
Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sounds like she's just incorporating stuff a certain segment (CAC) of the IWC has said about Mercedes for betting on herself.
Exactly. Looking back, Sasha probably had good reason to leave WWE at the time.
She bet on herself, went to Japan (which is supposed to be wrestling "heaven" to the IWC) and worked on her craft.
Yet, the AEW neckbeards still hate her because she came from "the Fed".
And then we've got "Mean Girl" Britt Baker talking shit as a supposed babyface even though everything in real life seems to indicate she should be the heel.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The angle was dead in the water the minute it was put on paper. LMAO at the tweet saying "The storyline started out red hot".....that shit was lame.
I tried to be open-minded about it when it started but it quickly went downhill when TK showed up at the NFL draft moving his neck around like nothing was wrong in the neck brace almost making a joke out of the whole thing.
His dad showed up for the first time ever on the show and they make no mention of it moving forward. Like it never happened.
And then the characters they have (Bucks, Perry, etc.) working this angle come off as middle school actors.
They can't pull off a credible storyline to save their lives over there.


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
I tried to be open-minded about it when it started but it quickly went downhill when TK showed up at the NFL draft moving his neck around like nothing was wrong in the neck brace almost making a joke out of the whole thing.
His dad showed up for the first time ever on the show and they make no mention of it moving forward. Like it never happened.
And then the characters they have (Bucks, Perry, etc.) working this angle come off as middle school actors.
They can't pull off a credible storyline to save their lives over there.
The Young Bucks as wrestlers remind me of those elementary schools actors in that "Scarface" school play.


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
I don't think Starks and others would join the main roster immediately. WWE seems keen on making NXT a true third brand and signing up AEW talent might be their way of doing so. They may not buy AEW but they will sign their talent and push them better and build around them.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Stardom's 5 Star GP tournament starts tomorrow morning (our time). Should be an excellent tournament. I've broken the day 1 match lineup into match tiers of the matches most important to watch.

Maika vs. Natsupoi
Mayu Iwatani vs. Tam Nakano (Match Of The Year possibility)
Momo Watanabe vs. AZM
Suzu Suzuki vs. Hanan

Hazuki vs. Manami
Mei Seira vs. Tomoka Inaba
Syuri vs. Starlight Kid
Xena vs. Miyu Amasaki
Saya Kamitani vs. Ranna Yagami

Konami vs. Ruaka
Saori Anou vs. Anna Jay
Saki Kashima vs. Risa Sera


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I went back and watched this week AEW Dynamite show!!..It was a ok show this week!!...I heard some of wrestlers couldn't make it to this week show due to flight problems but the show was still ok!!...The first match with MJF vs Kyle Fletcher was good!!..I'm feeling this new gimmick that MJF is doing!!..I like the Heel MJF better at AEW!!.. :yes: .....Bryan Keith vs Shibata match was good!!..It's always good to see crazy sexy ass Mariah May wrestle!!..:yes:...The interview segment with Swerve was nice!!..That Trios match was good!!...The last match with Danielson vs Jeff Jarrett was pretty good as well....

Overall, they put on a ok show this week...Just getting ready for the big PPV coming up!!...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This angle was dead in the water once TK came back from his neck injury and resumed control of the company like nothing happened and didn't fire the Elite from the company.

I doubt that they going to lost their belts at All-In..But, this AEW takeover now is played out!!...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Won't kill her in the ring. CEO, CEO, CEO, CEO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, all know how the match is going to end up to be!!..A DQ is going to happen for lame ass Mercedes Mone!!..She not losing the belt yet cause she getting the special treatment right now at AEW!!...Some Bullshit!!.. :smh:


Mr. Pool
Andrade and Escobar had a nice ass match on Smackdown….shoulder gave that dub to Andrade….
Yeah but I think they handled it good enough with it not being a clean victory, LA Knight is over as fuck right now and Andrade seems to finally be getting some momentum going, a major loss like that to either baby face at the moment might risk killing any of that so instead of a face v face match we get LA Knight vs pumpkin Escobar, and we continue Carmelo v Andrade(who are incapable of having a bad match together) it was ultimately the right call