give drivers more information about trips and expected earnings before they accept a ride, in-app chat support in multiple languages, and an appeals process to challenge deactivations."

This is where the the fuckery begins ! Right back to the racist TLC fuckery.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And see the legal fight required to secure even this.

I did it for a year and it was more valuable as a tax write off than as a money maker. Most of my money seemed to go right back in the gas tank.

But I wrote off like 16 grand off my taxes which helped compensate for my w-2 taxes.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Fuck that! All those labor costs plus will be passed on to the consumer. Might as well give Uncle Joe a c note for a ride to the airport and get a direct benefit. Amazing how entry level jobs have been exalted to living wage pay out pacing that of someone with a new college degree. System is fucked and a reckoning is on the horizon. Corporate complex just waiting on viable AI to replace 89% of the work in the name of efficiency and profit. Meanwhile we distracted with political infighting with no real problem solving for our real problems impacting our quality of life and existence. Haha on my 2nd cup of coffee. Carry brothers and stay focused:cool:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Congrats to them. But best believe those companies are frothing at the mouth for self-driving cars.
That’s crazy their pay is equal or even higher to some construction workers

And even more fucked up
Teachers in some areas don’t get that


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A have a friend that does only airports. Not just for the money, but for safety reasons too.

Man when I did it like that it wasn't worth it. Might have gotten better by now.

Airport runs you had to get in line and wait your turn, could be an hour. They could be going an hour away or just to the closest hotel. Either way you gotta get back to the airport and get back in line.

There were ways to game the system but they cut that out.
There were days when I drove 8 to 10 hours in total, maybe 5 to 7 hours of actual drive time, to make 100 bucks, 35 of which was reserved for gas.

I SMH at people buying Teslas to do ridesharing. You'll be driving 20 years to pay for that car.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
That’s crazy their pay is equal or even higher to some construction workers

And even more fucked up
Teachers in some areas don’t get that
There were drivers making 70,000 and better back in the 90s.. taxis and cabs were always on the low moneymakers people just didn’t know that back in the days cause it was look down upon cause it was mostly foreigners and people were naive about their money they were making. 1 of my young peoples father took care of a family of 5 driving cabs in nyc. African able to provide for his family in america and still able to send money to relatives out the country