Michael Moore: "Congrats Pres. Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize, Now Please Earn it!"

Ming Fei Hong

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Congratulations President Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize -- Now Please Earn it!


October 9th, 2009 2:14 PM
Source Link HERE

Dear President Obama,

How outstanding that you've been recognized today as a man of peace. Your swift, early pronouncements -- you will close Guantanamo, you will bring the troops home from Iraq, you want a nuclear weapon-free world, you admitted to the Iranians that we overthrew their democratically-elected president in 1953, you made that great speech to the Islamic world in Cairo, you've eliminated that useless term "The War on Terror," you've put an end to torture -- these have all made us and the rest of the world feel a bit more safe considering the disaster of the past eight years. In eight months you have done an about face and taken this country in a much more sane direction.


The irony that you have been awarded this prize on the 2nd day of the ninth year of what is quickly becoming your War in Afghanistan is not lost on anyone. You are truly at a crossroads now. You can listen to the generals and expand the war (only to result in a far-too-predictable defeat) or you can declare Bush's Wars over, and bring all the troops home. Now. That's what a true man of peace would do.

There is nothing wrong with you doing what the last guy failed to do -- capture the man or men responsible for the mass murder of 3,000 people on 9/11. BUT YOU CANNOT DO THAT WITH TANKS AND TROOPS. You are pursuing a criminal, not an army. You do not use a stick of dynamite to get rid of a mouse.

The Taliban is another matter. That is a problem for the people of Afghanistan to resolve -- just as we did in 1776, the French did in 1789, the Cubans did in 1959, the Nicaraguans did in 1979 and the people of East Berlin did in 1989. One thing is certain through all revolutions by people who wish to be free -- they ultimately have to bring about that freedom themselves. Others can be supportive, but freedom can not be delivered from the front seat of someone else's Humvee.

You have to end our involvement in Afghanistan now. If you don't, you'll have no choice but to return the prize to Oslo.

Michael Moore

P.S. Your opposition has spent the morning attacking you for bringing such good will to this country. Why do they hate America so much? I get the feeling that if you found the cure for cancer this afternoon they'd be denouncing you for destroying free enterprise because cancer centers would have to close. There are those who say you've done nothing yet to deserve this award. As far as I'm concerned, the very fact that you've offered to walk into the minefield of hate and try to undo the irreparable damage the last president did is not only appreciated by me and millions of others, it is also an act of true bravery. That's why you got the prize. The whole world is depending on the U.S. -- and you -- to literally save this planet. Let's not let them down.


BGOL Investor
Re: Michael Moore: "Congrats Pres. Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize, Now Please Earn it



Rising Star
Re: Michael Moore: "Congrats Pres. Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize, Now Please Earn it

This definitely adds pressure for Obama (as if he should need any extra motivation)...

It would be a huge and hugely sad irony if this is the second Lyndon Johnson receiving a Noble Peace prize in the first year of his term.


Urban Renaissance Woman
BGOL Investor
Re: Michael Moore: "Congrats Pres. Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize, Now Please Earn it

Interesting (and good) read...

Moore was just on the Bill Maher show not too long ago, and Maher was calling him out on what he saw as Moore's inability to find a fault with the president and his policies...Moore spoke on looking at the president with a critical lens, which we all should do...regardless if he's the first black or not...


Support BGOL
Re: Michael Moore: "Congrats Pres. Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize, Now Please Earn it

he gotta point.. but Obama's headed in tha right direction.. all this shit takes time :yes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Michael Moore: "Congrats Pres. Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize, Now Please Earn it

I was wondering what the hell he won it for in the first place,anyways.

I hope he does earn it and start doing something because if he continue's to play nice his term will be up and nothing will have gotten done.Nothing beneficial.


BGOL Investor
Re: Michael Moore: "Congrats Pres. Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize, Now Please Earn it

Is it too much trouble to just READ why he won? Or would you rather pretend he won for absolutely no reason?


I was wondering what the hell he won it for in the first place,anyways.

I hope he does earn it and start doing something because if he continue's to play nice his term will be up and nothing will have gotten done.Nothing beneficial.


BGOL Investor
Re: Michael Moore: "Congrats Pres. Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize, Now Please Earn it

*yawn* no shit, fat boy.


Day 1 member
BGOL Investor
Re: Michael Moore: "Congrats Pres. Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize, Now Please Earn it

No Shit, Earn it......

The GOP just turned the focus up on the Magnifying Glass...

Here come more scrutiny.....

After his acceptance speech he should hold his nutz and say "Take this to Rio, Bitchezz".


BGOL Investor
Re: Michael Moore: "Congrats Pres. Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize, Now Please Earn it

"for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples"

The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.

Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts. The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations. Thanks to Obama's initiative, the USA is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting. Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened.

Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population.
For 108 years, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has sought to stimulate precisely that international policy and those attitudes for which Obama is now the world's leading spokesman. The Committee endorses Obama's appeal that "Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges."
Oslo, October 9, 2009


underground king
BGOL Investor
Re: Michael Moore: "Congrats Pres. Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize, Now Please Earn it

congrats To Him

Last Dayz

Soul Thief
Certified Pussy Poster
Re: Michael Moore: "Congrats Pres. Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize, Now Please Earn it

No Shit, Earn it......

The GOP just turned the focus up on the Magnifying Glass...

Here come more scrutiny.....

After his acceptance speech he should hold his nutz and say "Take this to Rio, Bitchezz".



Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
Re: Michael Moore: "Congrats Pres. Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize, Now Please Earn it

Michael Moore is that dude. Hands down.

And Barack will come through. Nothing but quality between these two.


Re: Michael Moore: "Congrats Pres. Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize, Now Please Earn it

VERY good read


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Re: Michael Moore: "Congrats Pres. Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize, Now Please Earn it

I dont always agree with Michael Moore but that was a good open letter. However, people need to understand Afghanistan. We just cant pull everyone out immedately. That created the problem in the first place. However, the purpose needs to be changed.

Read this book.. it has all the answers



BGOL Investor
Re: Michael Moore: "Congrats Pres. Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize, Now Please Earn it

lol man Im clicking on the pic thinking it was going to take me to a rapidshare download page.. I kept clicking and clicking.. picked up my mouse like that shit was broken! :lol:

I dont always agree with Michael Moore but that was a good open letter. However, people need to understand Afghanistan. We just cant pull everyone out immedately. That created the problem in the first place. However, the purpose needs to be changed.

Read this book.. it has all the answers



Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Re: Michael Moore: "Congrats Pres. Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize, Now Please Earn it

lol man Im clicking on the pic thinking it was going to take me to a rapidshare download page.. I kept clicking and clicking.. picked up my mouse like that shit was broken! :lol:

:lol::lol::lol::lol: ah shit man... my bad.. I will try to find a ebook for it if there is one out there....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Michael Moore: "Congrats Pres. Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize, Now Please Earn it

I dont always agree with Michael Moore but that was a good open letter. However, people need to understand Afghanistan. We just cant pull everyone out immedately. That created the problem in the first place. However, the purpose needs to be changed.

Read this book.. it has all the answers


Going on my to read list.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Michael Moore: "Congrats Pres. Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize, Now Please Earn it

"for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples"

Like I said,why did he win?He hasn't been in the white house long enough to strengthen anything...shoe strings.

CT's Finest

Tar Heels/Lakers/Giants
Re: Michael Moore: "Congrats Pres. Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize, Now Please Earn it

I'll check this out. Thanks...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Michael Moore: "Congrats Pres. Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize, Now Please Earn it

Where's that Kanye MTV awards GIF when you need it?


Rising Star
Re: Michael Moore: "Congrats Pres. Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize, Now Please Earn it

Where's that Kanye MTV awards GIF when you need it?
Damn, now that you mention it, I'm surprised as hell not to see it, it must've been out within the hour on other boards.