
Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yes, they are robbing Tony but he doesn't care.

Yeah and that's one of his problems...Spending big money on wrestlers that he didn't need at AEW!!...He needs to build his own legacy of new and indy wrestlers that people don't know and make them a big name in your company and in pro wrestling!!...


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Dude is a legit athlete, I can't think of too many people that run the ropes the way he does, he makes it look dangerous to get in the way of just him running. He has massive potential

Also Bron vs ilja vs ricochet could be good!
(Although I'd prefer just bron vs ilja)
I hate to imagine how he would have been used had he come up through the other place.

He's a perfect example of what the NXT/Performance Center system does best.


Mr. Pool
I hate to imagine how he would have been used had he come up through the other place.

He's a perfect example of what the NXT/Performance Center system does best.
They would have made him a fake John Cena white rapper and had him lose to guys who look like they belong at dungeons and dragons conventions.

NXT/performance center has quite the track record at this point, and they have some up and commers that'll only add to its legacy and build the main roster to even bigger heights, especially the woman's division. Got my eyes on quite a few, sol Ruca for one can be great, they just need to take their time and not rush her.

And yeah once Guillia gets healthy it's a wrap, they'll have a bonafide star to push and when she hits the main roster the possibilities are endless.


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
They would have made him a fake John Cena white rapper and had him lose to guys who look like they belong at dungeons and dragons conventions.

NXT/performance center has quite the track record at this point, and they have some up and commers that'll only add to its legacy and build the main roster to even bigger heights, especially the woman's division. Got my eyes on quite a few, sol Ruca for one can be great, they just need to take their time and not rush her.

And yeah once Guillia gets healthy it's a wrap, they'll have a bonafide star to push and when she hits the main roster the possibilities are endless.
Yeah, they would have had him jobbing to guys half his size. That's always bothered me in AEW. They always seem to have smaller wrestlers go over their monster sized guys. Wardlow, Archer, Brian Cage, Nyla Rose all job (regularly) for smaller talent.....


Mr. Pool
Yeah, they would have had him jobbing to guys half his size. That's always bothered me in AEW. They always seem to have smaller wrestlers go over their monster sized guys. Wardlow, Archer, Brian Cage, Nyla Rose all job (regularly) for smaller talent.....
It's because tony Khan is a rich nerd who grew up with dreams and fantasies of being a wrestler but knowing he'd never be big enough for the WWE or any company. Now that he's in control thanks to daddy's money he puts over guys like Matty and Nicky and that nerd will ospraey because it makes him feel like he's "making it right" a company where it doesn't matter if you're in shape(Eddie Kingston) can wrestle(Eddie Kingston) have the look(the buckeroos, Eddie Kingston, orange, hook, will) or the size(again the bucks/will/orange/mjf) you can get "Over"

It's his own personal liv Morgan revenge tour lol

Way to show em tiny!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah, they would have had him jobbing to guys half his size. That's always bothered me in AEW. They always seem to have smaller wrestlers go over their monster sized guys. Wardlow, Archer, Brian Cage, Nyla Rose all job (regularly) for smaller talent.....

TK pushes wrestlers based on how OVER the wrestler is not how big or small they are. Just because someone is big doesn't mean they should automatically go over someone that's small. For example Riho is over with the fanbase Nyla Rose is not. Therefore Riho gets the push. It's not really all that complicated.


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
TK pushes wrestlers based on how OVER the wrestler is not how big or small they are. Just because someone is big doesn't mean they should automatically go over someone that's small. For example Riho is over with the fanbase Nyla Rose is not. Therefore Riho gets the push. It's not really all that complicated.
OVER? With who, the AEW base or general fans? Lolz

So Hobbs lost to Dante because Dante was more OVER than Hobbs?
So Wardlow chumps out to Adam Cole because Cole is that much OVER?

These wrestlers are not OVER, the company is just practicing nonsensical booking. No wonder AEW cannot grow their audience. They are a TV show and television is all about visual representation and the more this company refuses to push their bigger talents in preference to these smaller sized wrestlers is killing audiences. Don't even get me started in the way their talent present themselves, where wardrobe would do much to sell the fact that they are stars....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Now if Sexy Red was on AEW that shyt would be trash. On NXT...silence. Bron Breaker has gone on a tour of whuppin on Ricochet. Another white dude getting a Brock/Goldberg push at the black man's expense. None of the criticism that AEW gets with Hobbs and Swerve. I get that ya'll like one brand over the other but DAMN!!! WWE has 10 top wrestlers hurt right now three 40 or over everybody can't wait for them to come back. Edge, his old ass should have known better!!! Do ya'll turn that cynical part of your brain off when it comes to WWE?


Mr. Pool
Now if Sexy Red was on AEW that shyt would be trash. On NXT...silence. Bron Breaker has gone on a tour of whuppin on Ricochet. Another white dude getting a Brock/Goldberg push at the black man's expense. None of the criticism that AEW gets with Hobbs and Swerve. I get that ya'll like one brand over the other but DAMN!!! WWE has 10 top wrestlers hurt right now three in their 40's everybody can't wait for them to come back. Edge, his old ass should have known better!!! Do ya'll turn that cynical part of your brain off when it comes to WWE?
Gtfoh NXT is the goofy development league that has all sorts of weird shit going on lol Tony would pay sexy red 4 million dollars and have her beat moné on a ppv in her first match lol

Bron breaker is more charismatic and interesting than ricochet, ricochet is mid as fuck which is why aew should take his flippy ass lol can't compare ricochet to swerve who a majority of the AEW fanbase actually cares about and is ya know the world champion. But nice try making it about race lmao aew fans I swear you guys live in a different reality! LMFAO Also even edge said he should have known better so what are you talking about?

There's literally no more defensive fanbase than Aew marks, and there's a reason. Deep down you all know you're backing a losing horse with a hobbled leg that was lit on fire by Darby Allen with a Elon musk flamethrower

None of those hurt people you mentioned are 50 and none for them got hurt jumping off a steel cage at 50 in a poorly done spot.


Rising Star
Super Moderator




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Gtfoh NXT is the goofy development league that has all sorts of weird shit going on lol Tony would pay sexy red 4 million dollars and have her beat moné on a ppv in her first match lol

Bron breaker is more charismatic and interesting than ricochet, ricochet is mid as fuck which is why aew should take his flippy ass lol can't compare ricochet to swerve who a majority of the AEW fanbase actually cares about and is ya know the world champion. But nice try making it about race lmao aew fans I swear you guys live in a different reality! LMFAO Also even edge said he should have known better so what are you talking about?

There's literally no more defensive fanbase than Aew marks, and there's a reason. Deep down you all know you're backing a losing horse with a hobbled leg that was lit on fire by Darby Allen with a Elon musk flamethrower

None of those hurt people you mentioned are 50 and none for them got hurt jumping off a steel cage at 50 in a poorly done spot.
Dog, I don't know if you noticed or not. But the last three years I have been equally as critical of AEW versus WWE! Nice try with changing the narrative.

If AEW is the indy neck beard crowd why not accept it as it is? Instead folks is critical and rightfully so, why not extend that same grace? If NXT is the goofy development league how are they development with a TV deal? Better yet you want to talk about goofy WWE Speed? I didn't notice a lot of venom for that shyt.

Dog is is ALWAYS about race with wrestling! Ricochet wins that Speed shyt very little mention on the main brand only to be targeted week after week. Guess it cost too much to beat up on local guys when Ricochet ain't doing shyt! It was two people standing there. Nope not going to go after the new guy, I'll take out established wrestler that is Vince level writing (see Miz losing in his home state) I am telling you now these three are going to keep having matches and Ricochet is gonna be the only one that DOESN'T win! But I LOVE being wrong, so I hope I am!

Being old and poorly done spots are WRESTLINGS bread and butter! I know they're not 50, that's why I said 40 or over. Was it necessary for Seth Rollins to come out at Wrestlemania with an already fcuked up leg? The spot for Big E eating a belly to belly overhead suplex really needed?

Also Ricochet didn't have this mid problem in NXT. Wonder what has changed since???


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
OVER? With who, the AEW base or general fans? Lolz

Who exactly are the general fans? Casuals? We went down this road before.

So Hobbs lost to Dante because Dante was more OVER than Hobbs?

At the time yes.

So Wardlow chumps out to Adam Cole because Cole is that much OVER?

Yes sir.

These wrestlers are not OVER, the company is just practicing nonsensical booking. No wonder AEW cannot grow their audience.

If you say so.

They are a TV show and television is all about visual representation and the more this company refuses to push their bigger talents in preference to these smaller sized wrestlers is killing audiences.

I guess if you're a smaller wrestler why even bother to become a wrestler in the first place because in the world of @EPDC you should NEVER get pushed over a bigger sized wrestler. A TV show it's just that a TV show not real life. People tune in or not tune in for a variety of reasons. This whole narrative that a wrestler has to be a certain size is retarded.

Don't even get me started in the way their talent present themselves, where wardrobe would do much to sell the fact that they are stars....

There's nothing to get started on. YOU have YOUR preferences and OTHER people have THEIRS.


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Who exactly are the general fans? Casuals? We went down this road before.
The fans that AEW has bleed due to shitty presentation and writing on their TV show.
At the time yes.
Only to the AEW base
See above
If you say so.
I'm not the only one who said so, cats in this very thread have said so. So have the audiences that have turned off AEW TV, the one that isn't growing nor being retained.
I guess if you're a smaller wrestler why even bother to become a wrestler in the first place because in the world of @EPDC you should NEVER get pushed over a bigger sized wrestler. A TV show it's just that a TV show not real life. People tune in or not tune in for a variety of reasons. This whole narrative that a wrestler has to be a certain size is retarded.
Did I say they should never get pushed over larger wrestlers? I gave examples of how AEW typically does so, and in doing so, it becomes difficult to ignore and basically feeds into the notion @God-Of-War-420 said above about TK booking his dreams and fantasies
There's nothing to get started on. YOU have YOUR preferences and OTHER people have THEIRS.
AEWs stars, for the most part, dress like they belong in the crowd. No one cares about people who don't look like stars. See my point above about their lack of audience growth/retention.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
AEWs stars, for the most part, dress like they belong in the crowd. No one cares about people who don't look like stars. See my point above about their lack of audience growth/retention.
My grandmother said something similar to this when she saw my Tracy Chapman CD. "She don't look like a singer!!!" That thinking takes away from what that artist is comfortable in. Not everyone is gonna dress like a Ric Flair or Cody Rhodes. By this thinking Phonte shouldn't have fans due to him not dressing like your usual rapper/artist. John Fetterman shouldn't be a politician (he shouldn't because of him hitting progressives with the okey-doke, but that isn't the thread for that) because he doesn't dress like a senator.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Now if Sexy Red was on AEW that shyt would be trash. On NXT...silence. Bron Breaker has gone on a tour of whuppin on Ricochet. Another white dude getting a Brock/Goldberg push at the black man's expense. None of the criticism that AEW gets with Hobbs and Swerve. I get that ya'll like one brand over the other but DAMN!!! WWE has 10 top wrestlers hurt right now three 40 or over everybody can't wait for them to come back. Edge, his old ass should have known better!!! Do ya'll turn that cynical part of your brain off when it comes to WWE?
You’re not being cynical….first off let’s understand first that AEW and WWE are two different promotions which you know I’m sure. One focuses on wrestling and one focuses on entertainment. So yes a R Truth segment might work in WWE but look crazy in AEW.

Sexy Red was good on NxT. This stuff works when the celebrity is having a good time and it’s natural. Works with Logan Paul, works with Bad Bunny and she was good as well. Some people just have charisma and naturally have it. A lot of wrestlers don’t.

Edge old ass had no business jumping off that cage. That’s just a fact. It made no sense.

As far as Swerve goes he’s being pushed silly.

Where were you when people shitted on WWE every week when it was shitty?


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
My grandmother said something similar to this when she saw my Tracy Chapman CD. "She don't look like a singer!!!" That thinking takes away from what that artist is comfortable in. Not everyone is gonna dress like a Ric Flair or Cody Rhodes. By this thinking Phonte shouldn't have fans due to him not dressing like your usual rapper/artist. John Fetterman shouldn't be a politician (he shouldn't because of him hitting progressives with the okey-doke, but that isn't the thread for that) because he doesn't dress like a senator.
Wrestling Television shows are a visual medium. If people look like bums on TV, that's the audience you're going to attract.

People will judge a book by it's cover and the same goes with television characters on a Live Action wrestling show.

Why do you think most women reporters or weather girls on television for the most part are women you'd want to fuck?

Because TV people know attractive looking people draw eyes.

You might be able to get away with it if you're booking a well written program. AEW needs all the help it can get and not having their talent look the part isn't helping. If you don't have a wardrobe budget, or look like shit, you're going to draw like shit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My grandmother said something similar to this when she saw my Tracy Chapman CD. "She don't look like a singer!!!" That thinking takes away from what that artist is comfortable in. Not everyone is gonna dress like a Ric Flair or Cody Rhodes. By this thinking Phonte shouldn't have fans due to him not dressing like your usual rapper/artist. John Fetterman shouldn't be a politician (he shouldn't because of him hitting progressives with the okey-doke, but that isn't the thread for that) because he doesn't dress like a senator.



Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
Now if Sexy Red was on AEW that shyt would be trash. On NXT...silence. Bron Breaker has gone on a tour of whuppin on Ricochet. Another white dude getting a Brock/Goldberg push at the black man's expense. None of the criticism that AEW gets with Hobbs and Swerve. I get that ya'll like one brand over the other but DAMN!!! WWE has 10 top wrestlers hurt right now three 40 or over everybody can't wait for them to come back. Edge, his old ass should have known better!!! Do ya'll turn that cynical part of your brain off when it comes to WWE?
Sexy Red is trash and misnamed but she's on the 3rd brand tucked away.
As for Bron he's being booked how Hobbs should have been the 1st, 2nd,3rd or 4th time and he also whooped on Ilja in addition to Ricochet. When Brock runs thru Kofi who was world champion there is every reason to have an issue but when Bron runs thru Ricochet, an established midcarder, what issue is there to be had really?
AEW is having their injuries while only doing TV. No house shows or anything of that ilk in that company whereas the WWE is still doing shows outside of TV and none of them have been hurt doing something ridiculous like jumping off of the top of a cage at 50 years old. WWE deserves criticism but sometimes it seems like some people are looking to make criticisms that they ignore certain things like AEWs relatively light schedule in comparison.
Swerve was being praised while the WWE was being criticized for mishandling him. Criticism starred towards AEW, not Swerve, for not pushing him as their champion and leaving him looking weak from damn near the start of his title reign. If he was being booked as strongly as Moxley nothing would be said


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sexy Red is trash and misnamed but she's on the 3rd brand tucked away.
As for Bron he's being booked how Hobbs should have been the 1st, 2nd,3rd or 4th time and he also whooped on Ilja in addition to Ricochet. When Brock runs thru Kofi who was world champion there is every reason to have an issue but when Bron runs thru Ricochet, an established midcarder, what issue is there to be had really?
AEW is having their injuries while only doing TV. No house shows or anything of that ilk in that company whereas the WWE is still doing shows outside of TV and none of them have been hurt doing something ridiculous like jumping off of the top of a cage at 50 years old. WWE deserves criticism but sometimes it seems like some people are looking to make criticisms that they ignore certain things like AEWs relatively light schedule in comparison.
Swerve was being praised while the WWE was being criticized for mishandling him. Criticism starred towards AEW, not Swerve, for not pushing him as their champion and leaving him looking weak from damn near the start of his title reign. If he was being booked as strongly as Moxley nothing would be said
AEW isn't making Swerve look weak as their champion!!...It called story lines and building up feuds for their ppvs!!...Swerve is playing the babyface role now...Babyface wrestlers that has a championship belt always get their ass kick to sell the story lines and feuds with a wrestler at first..but when they fight, usually the babyface comes out on top!!....AEW sees that Swerve is a good champion for them ..They are pushing him more!!..

Also, Moxley got his ass kick alot when he had played the babyface champion at AEW..But, came out on top and put on good matches like Swerve is doing now!!....It's no difference!!..


BGOL Investor
AEW isn't making Swerve look weak as their champion!!...It called story lines and building up feuds for their ppvs!!...Swerve is playing the babyface role now...Babyface wrestlers that has a championship belt always get their ass kick to sell the story lines and feuds with a wrestler at first..but when they fight, usually the babyface comes out on top!!....AEW sees that Swerve is a good champion for them ..They are pushing him more!!..

Also, Moxley got his ass kick alot when he had played the babyface champion at AEW..But, came out on top and put on good matches like Swerve is doing now!!....It's no difference!!..
Fam I disagree, they are absolutely making Swerve look not only weak, but, he's not even looking like the top guy. How TF do you have a show with your world champion, but the main even it another company's champion? Swerve's title reign up to this point has been forgettable, the story with Christian was been, decent at best. This should have elevated his status, instead, he feels the same as he did before, only they put the title on him, and that's the only change, they added the belt.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fam I disagree, they are absolutely making Swerve look not only weak, but, he's not even looking like the top guy. How TF do you have a show with your world champion, but the main even it another company's champion? Swerve's title reign up to this point has been forgettable, the story with Christian was been, decent at best. This should have elevated his status, instead, he feels the same as he did before, only they put the title on him, and that's the only change, they added the belt.

Who was the main event from another company??


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You’re not being cynical….first off let’s understand first that AEW and WWE are two different promotions which you know I’m sure. One focuses on wrestling and one focuses on entertainment. So yes a R Truth segment might work in WWE but look crazy in AEW.
How does a R-Truth segment work in WWE? That shyt seems REAL minstrel-ly, but he's a tag champ. So that nullifies it?
Sexy Red was good on NxT. This stuff works when the celebrity is having a good time and it’s natural. Works with Logan Paul, works with Bad Bunny and she was good as well. Some people just have charisma and naturally have it. A lot of wrestlers don’t.
A Sexy Red on TV (and I am biased cause I think she's an industry plant to poison the youth) wasn't good. She couldn't finish a sentence with out turning to shake her ass. On a unrelated rant, when your excuse for not inducting Chyna into the HOF is because of kids looking her where those same kids NOT watching NXT?!
Edge old ass had no business jumping off that cage. That’s just a fact. It made no sense.
But it's not like he came back and went straight to AEW as a 50 year old. What, two years he was having similar matches in WWE doing the same damn thing. Those WWE matches fighting off of a tractor trailer didn't make sense either?
As far as Swerve goes he’s being pushed silly.
Not arguing that AEW isn't a dumpster fire. When people do things right, I call it out. When they don't I call that out too.
Where were you when people shitted on WWE every week when it was shitty?
I was there shytting on WWE. You guys act like I am defending AEW and only cynical with WWE. Three years ago that WAS me, I gave them two years to get their shyt together and realistically two years isn't enough time, but I can see the writing on the wall that things aren't getting better. WWE has gotten phenomenally better. I will always have issues with it's black wrestlers, so that doesn't seem to be a thing that will ever change.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wrestling Television shows are a visual medium. If people look like bums on TV, that's the audience you're going to attract.

People will judge a book by it's cover and the same goes with television characters on a Live Action wrestling show.

Why do you think most women reporters or weather girls on television for the most part are women you'd want to fuck?

Because TV people know attractive looking people draw eyes.

You might be able to get away with it if you're booking a well written program. AEW needs all the help it can get and not having their talent look the part isn't helping. If you don't have a wardrobe budget, or look like shit, you're going to draw like shit.
And this is why a Drake or a Sexy Red can become as popular as they are. Folks can't see beyond what's in front of their face. If Nia Jax was 100lbs lighter folks wouldn't have a problem with her shytty wrestling.

Nope not gonna judge folks on the content of their music or the matches they put on. Nope, you're not a star cause of the way you dress.

We was cool before @EPDC, but now we got a blood feud going cause YOU'RE the reason why Drake is a thing!