Maintenance crew burglarizes man's apartment before eviction date.....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
it be a lot of this shit goin on in Atlanta......
i think the victim would have shown them some mercy if they would have just confessed at the beginning and agreed to give him his stuff back.

but they kept denying it til the very end............(not knowing they were all caught on the Ring camera of the neighbor directly across from his unit.)
then they wanted to start coppin pleas once the cuffs got slapped on em.....

that supervisor dude tho........"i can't get a third strike man......i got a family......please let me tawk to em...." lmfao............FOH.



Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Always operate as if a camera is on you.

It might be a smoke detector but act like it's a camera.

I’ve said this to a few friends & family re: the general public.

Operate knowing the majority of people have a camera phone in their pocket.

Especially when someone pisses you the fuck off in a public setting and you’re about to go viral for all the wrong reasons (i.e. - parking lot / grocery store KO).


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Investor
Maintenance men jumped the gun trying to get first dibs on the stuff they thought they was gonna throw on the sidewalk. I've seen some apartment evictions and people start swarming like vultures waiting to pick through that stuff

Pack Rat

BGOL Investor
How are you going to steal shit walking by a ring camera the whole time..?? least cover it up.... I guess the neighbor would have done something....
Welp The prison got some new apartment maintenance guys on duty for a while...

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Rising Star
Dudes have got to stop waiving Miranda rights.

If I'm read that I have nothing further to say. I know that means a trip downtown. Better than laying it all out for them.
In general I agree but.....

From start to finish, their criminal act was caught on camera with faces clear as day. It's no guarantee, but if they had come forth, like someone earlier said, it seems as if dude would have probably been more accommodating.

But denying damn near everything from the very beginning, that doesn't go far with the victim or the cop who SEEMED decent, as far as decent as a cop can be.

Coming forward in the beginning and showing and kind of remorse can go a long way. Be it toward the victim or law enforcement.

First degree burglary? If that is not plead down, they will do some years behind that.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
In general I agree but.....

From start to finish, their criminal act was caught on camera with faces clear as day. It's no guarantee, but if they had come forth, like someone earlier said, it seems as if dude would have probably been more accommodating.

But denying damn near everything from the very beginning, that doesn't go far with the victim or the cop who SEEMED decent, as far as decent as a cop can be.

Coming forward in the beginning and showing and kind of remorse can go a long way. Be it toward the victim or law enforcement.

First degree burglary? If that is not plead down, they will do some years behind that.

NEVER put your faith in a cop to "be more accommodating".

Shut up and let a lawyer speak on your behalf. The more evidence against you, the more you need a trained professional to mount a defense that the court may accept. You aren't skilled in judicial process and you aren't learned in the law. Speaking about a lay person in general.

Cops get a lot of confessions because people think they can talk their way out of going to jail. These guys would likely agree.


Rising Star
NEVER put your faith in a cop to "be more accommodating".

Shut up and let a lawyer speak on your behalf. The more evidence against you, the more you need a trained professional to mount a defense that the court may accept. You aren't skilled in judicial process and you aren't learned in the law. Speaking about a lay person in general.

Cops get a lot of confessions because people think they can talk their way out of going to jail. These guys would likely agree.

I generally agree with you with that statement...

In this case, lying got them arrested on the spot and charged with a high level felony.

Kinda damned if you do and damned if you don't. One of them niggas are looking at a third strike.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There's questions as to who sent out the eviction notice, the timing of it, was it clear as to when maintenance could enter and remove items, and who gave clearance that it was ok to enter/remove items.

It's not at issue whether or not they entered and removed.

A lawyer would attack the company policy, the chain of command, previous instances of similar occurrences.

They didn't want to be arrested (of course) , which lead them to talk to their future ARRESTING officer.

Accept that you're going downtown for a while. Get a lawyer, go before a judge, bond out, let lawyer mount a defense.

Don't rob yourself of your chance to win in court by running your mouth trying to get out of trouble.

But what do I know lol


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Even the cop said it ain't what you know it's what you can why give the prosecutor an on camera confession to go with his on camera evidence?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There's questions as to who sent out the eviction notice, the timing of it, was it clear as to when maintenance could enter and remove items, and who gave clearance that it was ok to enter/remove items.

It's not at issue whether or not they entered and removed.

A lawyer would attack the company policy, the chain of command, previous instances of similar occurrences.

They didn't want to be arrested (of course) , which lead them to talk to their future ARRESTING officer.

Accept that you're going downtown for a while. Get a lawyer, go before a judge, bond out, let lawyer mount a defense.

Don't rob yourself of your chance to win in court by running your mouth trying to get out of trouble.

But what do I know lol
the victim covered himself by having an audio recording of the conversation between him and the leasing manager on when he would remove his stuff from the apartment when he got back in well as emails.
Easy win for him. But he mainly just wanted back his macbook. he didnt care about the rest of the stuff.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
the victim covered himself by having an audio recording of the conversation between him and the leasing manager on when he would remove his stuff from the apartment when he got back in well as emails.
Easy win for him. But he mainly just wanted back his macbook. he didnt care about the rest of the stuff.

The victim yes but I don't think he was gonna sue them civilly. It's just gonna be criminal.

If I were representing the guy who said he had clearance from his supervisor he might have the best case for a reduced sentence. None of them likely getting off in full.

I'd still want to know what was the company SOP. Anything in writing or just office norms? Any trace that management knew of this practice and approved? What if there was a deal to split proceeds from the sale of items with the property manager?

Lots to unpack


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The victim yes but I don't think he was gonna sue them civilly. It's just gonna be criminal.

If I were representing the guy who said he had clearance from his supervisor he might have the best case for a reduced sentence. None of them likely getting off in full.

I'd still want to know what was the company SOP. Anything in writing or just office norms? Any trace that management knew of this practice and approved? What if there was a deal to split proceeds from the sale of items with the property manager?

Lots to unpack
He was asking the cop at the end about getting a civil attorney