
Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Based on what? And what's the story and payoff?

In Japan they still take Kayfabe serious to a degree so often times they'll do interviews with Japanese media staying in character. Takeshita is a heel right now so his thoughts are reflective of that. Don Callis works closely with Takeshita so who knows what they have planned.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Damn, Nia Jax and Jade just had an entertaining brawl. Jade got busted/cut on the side of her face and they brawled it out. I like this, as it’s going to build to a nice feud. Nia Jax has been putting in good work, and looks to have lost some weight.
It'll be interesting to Jax go up against someone she can't just "bulldoze" over.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Japan taking things serious....

I'm not sure what this has to do with anything I said. Traditionally Japanese wrestlers stay in character when doing interviews with media in Japan. It's a degree of kayfabe they maintain and take serious. Somehow you correlated that with meaning they take EVERYTHING serious and that's not what I said.

In regard to the clip you posted DDT is a Japanese promotion that does comedy style matches amongst other things. In their case it's a direction that they took to different themselves from other promotions. Some love it, some hate it.


Mr. Pool
I'm not sure what this has to do with anything I said. Traditionally Japanese wrestlers stay in character when doing interviews with media in Japan. It's a degree of kayfabe they maintain and take serious. Somehow you correlated that with meaning they take EVERYTHING serious and that's not what I said.

In regard to the clip you posted DDT is a Japanese promotion that does comedy style matches amongst other things. In their case it's a direction that they took to different themselves from other promotions. Some love it, some hate it.
Just fuckin with ya man, you guys will get use to my asshole nature soon enough lol


BGOL Investor
In Japan they still take Kayfabe serious to a degree so often times they'll do interviews with Japanese media staying in character. Takeshita is a heel right now so his thoughts are reflective of that. Don Callis works closely with Takeshita so who knows what they have planned.
He's working in AEW, so this interview, if it was in character is pointless. Its not furthering a storyline. If it's not, then again I say, its a bad look. Side note, you're not the only one who understands and watches Japanese wrestling, so over explaining isn't necessary. Respectfully
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He's working in AEW, so this interview, if it was in character is pointless. Its not furthering a storyline. If it's not, then again I say, its a bad look.

I think it's too early to know one way or another. I'm in wait and see mode regarding this.

Side note, you're not the only one who understands and watches Japanese wrestling, so over explaining isn't necessary. Respectfully

I tend to over explain for the benefit of those in the thread who don't watch, understand or have context to the nuances of Japanese wrestling. Although we're having a singular conversation other people read what we write so I appeal to the plural as well as the singular.


BGOL Investor
I tend to over explain for the benefit of those in the thread who don't watch, understand or have context to the nuances of Japanese wrestling. Although we're having a singular conversation other people read what we write so I appeal to the plural as well as the singular.

Appreciate the explanation to your approach


Mr. Pool
Finally caught up with SmackDown, pretty shit show....they need all their injured stars back asap...Can't wait for the king of the ring bullshit to be over, it means nothing, doesn't even get you a title shot anymore. Pointless. Cody(doing his best Sylvester the cat imitation as always) vs Logan was only interesting to me because it was champion vs champion, now I'm much less interested. Logan in the ring is fun,the second he opens his mouth I want to tune out.

Tiffy trump vs bianca - pretty fun match, they're both talented. Tiffy's tiddies look hard as fuck, Mexican boobjob.

God damn Bailey is a ugly bitch, all made up tonight and all I could think was damn, this is the reason the lipstick on a pig Expression was created.

Nia jax vs jade aka battle of the sub mediocre, I'm not shocked it was as short and ended the way it did. Two of the worst female workers in wrestling so just glad it was over and didn't go too long, Nia is a pathetic excuse for wrestler, can we please trade fatties with AEW? We'll take fat ass willow and they can have Nia the refrigerator jax.

The bloodline is paradody at this point and I'm mad at them for making me root for LA Knight(yeah!) hate toma tonga's gollum shtick, it's sucks, solo sucks and is fat, and the other one...well who cares? We want roman is the realest shit ever said by a WWE crowd.

Tonga vs uso at King of the ring incoming, if this leads to Jacob fatu coming in to help Jey against the bloodline then all is forgiven. If they waste Jacob by pairing him with the worst heel stable in recent memory then they can eat a dick.

Carmelo looked like a little kid next to Randy lol he's great but he's a ricochet level lifelong mid carder imo.

I think there was a tag team match between some random assholes

I just browsed the Internet on my phone.

The night was 2/7 meltzers, would have been better in the Tokyo Dome.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
Woukd be a nice discussion of what talent WWE wasted the most. Majority of the NXT talent post shield haven't lived up to their NXT booking on main. Shinske Nakamura is definitely someone they've wasted but you could relate that to his broken English.



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
:lol: R Truth in the background



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I checked out Marigold's first show today and it was good. This was definitely the best match on the card. Guilia and Utami have excellent chemistry together as a tag team. I haven't seen any prior work of Bozilla but she put in a solid performance and what more can be said about Sareee. An elite talent!

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