Money Pass/Fail: Gen Z grad w/2 degrees breaks down in tears from minimum wage employers after handing out her résumé in NY


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
My salty, West-Indian Gen X heart wants to clown her for her failed endeavors of being an “influencer” (whatever the fuque that is…) but I’m more disappointed at her lack of networking and actuality. She should not be applying for minimum-wage jobs with her resume containing at least a BA and three languages. She could apply right not for any cellular company and work operations or things like that.
The market is tough, sure but I ever found myself out of work I could either work for myself (ain’t gonna front, I wouldn’t make a killing…) or immediately find another line of work with my qualifications.

Boo hoo bish…


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My salty, West-Indian Gen X heart wants to clown her for her failed endeavors of being an “influencer” (whatever the fuque that is…) but I’m more disappointed at her lack of networking and actuality. She should not be applying for minimum-wage jobs with her resume containing at least a BA and three languages. She could apply right not for any cellular company and work operations or things like that.
The market is tough, sure but I ever found myself out of work I could either work for myself (ain’t gonna front, I wouldn’t make a killing…) or immediately find another line of work with my qualifications.

Boo hoo bish…
Well said. I agree, she should have been networking in college. Most of the jobs we want are often steeped in nepotism.


Transnational Member
I tell younglings to take out loans and default on those bitches if you get into a situation like this. Never sacrifice/gamble your family generational wealth on some degree that has now become worthless. You should request scholarships be given to you as a stock investment that is restricted.

I did the calculation on using a college loan than investing family generational wealth into the S&P 500, it was a staggering some of money I would have today. Let say you take out a loan of $48,000 per year for college, and your parents was going to pay all of it, you would be sitting on serious amount of money now. Or better yet, taking this money to dump into the stock market and going to a trade school.

Loan default rates are a valuable tool to generate statiscal data on fraudster colleges, you don't get this when your shit is paid off.
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Post office during winter holiday season, get her osha certification( maybe become a flagger or custodian on a construction site)go to pace university and get her security license, Trader Joe’s, Apple Store, b&h, Home Depot


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It always was a hustle, the GOP is against student loans for a reason, alot of kids go to for profit and online schools.

Truth is the state schools are the best choice, if you CAN afford Unversity of Miami which is about 45k a year do that if not Public community college then state is better

Broward college -> FAU or FIU is much cheaper than let's stay alot of these online hustles.

America is somewhat built of scams and deception, the democrats helping kids cancel loans won't be liked by many.

What happened to "Learn to Code"?

What happened to "Crypto Bros"?

I could go on and on,

The have a fraud Cybersecurity course at University of Miami that's a scam, it's not with UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI but another scam company that got approval to use the name, all fraud shit 24-7 365

Here ya go! from reddit!!!

Short answer. No it's a scam.

Long answer (I'm a currently enrolled student)....

  1. The program is a bootcamp, so don't think you'll get a degree out of it. You get a certificate of questionable value to an employer.
  2. The program just borrows the UM campus. It's actually run by HackerU.
  3. Yes "Hacker. U." the name even sounds scammy.
  4. They do hire local technology professionals who seem to be usually be on top of their knowledge. But the curriculum is so unorganized and lackluster and the org so sketchy that you pretty much have to rely on what the instructor knows.
  5. it costs $16,000!
  6. no books, slides, etc! at any local community college they give you material and books and you work with ACTUAL hardware for like 2-3k. And at least it's a recognized program and you come out with certifications! YOU GET NO CERTIFICATIONS WITH THIS PROGRAM. Just a piece of paper saying you completed.
  7. There are so many students repeatedly failing exams and skipping attendance that makes every student wonder how valuable this "completion" thing they print off for you at the end is actually worth. If graduates are coming out with failing grades and skipping class.
  8. it's $16,000!
  9. The HackerU org is a sketch org run by some israeli corp, not even UM people. It really seems fishy. I'm not sure what's going on.
  10. The HackerU people just are constantly interrupting class, asking for endless reviews, and are just salesmen.
  11. if you reach out to them asking about enrollment they will promise the world and 100k salaries after graduation! and all this BS. So yeah, 16k now, 100k/year later? SURE. Lies. All they want is that sale. And after you drop that money, they don't care about actually teaching you anything or providing anything of value. They even do an a little teaser thing for like 4 weeks or something and make it sound so cool (you'll be a hacker!!) and constantly try to sell you the program to get you to enroll in the full program.
Save yourself. If you are driven and want to make a career change. Go to a local school. MDC, Broward, FIU, etc. Something legitimate and recognized in the area. At least you can come out of the program with actual tech certifications.


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
You know I feel her pain a little bit because before I found my current job I was working in telecom/IT for 24 fucking years and the jobs that was coming across my face was really lowballing me. I know I’m not going to get paid while I was getting paid from my previous job but at the same time I am not accepting anything under a certain amount.


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Dual Degrees and three languages? She better check into going to Europe for work.

My brother lost his job at USF years ago and ended up moving to Madrid to do a teacher fellowship program. He's a full time teacher now and has been living in Spain for nine years and has no plans to move back.

There is work, she just has to think outside the box and possibly outside of her comfort zone.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Dual Degrees and three languages? She better check into going to Europe for work.

My brother lost his job at USF years ago and ended up moving to Madrid to do a teacher fellowship program. He's a full time teacher now and has been living in Spain for nine years and has no plans to move back.

There is work, she just has to think outside the box and possibly outside of her comfort zone.
There’s always work in ny and she’s a girl which means she probably have more options


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Shit this the summer she could’ve got seasonal work for the parks department picking up trash.. she would’ve been good from now till fall.. than become a crossing guard or work at the post office during winter/holiday season.. the trick is lot of times they end up keeping you if you a good worker.. that was the cheat sheet on how to get a post office job in ny..wait for the holiday winter season


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Shit this the summer she could’ve got seasonal work for the parks department picking up trash.. she would’ve been good from now till fall.. than become a crossing guard or work at the post office during winter/holiday season.. the trick is lot of times they end up keeping you if you a good worker.. that was the cheat sheet on how to get a post office job in ny..wait for the holiday winter season
Lolz I had a flashback from when I lived in NYC in the late 90s, when I was in school doing video work, we visited a video production house in the City and I remember they were still making dub copies of Porn.

Lolz when you mentioned she has options in NYC being a girl, that immediately came to mind. Lolz too much time on BGOL.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's the problem with millennials and Gen Z. No imagination.

Best way to be successful is just to simply do what everyone else is NOT doing, and market yourself to a small group of people.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Shit this the summer she could’ve got seasonal work for the parks department picking up trash.. she would’ve been good from now till fall.. than become a crossing guard or work at the post office during winter/holiday season.. the trick is lot of times they end up keeping you if you a good worker.. that was the cheat sheet on how to get a post office job in ny..wait for the holiday winter season

Unless she thinks she is "above" that type of work.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
There’s always work in ny and she’s a girl which means she probably have more options
I moved away from NYC not too long ago where I used to work for the NYC DOE and prior to that, a cellular company. There are certain places that always need warm bodies, but you have to know where to try in order to get your foot in the door and then kick it in.
Still laughing at making TikTok’s as a living.

CPT Callamity

Titty Feelin Villain
BGOL Investor
Dual Degrees and three languages? She better check into going to Europe for work.

My brother lost his job at USF years ago and ended up moving to Madrid to do a teacher fellowship program. He's a full time teacher now and has been living in Spain for nine years and has no plans to move back.

There is work, she just has to think outside the box and possibly outside of her comfort zone.
She might be able to land a job at a U.S. Embassy if she's fluent. I agree, she could go overseas and teach. English teachers are usually in demand and from what I've seen it's not a bad way to spend time post graduation. I met some women who were teaching while I was in Korea. One from NC, one from Canada and one from Australia. Wild chicks but they seemed to like teaching and lived together in one apartment.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Unless she thinks she is "above" that type of work.
When them student loans start coming in and that stomach start growling from hunger she gonna take her ass back to pace university and take that security guard class for that license, than be in some new building sitting on her ass in front of some cameras telling cacs good morning for $17 and better


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Pace University :cmonson:
That will always be known for the back of the newspaper classifieds location to go if you looking to get your security license.. whenever you use to look at classifieds for jobs pace university use to have an ad in the paper talking about security job classes available.. take test get hired early 2000s classifieds


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Lolz I had a flashback from when I lived in NYC in the late 90s, when I was in school doing video work, we visited a video production house in the City and I remember they were still making dub copies of Porn.

Lolz when you mentioned she has options in NYC being a girl, that immediately came to mind. Lolz too much time on BGOL.
Oh reasons I said she has options as a girl cause everyone knew back in the late 90s into the 2000s when it came to jobs especially retail they always trust chicks as cashiers instead of dudes.. from pharmacies, to retail stores, to supermarkets, restaurants, receptionist, etc.. dudes had to get stock jobs especially if you was a minority male. Yeah you guys are only moving shit around we don’t trust ya nigs touching the money.. girls always had the ability to touch the money and was behind the counters..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Well said. I agree, she should have been networking in college. Most of the jobs we want are often steeped in nepotism.
My daughter was 1 of 5 people selected out of 18+k applicants for the Siemens graduate program. She is about to finish her first 8 months in Plano and will do her next 8 months in London.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Actually, I just realized that this bish is the smartest person in the room.
In this day and age, if you want things to happen, you create “viral” moments and reap your rewards. That stepford-looking influencer dropped the hard ER on a post and parlayed it into a media gig. This chick WAS applying via TikTok because it will be seen by thousands, who will take pity and want the exposure of having their company or brand being the ones apart of a “feel-good”, humanity story.

Well played


Transnational Member
First all she has to do is sign up for an IDR - Income Debt Repayment Plan, her loan payment is $0. The real tragedy is if she used generational family wealth on her nonsense degree. First you need to calculate baseline, what sort of income you would get without a degree, let say $20. If the job that is requiring a degree is only paying $20, than don't pay no student loan. If the job is paying $40 per hour, than make loan payments.

I have seen people going to law school with Supreme Court Justices, living on the streets of DC, homeless out.



Many schools working with the private sector/alumi will setup a bunch of entry level jobs so that you walk across the stage with a job. Than after a year if you are lucky trash you on the performance reviews. You are fired from the job and they repeat the cycle every year.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
When them student loans start coming in and that stomach start growling from hunger she gonna take her ass back to pace university and take that security guard class for that license, than be in some new building sitting on her ass in front of some cameras telling cacs good morning for $17 and better

Chose violence again I see?