Man Is Stabbed Multiple Times During Subway Fight In NYC! (*Warning* Graphic)


Wait for it.....
OG Investor
Where was the punk ass cops to shoot him?'s funny how when a real crazy mofo is on the loose...COPS no where to be found,...but riding in your car can get your merc'd by cops! :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
dude couldnt punch for shit thats why he had the knife... but...

sometimes you gotta know when to run!!

dude is lucky people were there...

but now that dude is going to jail..the video is out..

the piglice are peepin that shit right now...

and he should be locked up within a week or two...

the piglice love the internet.. it keeps them employed...


BGOL Investor
149th St & 3rd ave. Dumb shit going on over there all day long. Most likely two cats selling swipes, beefing over $2


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Man that is a serious jail sentence. The level of hatred that we harbor for each other as men is disgusting. Neither of these two would go that hard on a police officer.....the REAL enemy.

This is slave training in effect