El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
What's "on television?" cause those house shows are on television. Streaming on Peacock is still television.
Point me where on Peacock where I can see this Saturdays Super Show Summer Tour show happening in White Plains NY...

...okay blackma...I mean EPDC. You just only going to champion WWE. Shouldn't have to put you in the ankle lock to point out WWE flaws
And I do call out WWE when they do shitting booking. AEW seems to be doing more of it lately.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yep!!!...0utsyder, Brother some of the dudes on this Wrestling Thread are something else!!...Some of them on here nic pick over and over about the same things what AEW does over there!!...That's crazy man!!...

My thing is if you don't like how they run their wrestling company over there..Then don't watch it!!...
Well, you watch it cause you like/love wrestling. But this shyt turns into Apple vs Android. PC vs MAC, etc... And that shyt gets on my nerves cause both can be good and have flaws. I think it was @God-Of-War-420 that came in talking about an AEW stan reddit channel and how nuts they were. But the WWE one is equally as bad (the UFC one is worse PLUS the racism) I'd have more respect if they was just like: "I'm NEVER going to go as hard on WWE as I do on AEW cause I like them better." I'd respect the honesty not just with me, but theyself (yep, theyself is a word)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Point me where on Peacock where I can see this Saturdays Super Show Summer Tour show happening in White Plains NY...
Really?!?! I am going based off of a Google search. Unless you have ANYTHING more concrete. It's up to you to prove me wrong, which I am perfectly fine with being proven wrong.


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Really?!?! I am going based off of a Google search. Unless you have ANYTHING more concrete. It's up to you to prove me wrong, which I am perfectly fine with being proven wrong.
No. Prove to us that you are correct.

Show me where I can see, on Peacock, last weeks/weekends house shows. You're the one that said they were on Peacock. The burdon of proof is on you.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No. Prove to us that you are correct.

Show me where I can see, on Peacock, last weeks/weekends house shows. You're the one that said they were on Peacock. The burdon of proof is on you.

No the burden of proof is on you! I told you my source(s). At this point you have to prove me wrong. And see you keep doing this you'll jump from one thing to another ignoring shyt that you are either wrong about or lose interest in. And now this is the bone you won't give up on. At the very least I put something into the thought process of my points. If you have ANYTHING that proves me wrong please show it. I don't mind being wrong, if anything I welcome it. The more information, the better I am equipped,

This shyt is just lazy! "Nope, go on YOUR Peacock account and show me this particular show that I mentioned!!!" So if they had every other show and not this ONE SHOW does that make you right? If you have something show it, if not why is THIS the hill you're willing to die on? This is like every wrestling reddit channel!


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
No the burden of proof is on you! I told you my source(s). At this point you have to prove me wrong. And see you keep doing this you'll jump from one thing to another ignoring shyt that you are either wrong about or lose interest in. And now this is the bone you won't give up on. At the very least I put something into the thought process of my points. If you have ANYTHING that proves me wrong please show it. I don't mind being wrong, if anything I welcome it. The more information, the better I am equipped,

This shyt is just lazy! "Nope, go on YOUR Peacock account and show me this particular show that I mentioned!!!" So if they had every other show and not this ONE SHOW does that make you right? If you have something show it, if not why is THIS the hill you're willing to die on? This is like every wrestling reddit channel!
So in other words, you can't back up what you said? Cool.

Just take your L bro. You said we could watch WWE house shows on Peacock. I asked you to point me to where. Now you refuse.


BGOL Investor
Bruh, I told you how they do things over there at AEW!!..I been watching this wrestling show since they came on TV 5 years ago!!..They are not going to change!!...Some of yall nic-pick over and over about the same things that AEW does over there and you see they continue to run their show the way they want to run it!!..

It is what it is!!...Enjoy the wrestling or don't watch it!!!...
I said I was gonna leave this alone, but fuck it, again, I've pointed out I've been following AEW from the beginning, I'm not nitpicking anything, I am however tired of the stupid shit that they have been doing over the past 2 years that is causing them to loose fans, the "die hards" aren't going to keep them in business. So it's hard to "just enjoy the wrestling" when there's enough shit that they're doing that makes me turn the fuckin channel. Could I stop watching all together, yup, I sure could, because TNA, NJPW, CMLL, and others are still out there. Problem is, enough people do it, this shit goes away, and as I said before, AEW is needed. You think they haven't fallen off, go back and watch the first Double or Nothing, hell go back and watch the first year. You're a diehard so no matter what they do, you're gonna hang on to them like Shannon Sharpe on LeBrons balls. So as long as they do the shit they do wrong at the level they're doing it wrong, I'm going to call the shit out as I see it....you're not gonna shit on a plate and tell me it's a fuckin brownie...fuck that. You don't like what I have to say about what they're doing, then don't read. I'm a pro wresting fan, not a brand fan, ANYONE can get it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So in other words, you can't back up what you said? Cool.

Just take your L bro. You said we could watch WWE house shows on Peacock. I asked you to point me to where. Now you refuse.
An you haven't proved me wrong otherwise. I said THOSE house shows in reference to the wrestlers I mentioned those shows being WWE Live SuperShow. I did a Google search on how to watch that show long before you got to this single issue that I am supposed to take an L on. I mean fcuk EVERYTHING else we talked about! I need to take an L. You see this shyt? A whole ass post and this ONE thing I need to take an L on. An L that you can't disprove. I am done with this man. This shyt is outrageous!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I said I was gonna leave this alone, but fuck it, again, I've pointed out I've been following AEW from the beginning, I'm not nitpicking anything, I am however tired of the stupid shit that they have been doing over the past 2 years that is causing them to loose fans, the "die hards" aren't going to keep them in business. So it's hard to "just enjoy the wrestling" when there's enough shit that they're doing that makes me turn the fuckin channel. Could I stop watching all together, yup, I sure could, because TNA, NJPW, CMLL, and others are still out there. Problem is, enough people do it, this shit goes away, and as I said before, AEW is needed. You think they haven't fallen off, go back and watch the first Double or Nothing, hell go back and watch the first year. You're a diehard so no matter what they do, you're gonna hang on to them like Shannon Sharpe on LeBrons balls. So as long as they do the shit they do wrong at the level they're doing it wrong, I'm going to call the shit out as I see it....you're not gonna shit on a plate and tell me it's a fuckin brownie...fuck that. You don't like what I have to say about what they're doing, then don't read. I'm a pro wresting fan, not a brand fan, ANYONE can get it.

Like I said, It is what it is at AEW!!..They are going to run their company like they want to run it!!...They are not paying you to like or dislike their company and the same for me as well...Fuck it!!...Enjoy watching wrestling or don't fuck with it!!..

At the end of the day..It's not that serious!!....It's fucking wrestling!!..ALL THIS SHIT IS FAKE!!!!...
Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't even think it's the race thing, at least I hope it's not. I think Tony has absolutely no focus. He gets a new favorite and runs with it. I've heard the action figure reference as it pertains to his booking, and damn if it isn't true. He focuses on his "new toys" to his detriment. He signed Okada, first match, wins a championship, Mercedes, same thing, if he had gotten Ospreays without the previous contract obligations, it would have gone the same way, but, even with that, as soon as he could, put a title on him. I feel like with Swerve, it was what the fans wanted, but not necessarily what he wanted, and the way Swerve has been handled, shows it.
I don't see AEW getting better until there is some kind of board to keep him focused or give him help to take certain aspects under their purview. I hope it isn't based on race either, but too many black champs have suffered this (except maybe Ron Killings when he won the NWA title)

One thing that I think AEW is good for wrestlers is getting the WWE stank off of them. I think Ricochete would benefit from leaving WWE joining AEW and then coming back. It seemed to work for Andrade...until it didn't cause he's back in catering again.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't see AEW getting better until there is some kind of board to keep him focused or give him help to take certain aspects under their purview. I hope it isn't based on race either, but too many black champs have suffered this (except maybe Ron Killings when he won the NWA title)

One thing that I think AEW is good for wrestlers is getting the WWE stank off of them. I think Ricochete would benefit from leaving WWE joining AEW and then coming back. It seemed to work for Andrade...until it didn't cause he's back in catering again.

Damn Andrade isn't doing anything back at WWE??..He's not wrestling??


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't see AEW getting better until there is some kind of board to keep him focused or give him help to take certain aspects under their purview. I hope it isn't based on race either, but too many black champs have suffered this (except maybe Ron Killings when he won the NWA title)

One thing that I think AEW is good for wrestlers is getting the WWE stank off of them. I think Ricochete would benefit from leaving WWE joining AEW and then coming back. It seemed to work for Andrade...until it didn't cause he's back in catering again.

I always said that TK needs a good consultant in his ear to help him in certain things in the company!!..


BGOL Investor
Like I said, It is what it is at AEW!!..They are going to run their company like they want to run it!!...They are not paying you to like or dislike their company and the same for me as well...Fuck it!!...Enjoy watching wrestling or don't fuck with it!!..

Isnt it ironic, before, you were fine with me talking about this, by your own admission you've seen that I talk about everything. But I'm leaning bit harder on AEW lately and now its a problem.

How about this, Im gonna talk about who I want, how I want, when I want, which is exactly what I've been doing, and if you don't like my views, well, then skip over them, you see my name before my comment, when you see it, keep scrolling...It's a simple as that....


BGOL Investor
I don't see AEW getting better until there is some kind of board to keep him focused or give him help to take certain aspects under their purview. I hope it isn't based on race either, but too many black champs have suffered this (except maybe Ron Killings when he won the NWA title)

One thing that I think AEW is good for wrestlers is getting the WWE stank off of them. I think Ricochete would benefit from leaving WWE joining AEW and then coming back. It seemed to work for Andrade...until it didn't cause he's back in catering again.
I agree, 100% Until Tony is open to letting go of the reigns, it's not gonna get any better, but we can hope. One of the main issues I have is he seems, again, he seems not to utilize the minds around, and I'm talking guys who have been around and are not active on the roster, that's basically Hogan and Nash type creative control shit, and we saw how that ended.

Ricochet going to AEW would be great for him he'd have guys who would be better match ups size wize and athleticism. I think he would thrive there. Could renew some of those Lucha Underground rivalries.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Isnt it ironic, before, you were fine with me talking about this, by your own admission you've seen that I talk about everything. But I'm leaning bit harder on AEW lately and now its a problem.

How about this, Im gonna talk about who I want, how I want, when I want, which is exactly what I've been doing, and if you don't like my views, well, then skip over them, you see my name before my comment, when you see it, keep scrolling...It's a simple as that....
That's cool...I was just explaining to you that AEW been doing the same thing and run their company they way they do for 5 years now... But you and some of the others always nic pick on the same things that their are doing on at AEW...I'm like come on, It is what it is!!....

Just go and do you and I'll do the same homie!!..It can be simple as that!!..


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
No NBA playoff games last night and the viewership magically jumps back up into the high 700,000's. It will continue to trend up as we go into June.

That's good. With MJF back their numbers definitely should trend upwards.

I saw NXT got a bump this week too thanks to Sexy Red ( can't believe I typed that) and the surprises this week.

Even though I'm not a fan of their shows, I want to see AEW succeed.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
AEW in order for them to succeed reintroduce house shows smaller venues for B or C/ROH wrestlers get hands on work not indys (where they constantly getting injured on). Dammit Tony hire Gabe Sapolsky or Cary Silkin. Even Nigel, Ian or Caprice can booked shows