El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
LMAO Retribution is perfect for the Putty's....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A short character analysis from your friend The Pipe:

Vince McMahon is only good when facing adversity.

The last few weeks I have seen more improvement in WWE than I saw in the previous ten YEARS.

Vince made adjustments on just about every technical level.... And now he is actually showing signs of allowing wrestlers creative control over their storylines.

Sasha Banks is at the top of the card.... Which was basically impossible last year.

Vince grew up being beaten by stepfathers in the ass crack of North Carolina. He was almost a full grown man when he started working with his real dad. He didn't grow up as a top dog. He grew up as an underdog.

Think about it: Every time Vince is the underdog, he goes Super Saiyan. But when he is on top.... He doesn't know how to improve. That's why he started the XFL.... He HAS to be an underdog at something, otherwise he isn't comfortable.

He is back to being comfortable in WWE now.

Multi - P Limited

Rising Star
A short character analysis from your friend The Pipe:

Vince McMahon is only good when facing adversity.

The last few weeks I have seen more improvement in WWE than I saw in the previous ten YEARS.

Vince made adjustments on just about every technical level.... And now he is actually showing signs of allowing wrestlers creative control over their storylines.

Sasha Banks is at the top of the card.... Which was basically impossible last year.

Vince grew up being beaten by stepfathers in the ass crack of North Carolina. He was almost a full grown man when he started working with his real dad. He didn't grow up as a top dog. He grew up as an underdog.

Think about it: Every time Vince is the underdog, he goes Super Saiyan. But when he is on top.... He doesn't know how to improve. That's why he started the XFL.... He HAS to be an underdog at something, otherwise he isn't comfortable.

He is back to being comfortable in WWE now.
very interesting.......


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Miz is tone deaf to issues concerning his fellow partners...

I feel they're both right. The black stars past and present really never tried to grab that brass ring. Junk Yard Dog, Koko B Ware, Ron Simmons, etc... were top stars in other promotions. The minute they get to WWF/E they're shells of their former selves.

Jericho had to tell Kofi to "wrestle" Vince once... Titus got suspended for that and he was "playing", so the relationship is different with his black superstars vs his white superstars. Ron Killings himself told the story about how Bruce Pritchard told him (WWE) Wrestling is a white mans sport meaning there is a glass ceiling that black superstars will hit.

Could Kofi had protested for a longer, more competitive fight against Brock? I would have loved to have been a fly on that wall during the pitch meeting.