
Mr. Pool
Wait why you trading all that lol.
I see potential in her, especially paired up with the new day... Nia jax is boiled ass juice, ricochet is a flippy lifelong midcarder,(honestly it would be doing him a favor, he'd be much bigger at aew) and Carmelo hayes looked like a tiny baby next to Randy orton, he's bound for mid card glory/demotion back to NXT

I can see Willow being huge with the new day. Maybe I'm just punch drunk from watching double or nothing.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Terrible promos that make her sound like she had a developmental disorder and her slow shitty wrestling, she must suck a mean cock.
Wouldnt be too far off


..and probably the ball sac too if this is any indication :lol:



Mr. Pool
That shit does looks amateurish....all the money he's making and he gets a shitty jailhouse looking tattoo...

Oof. The chip is oddly shaped, it's also not consistent where the breaks are in the pattern on the chip, you have wonky letters with different shapes the O's don't match, also the way the ribbon goes behind the chip it doesn't make sense to come out in front where it does.

Hell why is the top ribbon behind the chip obscuring the letters? It would have been a better design choice to match the way the ribbon goes over the chip and show off more of that piss poor lettering. There's blowouts and the more you look at the chip itself the more you can see wrong with it.

This wouldn't get past the first round in ink master lol


Mr. Pool
Part three: the final chapter double or nothing
Spaghetti was good for anyone wondering, I can cook...

Swerve vs Christian cage

Everything aew attempts gives me "hey fellow kids" vibes. Swerve come out and play? Lmao ok

Christian looks great compared to Jericho and edge btw, they look like ran over dog shit.

Crazy that this isn't the main event, well it's not like swerve is their champion or anything.

Anyway sweve v Christian it was certainly one of the matches of all time. Lol it in fact was a match and now it is over.

The end.

Here we go
Welcome to the shit show indeed.

This is un. Fucking. Real.

The scattered fake fighting, the final countdown, this is embarrassing. Darby Allen wants to die

Once again I'm convinced that tony Khan has some form of seme high functioning autism.

Who thought this was a good idea?

The people I'm watching this with are actually mad at me lmao big mad. I for one have enjoyed laughing at this poor excuse for a wrestling event.

This anarchy up their own asshole match is just hilariously bad, it's like the room of wrestling. So bad it's almost good. Almost, but not really.

Aaaand they lit a guy on fire lmao

An exploding chair....

Spiked rainmaker looked like shit, okada must be beat to hell from his long career since he moves like an old man

Cooool the elite win. That was certainly a
choice they made lol this is awful

Overall on the meltzers scale it's a solid 20/5 stars, plus Japanese people where involved so add an extra 5 stars!

On the god of war scale I'd give it a 5/10 which is an improvement to the last shit I watched from aew. A lot of pointless weapon spots, no real stakes for any of the matches, in ring psychology is almost non existent, but there's definitely some talent on the roster, if only TK could get out of their way and hire some professionals. Production wise it could be worse, but it definitely could be better. The announcers are often uninterested and bore me to death.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What I’m saying is @EPDC said Henry found Cargill and Bianca…they weren’t Indy darlings. He saw them before anyone else did and they were raw. So when you say he offered nothing….seems like he has a eye for talent.

Meh, I could find the next Jade and Bianca if I really wanted too. Just scout the bodybuilding and fitness model scene. I don't think it requires that much of an eye.


It was a good show!!..Once again AEW had another successful PPV!!..

I noticed now that TK had put Championship Belts on all his recents signnings at AEW!!..That's crazy!!

Adam Copeland-AEW TNT Champion (I'm cool with that)
Will Ospreay-AEW International Champion (I'm cool with that)
Okada-AEW Continental Chamion (I believe they could have waited to put a belt on him..it wasn't no rush)
Mercedes Mone-AEW TBS Champion (Big Mistake-She didn't deserved it)

Damn TK gave them The Hulk Hogan WCW treatment at AEW!!....That's crazy!!
With Mercedes she was allowed 4 months to get in "shape". I think Mercedes is overrated out of the 4 mentioned.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Time to pay up WWE. You didn't want to give Mercedes the bag now let's see if you give Becky the bag. Personally I hope Becky stays in WWE. She belongs there. As a workrate guy I'm not really into weak in-ring skilled wrestlers so Becky in AEW would be boring to me. Please stay with WWE.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He actually worked with/coached both of them, when you saw them improving, that was Mark. When Hobbs started using the body press like Vader, that was from Mark, showing them how to work like big men. But yeah, he didn't serve a purpose on TV or in the spotlight, so keep disrespecting the man.


Mark Henry wasn't brought into AEW to be a coach though. He was brought in to be a commentator for the "Rampage" show however he sucked at it so bad they had to demote him to just being a backstage interviewer then he couldn't do that properly so they took him off the air altogether. But, but, he helped coach up Hobbs and Wardlow. Yeah, just like the 50 million other coaches that AEW has. Make sure you look at the hard camera after that move, make sure you throw that clothesline like this. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Nothing personal against Henry It just didn't work out and Big Show can join him too when his contract runs out.


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Comparing the owner of a company that was investigated to a kicker on a team that an owner dad owns is a unbelievable level of reach... This shit is stupid and glad I blocked that Gareth idiot a while back.
It's not a reach. Glass houses and the people that live in them shouldn't throw stones.

TK has been known to throw many while ignoring fuck boy behavior happening under his own roof.


BGOL Investor
Mark Henry wasn't brought into AEW to be a coach though. He was brought in to be a commentator for the "Rampage" show however he sucked at it so bad they had to demote him to just being a backstage interviewer then he couldn't do that properly so they took him off the air altogether. But, but, he helped coach up Hobbs and Wardlow. Yeah, just like the 50 million other coaches that AEW has. Make sure you look at the hard camera after that move, make sure you throw that clothesline like this. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Nothing personal against Henry It just didn't work out and Big Show can join him too when his contract runs out.
No, he wasn't just brought in to be a commentator, he didn't just work with Hobbs and Wardlow, those were just 2 examples. Shows how much you'ved listend to him talk about what he has done there. He's also worked on the community outreach program. Ironic, the people he worked with don't downplay what he did, but the "AEW fan" can't be bothered to even look into public statements about what he did. Also, they didn't let his contract lapse, he chose not to re-sign, there is a big difference. You sit there and say nothing against Mark Henry as you shit on him and his contributions in your commentary, the fact that you don't see how fucked up that is, speaks volumes. FOH

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Mr. Pool
No, he wasn't just brought in to be a commentator, he didn't just work with Hobbs and Wardlow, those were just 2 examples. Shows how much you'ved listend to him talk about what he has done there. He's also worked on the community outreach program. Ironic, the people he worked with don't downplay what he did, but the "AEW fan" can't be bothered to even look into public statements about what he did. Also, they didn't let his contract lapse, he chose not to re-sign, there is a big difference. You sit there and say nothing against Mark Henry as you shit on him and his contributions in your commentary, the fact that you don't see how fucked up that is, speaks volumes. FOH

And dub fans say the other side is tribal lmao they can't help themselves.


Mr. Pool
Damn!!..I knew in his match at Double or Nothing when he came off the top of the cage and landed..He got hurt!!...Well, I guess it's a AEW TNT Championship Tournament is about to happen!!..

Get well Adam Copeland!!..
That had to be when it happened, I was shocked he didn't immediately collapse after that, It looked bad.

Definitely hope for a speedy recovery, aew gotta stop these older wrestlers from attempting suicide by extreme rules lol give them some nice legacy matches but enough with the tables and explosives.