Man crashes out at Chipotle employees because they didn't give him a good portion as they were serving him


Rising Star
OG Investor

Whites lack hella testosterone.

Why try to intervene if you are only going to shout "call 911" and not be ready to scrap?

Then......he bent down to pick up his hat making himself more vulnerable.

He had no situational awareness.

He didn't even have the heart to be a true hero. :roflmao:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This wasn't about portions. It was bigger than that.

He seems to be mad about his food not being made first, so 2 scenarios come to mind:

Sometimes the ppl making online orders cut the line to get those done while a person is waiting at the counter. But that tends to only be at older or under staffed stores. Most stores here now have a separate "online station" to prepare those orders away from the main counter.

But also if he was waiting for fajitas or a certain meat to be made for his order they may have jumped a head of him to make the next order. Chipotle is not going to hold up the line because you're waiting on chicken. "Hey who's not getting chicken, come on up."

Either way, his reaction seems extreme and if someone were to match his energy he'd be quick to play victim.... the workers were in a no win situation.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Once you reach over the glass tho......

They could've called the cops. Being asked to leave would be mild. They could charge him with tampering and sue for the value of the food on the line, because now all of that shit is supposed to be tossed out because who knows what was on his jacket, arms or hands.........


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
People need to learn how to stay home and cook your own food. You'll never be completely happy with anything else.
Wise choice. But even though we struggle to move from being consumers to producers. They have an advantage over us because the consumer must dance to the producer"s beat. He does not even consider being a producer sad thing.
If I ever get the money to become a producer I see there are a lot of things to be prepared for.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
Once you reach over the glass tho......

They could've called the cops. Being asked to leave would be mild. They could charge him with tampering and sue for the value of the food on the line, because now all of that shit is supposed to be tossed out because who knows what was on his jacket, arms or hands.........

Fucked up everybodies order because they have to cook new shit :smh:

I would have beat his ass if I had to wait for a online order because of him


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Years ago at SWEETGREEN I noticed the black workers would give me small portions of chicken but give the white people very large portions.
This happened 6 times. It was so ridiculous. I just stopped going. Never again and I used to like that place.

Oh, so they knew you were a clown?!

Maybe they have a fear of clowns?


But nah, man why didn't you say anything. There was one Chipotle that did that to me. I thought it was a fluke or because the guy was new.
I went back and the same thing happened. "Aye, excuse me lil mama, I need you to make my bowl like their's" (as I point to the bowls her coworkers had made). I got extra everything and didn't have any problems with in-person orders at that location.

Now online orders, those are notoriously lighter portions.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Any establishment that doesn't treat me the way I feel I should be treated I leave and don't come back. I'll never force somebody to act right unless I already spent money. If I haven't spent any money I may have wasted a little bit of time but I be damned if I waste more arguing about their stupidity.

One time I was in Jersey Mikes and ordered a sandwich the mexican chick started putting Guacomole on my sandwich I said aye yo I didn't want guac. She wipes it off with a knife and continues to make the sandwich. I snickered slightly and walked out. I didn't have the time to explain to her why making a new sandwich would have been more appropriate or to yell at her and force her to make a new sandwich. As soon as I find myself in a stupid trap I do not continue to travel. I try to get out as soon as possible.

I don't know why people take incompetence personally. People that suck at their jobs usually suck at life so they are already being punished by life. Me arguing with a fool does nothing for me.