Most Awkward, Disconnected Politician on Earth


Tensei - Admin
Staff member
No wonder he chose to fuck couches.
Dealing with people is difficult as fuck for this manchurian candidate. His whole body language is lost on how to naturally communicate, and just listen to the conversation he CHOSE to have with normal everyday people. I mean jesus dude, gestapo much?!



To teach the truth to the young black youth
BGOL Investor
Not weird just two dumb fucks that have no business being in any form of authority.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
...I don't condone people doing cocaine...but JD should do A FEW lines of coke before trying this again!!! His awkwardness are like these Red Pill dorks saying it is womens fault why they can't talk to women.

Walz had folks coming out of the back to meet him versus people telling Vance: "I don't want to be on camera!"