El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
So if Dynamite's ratings are low here's the built in excuse....

Waits for the Meltzer excuse....

"AEW Dynamite was up against tough competition with Baseball season, WNBA Indiana Fever game, Cable News fallout from the debate, Shannon Sharp sex Livestream scandal...but it still finished 2nd place on cable and first in the 18-42 demo, so it really finished number one on cable...."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Mariah/Queen was solid. Glad Queen got spotlighted on Dynamite. I would like for her to get a good feud though. Put her in a feud with Thunder Rosa, Deonna Purrazzo or Hikaru Shida.

The other good news to come out of this is they're finally continuing the "All About Mariah" story by bringing Mina back into the fold. All kind of things story-wise they can do with that.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This should be good!

I've been waiting for this match for a long time. A friend of mine asked what was this about. How could you explain the lore without going



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Waits for the Meltzer excuse....

"AEW Dynamite was up against tough competition with Baseball season, WNBA Indiana Fever game, Cable News fallout from the debate, Shannon Sharp sex Livestream scandal...but it still finished 2nd place on cable and first in the 18-42 demo, so it really finished number one on cable...."
Don't forget about the all-night gas station that just opened up down the road. How you gonna compete with that? :lol:

"Dynamite still finished in 1st place among left-handed unemployed virgins still living in their mom's basement between the ages of 44 and 46"


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
This shit has got to be demoralizing for any professional wrestler.....Fuck Jericho but damn, imagine him or any other talent that has that resume standing in a ring addressing a television camera with empty seats staring back at you....

They were in a 20,000+ seat arena last night and had, what, 2K people in it? Damn....


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Not watching but scrolling through Twitter...Damn if this really happened.....optics

Someone on Twitter said (Paraphrasing) that the Attitude Era violence that AEW tries to emulate wouldn't be enough for their hardcore fans. They would soon start to lean into the homophobia, misogyny and racism from that era as well.

They might be right.