Marvel in talks about bringing back the original Avengers for another movie. Robert Downey Jr. and Scarlett Johansson Robert Downey Jr is Back!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Just fucking recast T'Challa already. The dumbest fucking thing they could have done was letting him die with Boseman. Just take him off the grid for awhile till folks were ready for a recast.
They will recast they just didn’t do it right away. It will get done though..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Didn't even need to involve the multiverse. Us old heads that watched the old Batman series experienced 2 different Riddlers and 3 Catwomen, 1 black. Our heads didn't explode. Also,if you grew up watching soaps,whether you liked it or not,you had to adjust to frequent recasts.
Oh yeah they definitely could have just done that too


" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."
How l long after they show these trailers at conventions do they frop for reP? Whe. Will it hit YouTube?