
Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Look man, I understand where you're coming from. In fact, after expanding my research to spankba.... I mean consulting some professors and experts over at the university, (yeah that sounds about right) I have a few more question about this Amazon position.

I'm getting the impression that BGOL generally finds the position too wild for any man & woman. But what about two women using a strap-on?

Rhae with the strap hitting Zoey in the AP.
Zoey with the strap hitting Samantha in the AP.
Rhae with the strap hitting Liv in AP.
Sonya with the strap hitting Chelsea in the AP.
Lita with the strap hitting Trish in the AP.

If you guys are willing to work with us, you'll see that there are actually a lot of combinations that really work here.

Nia with the strap hitting Rhae in AP.... too far the masses? OK, OK... Rhae with the strap hitting Nia in AP. :sleazy: (yeah that's better)
The combinations are LIMITLESS!!!!


Mr. Pool
1) I understand where you're saying but historically not every wrestling style/promotion has the goal of making it look like a real fight. That was NEVER the standard of how wrestling should be done. Lucha Libre/AAA, CMILL isn't concerned with making it look like a real fight. New Japan and various other aren't concerned with it either yet these companies are still around. 2)Sure you can make the argument that making it look like a real fight draws more money but is it that or is it the stories being told that draws the money. I don't think people would really care what style of wrestling being performed in the ring if has a good story to go with it. Sorry to go on a tangent 3)I just never believed that wrestling should be done ONE way.
1)Only the promotions who draw money and create superstars.

2)both, stories are told in and out of the ring and when a match consists of a bunch of video game bullshit that pulls your suspense of disbelief and makes you feel you're watching something fake and choreographed it ruins the im ring story. If drew vs punk would have been a bunch of flips, no selling, high spots and gymnastic cooperation nobody would have cared, and no one would remember that match. It's why people actually enjoyed Danielson vs swerve across fans of multiple promotions, it felt real, it felt violent, it felt dangerous and it has actual drama. Not a bunch of ghey will ospraey flippy bullshit.

3) agreed bit I believe the different styles should be used sparingly to make it special and different. The way that WWE uses rey mysterio and the way it used ricochet, it makes the flippy shot more impactful when you see it. In aew guys should be making fights feel real and. Then some wrestlers like Penta should be using lucha style and a few Japanese style, in aew everyone does every style and every thing every match and it's a problem.

Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
Smackdown is sooooooooo fucking boring.

Cody speech

Temu bloodline/solo crying

Ugly ass bayley

Tiffany time/dump truck jax

Mid card. Circus of Andrade, Caramelo, pumpkin Escobar

L..A... Knight.... Yeah!



Don't worry. The Tribal Chief will be back soon enough. They'll probably get him back in the mix during the ramp up for the Netflix move. Then Smackdown should be interesting again



Rising Star
Platinum Member

Look man, I never thought that "Hunter Hearst Helmsley" would take the WWE to the next level. Mr. Tito over on NoDQ wrote a long article about how Triple H learned from his mistakes early and is now thriving in his current role.

Here's the whole column

This is gets to my main point:

Let’s not make any mistakes here… Triple H had his own growing pains during the 2010s when he was EVP of the same things (Live Events, Talent, Creative) and I’ve documented them heavily throughout my columns. While his NXT created great female wrestlers, the wrestlers Triple H signed himself just didn’t pan out as main eventers. Kevin Owens and Finn Balor are his big World Champions from the 2010s era, but neither guy have been sustained Main Eventers. He was EVP of Creative from mid-2013 through the Fall of 2019 and RAW lost over 2 million viewers during that tenure. Yes, Vince McMahon was micro-managing everything, but HHH owns pushing Batista vs. Orton at Wrestlemania 30.

BUT that is called EXPERIENCE… Triple H needed to get the bumps and bruises as an Executive in order for him to succeed later. Lessons learned, my friends… The same thing applies to Roman Reigns. YES, he was overpushed as a babyface and a John Cena clone during the 2010s. The main reason he failed to draw back then was because Vince was micro-managing his character but also because Roman LACKED experience. Roman signed with WWE during 2010 with no prior wrestling experience and he begins Main Eventing this billion dollar company during 2014. Only pure genetic freaks like Brock Lesnar, Rock, and Kurt Angle can pull that off. Roman struggled during the 2010s, but it gave him the experience to be great during the 2020s… Excuse me, EXCEPTIONAL during the 2020s and Triple H has helped Roman grow further since mid 2022.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Okay, so this will be jobber number 1 for Giuila. They'll probably feed her another jobber in a few weeks then it will be time for the showdown match with Roxanne.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That Mariah segment was rather underwhelming. Why is your Women's World Champion doing segments on the Zero hour (pre-show) with Skye Blue instead of having a match on the card? Mariah has been directionless since winning the title. Get her involved in another story.

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
That Mariah segment was rather underwhelming. Why is your Women's World Champion doing segments on the Zero hour (pre-show) with Skye Blue instead of having a match on the card? Mariah has been directionless since winning the title. Get her involved in another story.
Wait they already did it? Wtf