
Mr. Pool
You really can't blame the ratings on Tony Khan! Going up against the powerhouse of C-SPAN replayed episodes isn't fair and then the cocaine that he does while booking doesn't give him the magical powers that his dealer said it would.

Gymnastic routine vs a fight??? You don't watch wrestling for its fighting prowess! Otherwise you'd see a lot more of this in the streets!

It's all escapism. I can't crotch chop someone and then superkick them, but I also can't perform a hurincanrana either.
Lol true and don't forget they had to go up against Juneteenth... completely unfair!

I can accept the dusty Rhodes tribute by his son vs guys doing clearly rehearsed gymnastics routines, where its clear they are cooperating. The reason fans are resonating with wrestlers like Gunther and bron breaker is because they're much more believable then the flippy indie style "wrestling" which turned fans like myself off for years. There's suspending disbelief and then there's insulting my intelligence. I don't mind a bit of high flying here and there, I don't mind finishers off the top rope, what I don't like is fake video game bullshit that makes pro wrestling look damn stupid.

People can like whatever they want, but the numbers speak for themselves. WWE is selling out their shows and filling their venues twice weekly on tv(plus NXT and untelevised House shows) aew is giving away tickets to run half empty shows where an entire side of the arena is empty, WWE is running ples all over the world selling out and having governments literally making campaign promises around delivering WrestleMania lmao

Aew has zero household names, I could go to Publix with will ospraey, mjf, and swerve Strickland in Florida and we could ship in peace.

Couldn't do that with Cody Rhodes, CM punk, and Randy Orton.

There's a reason for all this but Tony Khan and the cult of aew aka the AEW fanbase don't want to listen to anybody.

According to aew fans we all want AEW to fail because we're just casual fed fans who don't want any company to succeed. In reality(I'll speak for myself here) The best time in wrestling had WWF, WCW and WCW running on all cylinders and hell njpw and several other companies were all eating. I would love to have more wrestling to watch that didn't suck, but Tony Khan is too full of himself to realize he isn't a genius booker and that he shouldn't be allowing the inmates run the asylum. When wcw let Kevin Nash run the show, what did he do? Went into business for himself and his buddies without a care for the organization. To quote Nash "his checks stayed the same no matter what" the young bucks, ospraey, Omega and all Tony's buddies being in charge isn't working, they aren't bookers they're not creatives, they're talent.

Anyway I've said enough lol I already wrote a book and I'm not high enough yet to continue :colin: :giggle:


Mr. Pool
Yep! Remember they had Rhea main event against Nia Jax in Australia earlier this year. Cody may hold the top belt but there was ZERO chance they would have him main event in Germany with Gunther holding the world title.
It's almost like the people running WWE know what they're doing and how to cater to specific audiences. Lol

I'll say it again, truly feel bad for the talent at aew. If properly produced guys like swerve, opsraey, and even bum ass orange midget mjf could get over and reach their potential. But Tony and his evps are so full of shit that unfortunately they're holding back the entire roster.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Real review lolz

Bash at Berlin was a fun and entertaining show. WWE has been hitting it out of the park this year with their PPVs.
  • The opening match with Cody vs Owens was phenomenal. Yes, we knew Owens wasn't going to win but I was so invested in it. Was waiting for Owens heel turn that didn't come.
  • The women's tag match was great. All the ladies did a good job but Cargill looked so much more comfortable than she has in the past. Nice to see Bianca and Jade get the win.
  • Priest and Rhea vs Dom and Liv....worst match of the night. Not that it was bad, I just never cared for mixed tag matches. Rhea is sexy as fuck so I had my eyes on the screen during the entire match.
  • Punk vs Drew.....I have never really been a fan of these strap match stipulations but this was fun and I loved the finish. Very entertaining match and surprisingly hard hitting. Curious on where Drew goes from here but I can watch these two battle it out for the rest of the year.
  • Orton vs Gunther. Perfect bookend to this awesome show. This was a dope ass match and like the opening match, although we all knew Gunther was winning, I was invested through the entire match. The storytelling, the crowd involvement, the atmosphere....
WWE knocked it out the park with this PPV. Their international PPVs have all been top tier. Looking forward to Monday Night Raw

Liv killed it. That riptide/sunset flip move she hit on Rhea in the ring was insane. Then the sunset flip powerbomb she hit off the steps was killer too. Glad to see her add more to her arsenal than just striking moves like every other female match or Samoan match.

I was hoping KO turned on Cody, but I think they are gonna save it for when Cody fights Solo again which no one really cares for.

I’ll say I wish New Day had a match there also just so we can see Woods turn on Kofi finally, but they must be saving it for Bad Blood.


Mr. Pool
Serena Deeb performing the "Paradise Lock". A move done regularly by New Japan wrestler SANADA.

Here comes the condescending master of Asian massage parlors lmao people know the move, it sucks when done right and it sucks a lot worse when done wrong. Now tell us some more about your prescious Japanese wresters that can't draw a hungry samurai to a rice ball.

Please sifu!!! explain to us casuals some more about wrasslin and the Bushido ways!


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Here's a hot take
NXT Kalani >>> NXT Sasha Banks.
She will be an all time great if she stays healthy and continues to grow. Look at how much she has improved in 1 year. She has it all and is clearly a student of the Art.
I was just about to to post about how impressive she's looking tonight.

Yeah man (Booker T impression), she definitely has the goods to be great.


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Roxanne Perez is so tiny. In a real fight, there is no way she should win over a woman of Jaida Parker's size.