Michael Irvin reveals that his wife at 55 has early onset Alzheimer’s disease.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend


An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member
Let me tell ya'll this gem of information.
SUGAR triggers Alzheimer's & Dementia in the brain. Older you get you need to lower your daily intake. I haven't had a soda or juice in 5 years. They are supposedly still "trying" to see exactly how and why but I think they've known for decades that this ultra processed sugar causes Alzheimer's. These corporations just don't wanna be sued for it.



Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Lost my grandparents to it, it's terrifying to see what they once were and what they became.

Condolences re: your grandparents.

My dad's seen a few people close to him go through it the past 5 years prior to their passing(s). An aunt in her early-90s, and a few longtime friends in their 70s. Either Alzheimer's or dementia-related issues respectively.


Transnational Member
Let me tell ya'll this gem of information.
SUGAR triggers Alzheimer's & Dementia in the brain. Older you get you need to lower your daily intake. I haven't had a soda or juice in 5 years. They are supposedly still "trying" to see exactly how and why but I think they've known for decades that this ultra processed sugar causes Alzheimer's. These corporations just don't wanna be sued for it.

Concentrated glucose has entered human diet fairly recently. It used to be like cocaine rare for Europeans. We have not had time to optimize genetically to this change yet in the human population.

There are no approved drugs to treat nonalcoholic fatty liver disease but controlling blood sugar over time may help decrease the risk of liver scarring and disease progression. According to a new study by Duke Health researchers, the average three-month blood glucose levels of patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease influenced their chance of having more severe scarring in the liver, which can lead to liver failure.

Lead author of the study, Duke Health endocrinologist Anastasia-Stefania Alexopoulos, M.B.B.S., said severe liver disease related to fatty liver is on the rise. “It’s becoming one of the leading causes of liver transplants and liver mortality,” Alexopoulos said. “But we don’t have any effective treatments that are FDA approved, so really what it comes down to is finding other things we can do to help lower the risk of fatty liver disease progressing to these really poor outcomes.”

The study, appearing online in the journal Hepatology, examined the documented glucose levels of 713 adult patients with fatty liver disease prior to a liver biopsy. The team -- including collaborating senior authors associate professor Andrea Coviello, M.D., and professor Manal F. Abdelmalek, M.D., both in the Department of Medicine -- found that higher average blood glucose levels in the year leading up to a liver biopsy were associated with more severe swelling of liver cells. For every 1 percentage point increase in hemoglobin HbA1c (a measure of average glucose levels) in the year preceding biopsy, the chances for severe fibrosis rose by 15%.

Similarly, researchers also found that those with moderate glucose control over a period of five years, rather than good control, had more severe swelling of liver cells and a higher likelihood of having advanced liver scarring. Alexopoulos says these findings are particularly significant for patients with diabetes because a significant portion of that patient population also has nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Damn that's rough especially being that young.

And if she's been battling it for 5 years and they're now making it public I would assume her condition has deteriorated to the point that they felt keeping it private is no longer an option :smh:
I tell you, I feel bad for people who have to deal with close family members and/or spouses with something like this. Even more than I feel for the people who are going through it they are wholy dependent on their spouse or family members to take care of them

This sucks


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Let me tell ya'll this gem of information.
SUGAR triggers Alzheimer's & Dementia in the brain. Older you get you need to lower your daily intake. I haven't had a soda or juice in 5 years. They are supposedly still "trying" to see exactly how and why but I think they've known for decades that this ultra processed sugar causes Alzheimer's. These corporations just don't wanna be sued for it.

Very true ! brain= dementia + Alzheimer’s , kidney failure , ED = shrinking blood vessels , loss of vision = shrinking blood vessels