Man's latest abomination: IVG- "Two moms, two dads... You could have a child with someone who has died, you could have a baby with yourself."


The one true God
BGOL Patreon Investor

"It is an extremely radical biotechnology whereby you can turn any cell in the human body into a sperm or an egg. A brain cell, a blood cell, a hair cell, a skin cell-- You could turn that into a sperm or an egg, which means anyone can have a baby with anyone. Two moms, two dads could have their own biological child, an extremely old person could have a baby with an extremely young person, you could have a child with someone who has died, you could have a baby with yourself."

Upon the creation of the universe a few thousand years ago, it did not seem necessary to say "Thou shalt not have a baby with thyself." :smh:

Be fruitful and multiply, My children... With others!!! :hithead: Of the opposite sex!!! :beatyourass:


Rising Star
while i dont share your 'sky is falling' outlook....i can see a few people doing some crazy shyt with this....but i think the price tag associated with this type of procedure will keep it out of the hands of the vast majority of people....

but what i do see is there being an entire market where people, that can afford this, will start having kids with famous/rich people....

some shit like for $2M you can buy a Brad Pitt skin cell....or for $5M you can buy a Beyonce cell....something like that....that would be a huge market for the elite


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
while i dont share your 'sky is falling' outlook....i can see a few people doing some crazy shyt with this....but i think the price tag associated with this type of procedure will keep it out of the hands of the vast majority of people....

but what i do see is there being an entire market where people, that can afford this, will start having kids with famous/rich people....

some shit like for $2M you can buy a Brad Pitt skin cell....or for $5M you can buy a Beyonce cell....something like that....that would be a huge market for the elite

How wohld they get the cells without the person's permission or say so?

I don't see celebs lining up to do this unless there is iron clad paperwork involved......

Cuz crazies could dig in say Brad Pitts trash, get his toothbrush, use the DNA to get pregnant and then sue him for child support......

But even with paperwork, states like California break prenuptials and the like often


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If we NOW hearing about this, THEY BEEN DOING THIS SHIT FOR DECADES.....!!!!!

Millions of folks walking around here, on some clone shit FO REAL!!!!!

its slowly coming out,


Im just gonna leave it at THAT!!!


Mr. Pool
Sounds cool to me, unlike a lot of you scared ass old heads I want science to advance in every way possible. let's get living to 500 asap! I wanna take a trip to the Disney mars theme park and resort in my lifetime!


Rising Star
How wohld they get the cells without the person's permission or say so?

I don't see celebs lining up to do this unless there is iron clad paperwork involved......

Cuz crazies could dig in say Brad Pitts trash, get his toothbrush, use the DNA to get pregnant and then sue him for child support......

But even with paperwork, states like California break prenuptials and the like often
we live in strange times man....anything is possible


Rising Star
How wohld they get the cells without the person's permission or say so?

I don't see celebs lining up to do this unless there is iron clad paperwork involved......

Cuz crazies could dig in say Brad Pitts trash, get his toothbrush, use the DNA to get pregnant and then sue him for child support......

But even with paperwork, states like California break prenuptials and the like often

“Back in my day, you could protect yourself from a woman stealing your DNA by putting a little Tabasco in the condom when you were done with it.”

Gonna seem like a prehistoric practice in 50 years when someone can have your offspring because they got ahold of your comb... which was acquired at a yard sale held after you died...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'd heard they're actually trying to develop an "artifical womb" or something like that.


The one true God
BGOL Patreon Investor
i dont share your 'sky is falling' outlook....

Hear ye, BGOL, and hearken unto the voice of the Lord, the Almighty, who created all things in the beginning. I am the Lord your God, who formed man of the dust of the earth and breathed into him the breath of life. I set forth the laws of creation, and I, the Lord, did ordain the ways of man and woman, that they should cleave together, and their seed should be as a heritage unto the generations.

But lo, ye have gone astray! Ye have raised up your hearts in pride and defiance, and have turned your hands unto wicked inventions. Ye have sought to tread upon the mysteries which I, the Lord, have hid from thee, for ye desire to pervert the works of My creation!

Thou hast set thy mind upon the works of thy hands, thinking that thou art as gods, and ye have sought to change the seed of man, and the womb of woman, that ye may fashion life according to thy wicked imaginations. O ye sons and daughters of men, know ye not that I, the Lord, alone have the power to give and take life? Shall ye, in your arrogance, seek to make a man of the dust, or to raise up a seed from any part of the flesh that I have made? Ye have not known My ways, nor do ye understand the path of My wisdom.

Woe unto thee, for ye have brought forth strange inventions, and your hearts have become as calloused as stone. Ye say, "We can take a hair from our heads, or a drop of blood, and make a man, or a woman, or a they/them as we please." But hear ye, O ye prideful ones: I, the Lord, who created the heavens and the earth, do not behold such things with favor. I see the works of your hands, and I call them an abomination!

For I have ordained the days of a man, and his seed is a gift from the union of a man and a woman, as it was in the beginning. Two shall become one flesh, and from that union shall life spring forth. But ye, O wicked ones, seek to undo My creation. Ye think that ye can bring forth life from any part of the body, and in doing so, ye cast off My order and my plan. What hast thou wrought? A man may now make a child of himself, and a woman may bear the seed of another woman. This is not My will and it is not My way!

Shall ye say unto Me, "Lord, we shall make a child from the dead?" Shall ye take the seed of one who has passed from the earth, and bring him forth again? Ye have touched that which I have set beyond your reach, and ye have sought to make a life from that which is dead. Ye do not fear Me, nor do ye tremble before My holiness.

Verily, I say unto thee, ye have turned the gift of life into an abomination. In the beginning, I created Adam and Eve, and I commanded them to be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth. But ye have sought to multiply without honor, without reverence, and without the sanctity that I, the Lord, have set forth. Ye have defiled the sacredness of the union of man and woman, and in so doing, ye have defiled your own souls.

Hear now, O ye children of BGOL, for I shall not hold My peace. I shall judge this wickedness, and I will bring forth a recompense for those who have perverted the ways of life. Ye have made yourselves as gods, and in doing so, ye have cast off My dominion. But know ye this: I, the Lord, am the Alpha and the Omega, and there is none beside Me. I will not suffer the wickedness of men to go unpunished.

Repent, therefore, O ye rebellious ones, and turn from your wicked ways. Seek ye the path of righteousness, and humble yourselves before the Creator. Return to the ways of life that I have set before you, and walk in My commandments, for they are life and peace unto the soul.

The hour of judgment is at hand, and the wickedness of your hearts shall be made manifest! I will not be mocked. Repent, O ye children of men, for the day of the Lord is nigh, and great shall be the fall of those who have defiled the works of My hands.

Thus saith the Lord!