
Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Since we're in June at the halfway point of 2024 here's my Top 10 women's wrestlers based on match quality, presentation, and character work in that order.

1. Mayu Iwatani
2. Sareee
3. Stephanie Vaquer
4. Giulia
5. Bayley
6. Toni Storm
7. Athena
8. Willow Nightingale
9. Maika
10. Mina Shirakawa


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Toni and Mariah dropped another gem on "Collision". Mariah's reaction when Toni said "My Forbidden Door is wide open" was priceless.

And for those who don't understand Toni's gimmick it's inspired by the character Norma Desmond (played by actress Gloria Swanson) from the 1950's film "Sunset Blvd". Here are a few clips from the movie and you'll see all the intentional dramatic over the top acting. Toni basically took from this and ran with it.

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor

This gem today from Mina in response to Toni Storm. Please keep this love triangle storyline going past "Forbidden Door". I love it. They can milk this story for awhile.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Don't recall posting these, even though they've been highly entertaining

I think I've posted Mariah's but if not,that one compliments the new one.

The Mina interview was fantastic as it accomplished its job of showing off Mina's beautiful personality to an American audience. They didn't even get two minutes into the interview and RJ is already talking about Mina's boobs. Highlights of the interview are at the 6:29 and 12:15 points. I also like how throughout the interview RJ's sarcasm jokes completely goes over Mina's head as sarcasm isn't really a thing in Japanese culture. Overall good shit. TK would be an absolute idiot not to sign her when her Stardom contract runs out next year.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Good promo from Swerve and the match with Ospreay has classic written all over it. We'll see if it can top Danielson/Ospreay from "Dynasty".

Facts!!!...This was a good promo that Swerve did!!... :yes: .....I'm looking forward to this match at Forbidden Door!!..This match is going to be straight fire!!..

Mastermind2002, I got two early predictions about this match brother!!..1. Swerve will get the win(It won't hurt Ospreay cause he got a AEW Title already)..Or 2. Some is going to come in and interfere in the match!!..

This is going to be a hellva match no matter what!!..:yes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Okada has done an okay job but he needs to do a better job booking the champions. Makia's red belt reign has been dry. Saroi Anou's white belt reign has been decent but doesn't feel important enough. He doesn't have a clue on what to do with the High Speed championship as he keeps playing hot potato with the belt between Mei Seira, Saki Kashima and Saya Kamitani. Mina, AZM, and Tam Nakano are just floundering around with nothing to do. He's got to inject some energy back into the promotion. With the 5 Star tournament coming up he'll have the opportunity to get things back on track.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
They did it with Cody/Seth recently where they open the show and set up the main event.

My point is, they continually do it with Swerve and have him open the show AND wrestle in the first match.

IDGAF what you say but that's not how you treat the world champion of your promotion.

Also, why is Swerve wrestling every week? That should be the secondary title holder's job.

The world championship should be reserved for bigger shows or a once a month title defence cadence.
This seems to be booking 101. Not sure why this even needs to be explained..smh


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I am torn about this as people want to see the champ wrestle, but psychologically the champ only wrestles when you THINK he might lose. I know WCW used to do this with its champs back in the day of having their champ wrestle on televised shows. You KNEW Hogan wasn't gonna lose, but for those in attendance they got to see the champ wrestle. That way you didn't have to pay exorbitant amount of money to see said champ wrestle on a PPV.

Also that is a VERY new way of booking your champ as well. Just cause Brock makes it commonplace now doesn't mean that is how it is or should be done. Cody wrestles on TV and again you are pretty quiet.
They did this with the TV title for wcw and they put them on WCW


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It was okay but not better than Moxley/Takeshita, Anarchy in the Arena or Strong/Ospreay.

Mercedes Mone lame ass is straight tripping and on that BS on what she said that her and willow stole the show!!!!...Shit, people are more upset and pissed that they put the belt on her on her first match at AEW!!...That wasn't right!!..

I'm still upset and pissed about it!!..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This seems to be booking 101. Not sure why this even needs to be explained..smh

TK over analyzes ratings and viewership metrics so for the TV shows he caters to that with his booking instead of a more traditional style of booking. For the ppvs however he books in the more traditional way as with ppvs all he needs to be concerned with is ppv buys.


Mr. Pool
I enjoyed the match but I also like a wide variety of things. Not everything needs to be Flair/Steamboat to me.
Listen I get ya, and as someone who grew up loving ECW I like a furniture Match shit show as much as the next guy but imo it was just a giant cluster fuck. From the start to finish it was poorly executed in every way, the camera work, the spots, there was nothing appealing or captivating about the match. Jungle bitch walking around clearly drenched in flame retardant gel gave up the surprise which was also poorly executed. There was no rhythm or reason for anything I was watching and it just fell flat for me and ultimately I couldn't wait for it to be over.

But glad you enjoyed it :cheers:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The way I would book the Toni/Mariah/Mina storyline. Toni beats Mina at "Forbidden Door" but gives Mina too hard of a post match beatdown for Mariah's liking so she steps in. Toni gets pissed off at Mariah for defending Mina which leads to a war of words but they don't do the split yet. Mariah wins the Owen Hart tournament which gives her a shot at the World title. This causes more friction between Toni and Mariah and then one turns on the other and the split happens. TK books Mariah vs Toni for "All In" and Mariah defeats Toni and wins the title at Wembley. Out comes Mina, and her other friends from Stardom like Waka Tsukiyama, Hanan, Xena, and Xia Brookside to celebrate with her. This all depends however on when Jamie Hayter comes back. If Jamie Hayter comes back before or at "Forbidden Door" then the storyline with Toni/Mariah/Mina goes a different way.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The way I would book the Toni/Mariah/Mina storyline. Toni beats Mina at "Forbidden Door" but gives Mina too hard of a post match beatdown for Mariah's liking so she steps in. Toni gets pissed off at Mariah for defending Mina which leads to a war of words but they don't do the split yet. Mariah wins the Owen Hart tournament which gives her a shot at the World title. This causes more friction between Toni and Mariah and then one turns on the other and the split happens. TK books Mariah vs Toni for "All In" and Mariah defeats Toni and wins the title at Wembley. Out comes Mina, and her other friends from Stardom like Waka Tsukiyama, Hanan, Xena, and Xia Brookside to celebrate with her. This all depends however on when Jamie Hayter comes back. If Jamie Hayter comes back before or at "Forbidden Door" then the storyline with Toni/Mariah/Mina goes a different way.

This sounds like a good storyline right here brother!!...I think it's time for Mariah May do her own thing now as a solo wrestler!!...She's too good of a wrestler for having her as a laggy to another wrestler!!..It's really time for her to shine at AEW now!!

Also when Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter comes back...Alot of the storylines are going to change in the Women's Division at AEW!!!...It's going to be crazy!!