Median Wealth Of Black And Latino Families Could Hit Zero Before The Century's End


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor

Personal Finance #Economy
Sep 11, 2017 9:34 PM 6,249

NEW YORK, NY – JUNE 28: Food is handed out at a street food[+]
Income inequality has been getting worse, which suggests that the wealthiest, typically meaning Whites, are getting wealthier. According to a new study, the imbalance will shift so far that median Black and Latino households will lose the little relative wealth they have by about the time people of color form a majority of households in the U.S.

By 2053, Black households will have a median wealth of zero. It will take Latino households another 20 years to drop to the same level, according to an analysis by non-profits Prosperity Now (formerly CFED) and the Institute for Policy Studies.

As I’ve mentioned before, income inequality often captures attention, but wealth inequality is even more insidious.

That wealth becomes the head start in a race, like setting putting someone on the putative starting line and another, on the 90 meter mark in a 100-meter dash. By talking almost completely about income inequality, the country essentially pretends that a problem made over decades can be addressed on a single year’s scale. It can’t mathematically work.

Talking of wealth inequality in terms of a footrace is unfair. The race is over in a matter of seconds; only a few if someone is that far down the line. Wealth inequality lasts generations — forever, for all practical considerations.

One problem is that when wealth inequality increases much faster than the economy, the extra wealth has to come from somewhere. Someone loses it. I understand people don’t like hearing this, but it comes down to basic arithmetic. If the economy grows at 2%, for example, and someone’s share grows at 5%, the extra is something that otherwise would have gone to another.

The two factors — wealth transfer and the advantages wealth provides — come together in ugly ways. We typically describe middle class status in terms of income. But, if you change the definition to wealth, meaning you’d need between $68,000 and $204,000 in household wealth — middle quintile White households have nearly 8 times as much wealth as median Black households and 10 times as much as Latino households. Black and Latino families now have to earn two to three times as much as White families to catch up.

And then the time value of wealth comes into play:

Between 1983 and 2013, the wealth of median Black and Latino households decreased by 75% (from $6,800 to $1,700) and 50% (from $4,000 to $2,000), respectively, while median White household wealth rose by 14% (from $102,200 to $116,800). If current trends continue, by 2020 median Black and Latino households stand to lose nearly 18% and 12%, respectively, of the wealth they held in 2013. In that same timeframe, median White household wealth would see an increase of 3%. Put differently, in just under four years from now,median White households are projected to own 86 and 68 times more wealth than Black and Latino households, respectively.

These trends over time show the power of compound interest, whether positive or negative. Should the trends continue as they are, in absence of anything to reduce their power or even increase it, Black and Latino households will have nothing other than current income to call their own.

A number of practices contribute to and support these trends. One is the tax code. Many popular practices, like deductions for mortgage interestand lower taxes on capital gains, benefit Whites far more than Blacks and Latinos.

Another has been allowing predatory practices, like usurious interest rates by payday loan companies that make it difficult to impossible for people to get ahead. Again, these practices, focusing on the poor, have an outsized impact on Blacks and Latinos. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has begun to address these issues, but many want to kill off the agency.

Without programs specifically targeting people who don’t have wealth and need to build it, the country could become even more polarized by wealth inequality. Aside from its obvious inherent issues, such a direction could undermine the economy. If the median wealth of a majority of Americans is zero, there will be little to drive the economy as a whole, and that is a bad prospect for everyone.

Erik Sherman writes about business, technology, economics, and public policy. You canfollow him on Twitter or LinkedIn.

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Uh the whole fucking economy could fall before then just as well...

Anyway I think it will be a blessing in disguise..

Move is back to the days we were segregated and circukated our dollar within our own community instead of giving it away to communities that do not invest in us.

And if we lose wealth the whole economy is fucked

We leave what little wealth we have in this country

The wealthy take their money and stash it overseas...

Two more things

1- if you are over forty it's not really a problem for us but for our children

2- knowing this we need to and still Have time to leave them wealth by starting a life insurance policy while you are still young.

Even those of us like myself will pass on some cash to my nephews and neices....

I visualize a blessing in disguise


Thinkn with My 3rd Eye!
Platinum Member
Uh the whole fucking economy could fall before then just as well...

Anyway I think it will be a blessing in disguise..

Move is back to the days we were segregated and circukated our dollar within our own community instead of giving it away to communities that do not invest in us.

And if we lose wealth the whole economy is fucked

We leave what little wealth we have in this country

The wealthy take their money and stash it overseas...

Two more things

1- if you are over forty it's not really a problem for us but for our children

2- knowing this we need to and still Have time to leave them wealth by starting a life insurance policy while you are still young.

Even those of us like myself will pass on some cash to my nephews and neices....

I visualize a blessing in disguise a friend of mines was talking about how us as a people never leave n e thing for the next generation such as a life insurance policy! Heck my wife said she was thinkn of upping her own life insurance so that i would have more to pay off the house n still have some to treat self. Hell i was at the grocery a few months ago n the lady that worked there said to me that most of the whites in that area only got money from life insurances.. n most are on a strict budget and plan on never working.. i just chuckled but thought about it later on damn why we dnt do that shit.. well its gonna start with me leaving something for mine!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor a friend of mines was talking about how us as a people never leave n e thing for the next generation such as a life insurance policy! Heck my wife said she was thinkn of upping her own life insurance so that i would have more to pay off the house n still have some to treat self. Hell i was at the grocery a few months ago n the lady that worked there said to me that most of the whites in that area only got money from life insurances.. n most are on a strict budget and plan on never working.. i just chuckled but thought about it later on damn why we dnt do that shit.. well its gonna start with me leaving something for mine!

That's exactly what I'm talking bout bruh...

Spread the word

Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
Gonna have to start practicing racism and discrimination. Look how well it's working out for them. :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Gonna have to start practicing racism and discrimination. Look how well it's working out for them. :smh:

while you at it if you worship white jesus change your religion

its obvious the bullshit dogma has never worked for us....

praying to something that looks nothing like you or your antcestors is begging for a history of failure....

Praise your parents and those that came before them, watch

your whole world change for the better..

Thats who died so we can live, not some meth head faggy lookin cracker.....

the greatest mind fuck crackers ever pulled on brown people..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's exactly what I'm talking bout bruh...

Spread the word

But one of the saddest things to witness is watching family, and distant family, fight over the estate of passed relative. Mofos are literally fighting over $500, when they didn't care or do shit for them while they were living.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

But one of the saddest things to witness is watching family, and distant family, fight over the estate of passed relative. Mofos are literally fighting over $500, when they didn't care or do shit for them while they were living.

man I seen folks fight over everything from t.v's to furniture, my immediate family was never like that, we only asked for pictures.. and never got involved in the beef..

but that goes back to us loving to compete with each other instead of tryin to move ahead collectively..

its nice to have wealth to pass it down, but truth is, you aint taking none of that shit with you...

so you might as well invest in things that could appreciate in wealth.. so if its passed down it will mean something...

folks used to laugh at rappers for buying big gold chains and a lot of jewelry,
as long as its real gold, some of them made some damn good investments...

Moving Target

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
wealth is a mindset first. you and I both intend to leave money/assets for our children or close family members. the problem is are they savy enough to keep it and stay humble with it and make it grow enough to pass t on. the system is so devious that i have seen a dad and mom get married have a kid, the dad died, and left the kid 100k in life insurance and another 400k from the military life insurance. mom stayed single for 3-4 yrs, new guy moves in, marries mom, became step dad, spent up all the effing the money on cars and moms lets him bc she not savy enough to put it in trust for her daughter. daughter gto 25k out the whole thing when she turned 18. example 2. a mom and dad worked hard, paid for their small home. got older, dad passed, son put mom in nursing home, didnt read the paper work, mom died in nursing owing bills for treatment, nursing home puts lien on everything and ends u getting the house and what little they had left.

my point is the entire family has to financially aware and sound. some get money and dont know what restraint car, new house, new wardrobe, then money gone ....i was told in my late 20s to buy appreciating assets not depreciating ones. its why i will never buy a new car again. my current vehicle is paid for, no rims, no sound system....still looks good and get from point a to b. i invested in real estate, stock market, crypto, and even bought silver eagles for all my family's graduation presents instead of giving them cash. one dumbass cousin told me when he opened, WTF is this? i dont want this, i cant even spend and his dad just looked at him and before we broke a foot off inhos ungrateful ass, we schooled him to value of silver and how the silver market works. His dad came back and apologized for not schooling his son on investments. he and i think a lot alike when it come to investing. but his son never took the time to understand.....

so our people have t change our mindset first , then the wealth building will come. I just hope its not too late.