Motorola Droid & IPhone Risky for Business


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Interesting article about how Android and IPhone don;t have proper security to truly be a business smartphone:

InfoWorld - The Motorola Droid and the HTC Droid Eris, both available via Verizon Wireless in the United States, proved to be surprisingly good phones in my initial tests. I was surprised that the consumer-oriented Droid Eris is a better smartphone in many key respects than the Motorola Droid, thanks to better UI choices.

But the two new Google Android phones lack basic security capabilities that make them unusable in many business environments, and their utter lack of management features mean that even where businesses can acept their security limitations, they won't be able to deploy them in large numbers. Worse, it appears that the Droids don't support Exchange ActiveSync policies, so many Exchange servers won't grant them access. When it comes to Exchange, Droid doesn't.

Read the rest here. Divine, Apple gets mentioned later in the article:


lotta beef in the comments section. opensource though so i expect issues to be resolved pretty quickly.

there was an exchange fix for the G1 11 months ago but people keep saying the android platform is missing this and that. Problem is people compare the market to the app store. app store has 400 plus fart apps plus other useless has some useless apps but it also has more functional apps....
the comments are iphone user arrogance...they typically run off about how big the app store is and all that but ignore that app store apps have no user retention for the most part and they excuse the app store policies....
there is an android market explosion coming as more 2.0 devices come out...motorola themselves will drop 20 androids in 2010 now add that to the samsung's etc and u have a market full of androids thus demands for more apps will shoot up by the end of 2010 android will challenge every idea arrogant iphone users can come up with about why android isn't as good apple...and iphones will have....a front facing camera and a better compass with a 4g label on it lol....