
A Man Apart
Certified Pussy Poster
I wasnt fucking with WWE during Edge Peak years (so I've never been that connected to him) but that was a tight intro


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
man its tough being a WWE wrestling fan
constant rematches & the same ppl in the main event
ignoring storytelling/continuntity
lack of development of young stars
old heads coming back to challenge for titles

but as bad as it is being a WWE wrestling fan, its even tougher being a black WWE wrestling fan & it aint much better at AEW (they get some slack since they havent been around that long)

I wonder if Sasha got a whiff Becky coming back and wanted to have no parts of it

It's possible the 'E said, "We're gonna to an on the spot triple threat match for the chip and Becky was gonna win and Banks said, F this, I'm out. She's done everything she can do in wrestling. I never watched The Mandalorian but the fact that she got a career in Hollywood bigger than any of her 4 horseman counterparts, why go on the road 200 nights a week when you can do 2-3 movies a year and make more money.


A Man Apart
Certified Pussy Poster
It's possible the 'E said, "We're gonna to an on the spot triple threat match for the chip and Becky was gonna win and Banks said, F this, I'm out. She's done everything she can do in wrestling. I never watched The Mandalorian but the fact that she got a career in Hollywood bigger than any of her 4 horseman counterparts, why go on the road 200 nights a week when you can do 2-3 movies a year and make more money.

Sasha is one of the reasons I still watch WWE and honestly I hope she takes her talents elsewhere like Hollywood
she takes this wrestling shit serious maybe too serious and the WWE has always treated her like shit. Real talk she is already proably the best wrestler ever. Everyone has their best matches with her

she was ok on the Manadolrian but suprised she getting looks from entertainment when she is still kinda rough on the mic
there are rumors that Bray got cut not only for money but because 'he didnt want to play ball' aka took his character/storytelling too seriously and was very protective. I wouldnt suprised if WWE gave Sasha her walking papers cause she also has a history of not wanting to play ball. Her passion is misunderstood and used against her at times.


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
Did that crowd noise sound piped in to anyone? Didn't sound authentic to me. Just asking.

They've been piping in noise ever since the fans came back.

They would make it sound like people chanting their asses off and then show people all over the crowd not saying shit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sasha is one of the reasons I still watch WWE and honestly I hope she takes her talents elsewhere like Hollywood
she takes this wrestling shit serious maybe too serious and the WWE has always treated her like shit. Real talk she is already proably the best wrestler ever. Everyone has their best matches with her

she was ok on the Manadolrian but suprised she getting looks from entertainment when she is still kinda rough on the mic
there are rumors that Bray got cut not only for money but because 'he didnt want to play ball' aka took his character/storytelling too seriously and was very protective. I wouldnt suprised if WWE gave Sasha her walking papers cause she also has a history of not wanting to play ball. Her passion is misunderstood and used against her at times.

Yeah. I'm a Sasha Banks fan over everything. It's amazing what she's been able to accomplish while fighting against these white girls, Charlotte, Bayley and Becky. Look at the top 5 greatest Women's matches and Sasha was in more than anyone else. I hope tonight she stood up for herself and said she wasn't jobbing for Becky so they took her out the match. Way too many other ways to make money then become a puppet for WWE.


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
I swear, if WWE wants to gear themselves towards children, then they need to air these type of segments on Saturday morning shows, not during a PPV at 11pm.

I don’t mind comedy stuff, but a water gun? Smh. Xavier did look funny as Scott Hall though…


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Hope Brock comes back, interferes, takes out Oldberg, and sets up a Survivor Series match with Lashley.


A Man Apart
Certified Pussy Poster
whats the point of protecting a part worker of Goldberg's age
are they gonna run this back? and if so why?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Tony's a true fan of wrestling. He wants all wrestling businesses to succeed because that's better for the industry overall. He wants things to go back to the way they were with the territories where you worked with other promotions and shared talent. All the other promotions are on board with it. The only promotion that doesn't want to work with other promotions is WWE. If Vince didn't have his head so far up his ass imagine the dream matches we would be getting right now.

Vince dies tomorrow, do you think HHH and the Board of Directors removes their Forbidden Door?