
BGOL Investor
But he's Smackdown, Speed is like a whole other brand that you can be apart of so you're not just in catering. Ricochete is on RAW and SPEED.
Speed is an online/Twitter thing, it's not brand specific. From what I've seen apparently they're repackaging him, so, we'll see what happens


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
In all seriousness she ain't showing shit on there beyond bikini pics if true. The thing with Aubrey is her body isn't bad it's just her face.
WOW!!!..Aubrey Edwards has a Onlyfans page!!....That's crazy!!... :lol: ...

Now, If Mariah May or Queen Animata made a Onlyfans page!!...And they on there being sexy and freaky on it...I might join..:grin:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think the sticking point here is TK wants more money to cover the revenue he would lose if the ppvs go to MAX. He would definitely need more than $110 million.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A clip from that time Ricochet wrestled Will Ospreay in New Japan. This was from the "Best of the Super Juniors" tournament in 2016. This match was the ultimate flip fest. Ospreay has been campaigning on Twitter/X, trying to lure Ricochet to AEW so they can run this match back.



Mr. Pool
An asshole watches smackdown...A review(for all those who say I'm biased and don't criticize WWE look it up, I'm an equal opportunity dick.)

SmackDown was better than last week, they're still suffering on both brands from all the top guys and gals that are injured.

I still hate how they've presented the new bloodline so far, they are not a threat in any way, they've had their assess kicked over and over and tonight they only won due to a technicality. Solo sucks, tama and tanga are being presented as new day wild Samoan/damn near racist level characters.

Street prophets are pure athletes, they need a better gimmick. WWE sleeping on them.(Wonder why)

Paul heyman is a master and keeps you hanging on every word, without him this would be twice the disaster it already is.

Mini HHH vs theory was good up to the ending, they work well together, enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Theory can work, just another guy wasted on a boring gimmick.

Nia is getting better in the mic, still needs to improve leaps in the ring before I'm hyped in her. But whatever as long as she squashes ugly ass bayley I'll be happy.

Charlotte flairs wife beat up swole Kanye with the help of the three amigos, whatever, no one cares.

Fast forwarded the ladies tag match with Naomi, don't care. Bayley is ugly, Go away.

AJ styles future announcement...
Ok they had me for a little bit until Cody came out and they jammed it up a little bit, still I liked the angle and the crowd bought in big time.

Final thoughts, better than smackdown has been, still needs major story overhauls to make it interesting

Would have been better in the Tokyo Dome.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This morning I went back and watched this week AEW Dynamite!!....It was a good show!!..AEW usually has good Dynamite shows after their ppvs!!...I had to hit the fast forward button on the opening segment cause it was lame ass Mercedes Mone!!..I couldn't watch that shit!!.. :smh: ....The first match with Swerve vs Killswitch was alright!!...The Elite segment was so so!!..Okada is a funny dude!!...That segment with Don Callis and Orange Cassidy was cool...I'm feeling Trent and Kris Statlander as heels now!!..:yes:...Moxley vs Rocky Romero match was a decent match!!...The Casino Gauntlet Match was pretty good!!...Damn Lio Rush came back to AEW to get a show check!!..:yes:..No lie, I was hoping that Jay White would have won that Gauntlet Match!!..I think it's too early to have Swerve and Ospreay have a match right now!!..

It was a good Dynamite Show!!..Minus the Jericho and Mercedes Mone segment!!..:smh:
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ospreay/Swerve at "Forbidden Door". No way they take the belt off of Swerve that soon so they either they fight to a draw or Swerve wins and they run it back at "All In". What I don't understand is if this is "Forbidden Door" why isn't a New Japan or CMILL talent challenging Swerve for the title? Shota Umino should've won the gauntlet.

I think it's too early for Swerve and Ospreay to wrestle yet!!..I was hoping that Jay White or someone from NJPW would have won The Casino Gauntlet Match!!..

It should a damn good match but I think it going to be a interference in the match and the match is going to be over..I won't be surprised that crazy ass Hangman comes back interfere in the match!!..:lol:

But they are not taking that belt off Swerve!!..Nah!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She's a pretty good wrestler!!..You think she's going to wrestle at Forbidden Door this year??

She'll most likely be on Dynamite next week to challenge Toni Storm for the AEW World Title at "Forbidden Door". She has a match tomorrow morning our time at the Korakuen Hall defending the Trios titles (In Stardom they call them the "Artist of Stardom" titles) against Natsuko Tora, Momo Watanabe & Tekla then she'll be free the rest of the week so I fully expect her to make the AEW rounds. AZM will probably show up too as she doesn't have anything going on either after tomorrow.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She'll most likely be on Dynamite next week to challenge Toni Storm for the AEW World Title at "Forbidden Door". She has a match tomorrow morning our time at the Korakuen Hall defending the Trios titles (In Stardom they call them the "Artist of Stardom" titles) against Natsuko Tora, Momo Watanabe & Tekla then she'll be free the rest of the week so I fully expect her to make the AEW rounds. AZM will probably show up too as she doesn't have anything going on either after tomorrow.

Alright!!..The last time she wrestle at AEW was on Collision I think?? was a good match!!...